
The latest course of Pueraria planting techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pueraria lobata, also known as Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata, etc., is a leguminous plant, which is rich in starch and isoflavones, as well as more than ten kinds of trace elements necessary for human body, such as calcium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus and potassium.

Pueraria lobata, also known as Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata, etc., is a leguminous plant, which is rich in starch and isoflavones, as well as more than a dozen kinds of trace elements necessary for the human body, such as calcium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium and so on. It has the functions of breaking grain without hunger, relieving fever, relieving thirst, appetizers, hemorrhoids and cancer prevention. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Pueraria lobata.

Planting prospect of Pueraria lobata

Pueraria lobata is a rare pollution-free green food, the whole body is treasure, kudzu root can make precious starch, kudzu flower is a good antidote, kudzu leaf is high-quality feed, and kudzu residue is a high-grade fiber raw material. At present, Pueraria lobata is very popular in Europe, America and Southeast Asia, and its price is strong. The market price of Pueraria starch is as high as 50 yuan per kilogram, and the extract Pueraria flavonoids is 20-30,000 yuan per kilogram. Pueraria lobata is suitable for planting in rural and mountainous areas, with large market demand and good prospects for artificial planting.

Variety selection of Pueraria lobata

The purpose of planting Pueraria lobata is to obtain better economic benefits, so when selecting improved varieties, we should select high-yield and fast-growing Pueraria lobata seedlings, such as high-yield and fast-growing Pueraria lobata 119, wood-growing Pueraria lobata, Gange No. 3, Song's Pueraria lobata and so on. It must not be a local variety of Pueraria lobata and crude fiber, otherwise the benefit will be low.

Seedling raising technique of Pueraria lobata

1, nursery bed preparation: choose leeward to the sun, sandy soil, no livestock and poultry harm in the mountains or gardens as seedbeds. The seedling bed is arranged into a ridge with a height of 15cm, a ridge width of 60cm, and an unlimited length. Apply 1.5 kilograms of rotten stable manure or soil manure per square meter. Turn deeply and rake flat, the seedbed is slightly raised in the middle, and the width of the ditch on both sides is 20cm to 30cm.

2. Seeding operation: before planting, the seedling bed should be fully moist, and the selected fine varieties of Pueraria lobata should be fully moist. Take one branch bud as a seed, cut the bud nodes to grow 6-10 cm segments, and scatter them on the whole seedbed. In order to avoid overlap, cover them with 2-3 mm thick fine soil, which is looming in principle, then sprinkle some mature stable fertilizer, cover with a layer of rice straw, and use about 2 meters of bamboo or small bamboo strips. Insert it into an arch on the seedbed, one every 35 centimeters. Cover the agricultural film, fully cover the nursery bed into an arch, and compact it with soil around.

3. Nursery bed management: due to the low temperature during the seedling period, the water consumption of seed strips is small, so if the ridge surface is dry in about 10 days, it can be watered once. When the roots sprout, the moisture content needs to be increased appropriately and watered every 3 days or so to keep the seedbed fully moist. The suitable temperature of seedling bed is about 20 ℃. When the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the film should be ventilated or water sprayed to balance the temperature. When the seed ear sprouts, the covered straw should be opened to avoid direct sunlight and shade properly at noon on a sunny day to prevent burns. Seed ear growth twigs, spread leaves 3, length 5 cm can be carried out with soil seedling, seedling action should be light, so as to avoid injury.

Planting management of Pueraria lobata

1. Land selection and soil preparation: artificial cultivation of Pueraria lobata, in order to obtain high yield, we must first select a good land. First, sweet potato and soybean fields can be used for replanting. The second is to choose sandy loam with thick soil layer and good drainage. Soil preparation began in mid-February. 500 kg of barnyard manure, 500 kg of kitchen ash, 50 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizer or 200 kg of compound fertilizer were applied per mu before soil preparation. In soil preparation, like sweet potato ridges, the ridge is 60 to 70 centimeters high, and the length of the ridge is determined by the convenience of land operation.

2. Reasonable close planting: from the end of February to the middle of March, transplant in cloudy and windy weather, and the seedling bed should be watered thoroughly before transplanting in order to bring soil and grow seedlings. Plant 500 to 700 plants per mu with a distance of about one meter. Before planting the seedlings, put the seedlings on the ridge according to the plant spacing, then dig a small hole, put the seedlings in the human hole, cover the 2 cm fine soil, and compact the soil with both hands.

3. Replenish seedlings and fertilize: after transplanting, the seedlings can be properly rooted with diluted human and animal manure water, and pay attention to inspection, and find dead seedlings and replant in time. When the seedling grows to about 30 cm, it must be bent twice, can be sprayed with 0.3-0.5% urea water, once every 15 days, and can be fertilized properly later.

4. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: when kudzu vine grows to 1 to 2 meters, it should be ploughed and weeded. Although Pueraria lobata has strong resistance, there will inevitably be some diseases and insect pests, especially in the key season of tuber growth from June to August, in order to keep the leaves exuberant, non-residual drugs or lime powder control should be carried out if necessary.

5. Harvest and leave seed: Gegen can be dug in the same year or in the second year. Generally, the starch content of mining is the highest from November to December. When mining, you can dig big and stay small, so that you can invest once and benefit for a long time. Pueraria lobata is mainly propagated asexually, and sturdy and pure plant vines can also be selected as seed strips for the second year, which can be made from 1.5 meters above the stem.