
Distribution of the latest Artemisia artemisia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Artemisia argyi is a perennial herb or semi-shrubby plant of Compositae Artemisia. The plant has strong aroma. The whole herb is used as medicine. It has the functions of warming menstruation, removing dampness, dispelling cold, hemostasis, anti-inflammation, relieving asthma, relieving cough, calming fetus, anti-allergy and so on.

Moxa grass is a perennial herb or semi-shrubby plant of Compositae Artemisia. The plant has a strong aroma, and the whole grass is used in medicine. It has the effects of warming menstruation, removing dampness, dispelling cold, stopping bleeding, anti-inflammation, relieving asthma, relieving cough, calming the fetus, anti-allergy and so on. Sun-dried and mashed "moxa", moxa strips are used for moxibustion and can also be used as raw materials for "Indian mud". Let's take a look at the distribution of wormwood origin.

Distribution of producing area of Artemisia argyi

The producing area of Artemisia argyi is widely distributed, in addition to extremely arid and alpine areas, several throughout the country, born in wasteland, roadside riversides and hillsides in low to medium elevations, as well as in forest steppe and steppe areas. it is the dominant species of plant community in some areas, Mongolia, Korea, Soviet Union (far East) and cultivated in Japan.

The producing environment of Artemisia argyi

Artemisia argyi is easy to reproduce and grow, has strong adaptability to climate and soil, is resistant to cold and drought, likes warm and humid climate, grows better in moist and fertile soil, is artificially cultivated in hilly and low-middle mountain areas, the growth and prosperity period is 2430 ℃, the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the stem is easy to aging, branch, diseases and insect pests are aggravated, and the low temperature in winter is less than-3 ℃.

Planting techniques of Artemisia argyi

1. Propagation methods: the propagation methods of Artemisia argyi include seed propagation, rhizome propagation and ramet propagation. The budding rate of seed propagation is low, only 5%, and the seedling stage is long (2 years), which is generally not used; rhizome propagation has a high survival rate, but the seedling stage is longer (2 months). Ramet propagation is the best, not only the survival rate is high, there is no seedling growth period, the propagation speed is fast, so it is widely used. The breeding of improved varieties requires thick and large leaves, stout and erect stems, thick green leaves, rich smell, dense tomentose, and well-developed seedling roots.

2. Planting density: usually from February to March, the seedling height is 5cm to 10cm. When the ground is wet (preferably after rain or cloudy day), the seedlings separated from the stem base of the mother plant are planted according to the row spacing of 30cm × 40cm. 3 seedlings per hole, covered with soil and compacted. If it does not rain within 2-3 days after planting, drip water to preserve moisture. The average yield of dry moxa leaves per plant is 4 grams per plant, and the per unit yield is about 5250 kg / ha.

3, soil tillage: generally ploughing and weeding once in the first ten days of April, with a depth of 15 centimeters, turning over the garden after harvesting in mid-June, clearing the residual branches and leaves, and removing the overdense stem base and persistent roots, with a depth of 15 centimeters.

4. Fertilizer application: after moxa grass was planted and survived, 90kg / ha of urea was applied as seedling fertilizer when the seedling height was 30cm, spread in cloudy and rainy days, foliar spraying in sunny days, and farm manure, barnyard manure and cake manure were applied as base fertilizer in early November.

5. Water management: the side of the box is shaped into the back of a turtle to make the drainage ditch unobstructed. In dry season, foliar sprinkler irrigation with seedling height below 80cm, and flooding irrigation in the whole garden when seedling height is more than 80cm.