
The latest planting conditions of licorice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Licorice, alias sweet grass, sweet root, sweet licorice, etc., is used as medicine in root and rhizome, containing glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrrhizin, flavonoids and coumarins, sweet and smooth, with the functions of tonifying spleen and replenishing qi, relieving cough and expectoration, clearing heat and detoxification.

Licorice, alias sweet grass, sweet root, sweet licorice, etc., used as root and rhizome, contains glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid, licorice lactone and flavonoids and coumarin compounds, taste sweet, flat, has the functions of tonifying spleen and qi, relieving cough and expectorant, clearing heat and detoxification, is a large number of Chinese medicinal materials, let's take a look at the planting conditions and planting benefits of licorice!

Planting conditions of licorice

Licorice grows mostly in the north temperate zone, in plains, mountains or river valleys at an altitude of 0,200 meters. Wild licorice is associated with apocynum venetum, Populus euphratica, Reed, Artemisia and Ephedra and other plants. The soil is mostly sandy soil, the soil pH should be neutral or slightly alkaline, and the growth is poor in acidic soil.

Licorice likes the ecological environment with sufficient light, less rainfall, hot summer, cold winter and large temperature difference between day and night, which has the characteristics of light, drought, heat, salt and cold tolerance. It is more suitable to cultivate licorice for four years.

Licorice is suitable for planting in northwest, north and northeast of China, especially in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.

Planting status of licorice

Licorice is mainly produced in the west and north of China. Due to the increasing demand in the international and domestic markets and rising prices, a large number of artificial excavations have caused the deterioration of the environment. Since last year, the State Council has issued relevant documents many times to put an end to the artificial excavation of wild licorice. At the same time, the major producing areas have also carried out strike-hard activities, which makes it more difficult for licorice to meet the export demand.

According to relevant materials, China is the only major producer of licorice in the world, exporting more than 30 countries and regions, and the demand in Japan alone is as much as 10,000 tons. In China, licorice is the most widely used herbal medicine among more than 2000 kinds of herbal medicine, which is known as "ten square and nine herbs, no grass without prescription".

Artificial cultivation of licorice is suitable in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Henan, Hebei, Beijing and other regions. Licorice is a good project for sand fixation and control because of its strong drought and saline-alkali tolerance.

Because licorice is a leguminous plant, its stems and leaves contain a variety of trace elements needed by animals, and they are palatable, so they are suitable to be used as feed for all kinds of herbivorous animals. Because the harvested licorice fibrous root has the same medicinal value as licorice, it can be powdered after rinsing and drying, so it can be used as a feed additive for animals, so licorice is full of treasure.

Planting benefit of licorice

1. Yield per mu: the yield of licorice per mu in one year is 400,600kg, and that in two years is more than 1000 kg per mu. At present, the market price of licorice is 812 yuan / kg, and the income per mu is 30007,000 yuan.

2. Investment per mu: 186 yuan for seed, 150 yuan for fertilizer (base fertilizer + topdressing), 10 yuan for pesticide, 50 yuan for cultivated land (twice), 60 yuan for labor, a total investment of 450 yuan per mu.

3. Profit per mu: the planting profit of licorice is 26006000 yuan. If intercropping is adopted, the comprehensive economic benefit is higher.