
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Gentiana

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gentian is a perennial herb of the genus Gentiana in the chrysanthemum family, also known as Gentiana, Gentiana, G

Gentian is a perennial herb of the family Chrysanthemum, also known as Gentiana, Gentiana, Gentiana

Growth habits of Gentiana

Gentian likes wet and cool climate, and is wild in mountains, slopes, forest greens and bushes. The temperature requirement of the plant during the whole growing season is quite high, and it has been growing well after introduction in Beijing area. Places with high dryness and direct sunlight and areas where the soil is too sticky and barren are not suitable for cultivation. They like fertilizers. When combined with deep ploughing land, about 8000 jin of fully rotten barnyard manure should be applied per mu and germinate in the middle of April every year. It blossoms in August, the flowering period is from August to September, the fruit matures in September, and the annual growth period is about 180-210 days.

Propagation techniques of Gentian

1. Ramet propagation: the ramet propagation of Gentiana is mostly carried out before the buds are unearthed in early April. All the roots are dug out and divided into small clusters, each cluster should have 1-2 small buds, and then planted according to row spacing 1.3 feet, plant spacing 0.7-1 feet, do not make the buds exposed to the soil surface, so as not to be blown dry by the wind.

2. Seed propagation: the seed propagation of Gentiana can be divided into autumn sowing and spring sowing. Autumn sowing is usually sown in November and sprouting in the following spring. In order to sow evenly, the seeds are mixed with appropriate amount of fine sand or humus. Gentian should be treated with sand storage before spring sowing, that is, the seeds should be mixed with fine sand at 1:3 after harvest to maintain a certain humidity, buried outdoors, under the influence of low temperature in winter, and then take out and sow. The row spacing is 1: 1.3 feet, the plant spacing is 0.7: 1 feet, the soil cover is 2: 3 minutes, and the sowing amount is 3: 4 taels per mu.

Planting management of gentian grass

1. Weeding in time: weeding should not be restricted by the number of times when Gentiana is planted. In line with the principle of early weeding and weeding as soon as you see the grass, do not wait for the weeds to grow and form a barren grass before pulling up, which is both labor-consuming and seedling-damaging.

2. Reasonable loosening of soil: the purpose of loosening soil is to prevent soil hardening, improve soil gas, reduce moisture evaporation, and get rid of weeds in budding. The first year of transplanting should be placed at the point, and the soil should be loosened only once when unearthed in the second year. After transplanting slow seedlings, the border surface layer caused by watering should be removed by hand or iron nail rake in time. Pay attention to the transplanting seedlings are oblique, do not loosen the soil too deep, so as not to hurt the seedlings or bring them out. Generally, after transplanting, the gentian field should be loosened for 2 or 3 times combined with weeding.

3. Timely topdressing: after transplanting slow seedlings, in order to promote its smooth development as soon as possible, foliar topdressing can be carried out twice from leaf expansion to budding and from flowering to fruiting. Foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Yemanbao and high yield fertilizer are used. See the instructions for foliar spraying. 3-year-old 4-year-old gentian can carry out appropriate amount of root topdressing during the growth period, generally applying 100g cake fertilizer, 50g ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and 3kg farm manure per square meter. the method is to trench according to the row space, with a depth of 2cm. Apply the above fertilizer into the ditch and cover the soil flat.

4. Thinning flowers and picking buds: in order to reduce the consumption of nutrients, promote the accumulation of root matter and accelerate the growth of rhizomes, the buds should be removed completely after budding in non-harvested fields.

Disease control of gentian

1. Soil disinfection: soil fertility is high, seedling growth is good, growth is large, disease resistance is strong, and economic yield can be increased at the same time, so it is common to apply 3000 kg of organic fertilizer and 10 kg of diammonium phosphate per mu before transplanting. At the same time, the disease index can be controlled below 20% by watering the seedbed with 400x carbendazim or 800x dimethazon.

2. Disinfection of seeds and seedlings: gentian seeds and seedlings are infected with bacteria, so seeds and seedlings are soaked in 600 times mancozeb solution for 3 hours for 4 hours before sowing and transplanting, and disease-free plants should be selected.

3. Reasonable close planting: in order to reduce the exposed degree of the ground surface and thus reduce the contact area between the plant and the soil, we generally transplant 8 ~ 100000 one-year-old seedlings per mu, and plant tall crops such as corn at a distance of 40 cm on both sides of the seedbed. The main function of shade is to reduce the direct sunlight and yellow leaves and reduce the disease resistance of the plant, but also increase the economic income per unit area.

4. Chemical control: gentian is easy to get virus disease when it is exposed to low temperature in spring, which is characterized by leaf shrinkage and chlorosis, and plants infected with virus disease are first infected by spot blight, so once virus disease is found, 800 times phytopathrin should be sprayed once every 5-7 days, 3 times in a row, in order to improve the disease resistance of the plant and ensure stable and high yield.

5. Destroy the remains: a large number of bacterial spores in the dead leaves of Gentiana are the main source of infection, so it is necessary to thoroughly clean up the countryside in autumn, do a good job in pastoral hygiene, and concentrate the dead branches and leaves outside the field.