
The latest course on the techniques and methods of cattle planting

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Niuli is a plant of the genus Leguminosae, also known as pig foot hat, golden bell root, mountain lotus root, upside down golden bell, big potato and so on. It has the functions of invigorating yang, nourishing kidney and tonifying deficiency, strengthening muscles and activating collaterals, calming liver, moistening lung and so on. Let's take a look at it.

Niulli is a plant of the genus Leguminosae, also known as pig foot hat, golden bell root, mountain lotus root, upside down golden bell, big potato and so on. It has the functions of strengthening yang, nourishing kidney and tonifying deficiency, strengthening muscles and activating collaterals, calming liver and moistening lungs, and has high cultivation value. let's take a look at the cattle planting technology together.

Can Niu Da grow it?

Cattle can be planted vigorously. Cattle power has not yet been industrialized in China, so many growers often make mistakes in understanding, mistakenly thinking that once they plant cattle vigorously, they will have a successful bumper harvest, but they do not realize that there are many different provenances of cattle provenance. There are certain differences in morphological characteristics and yield among different cattle provenances, so selecting varieties with high quality and high yield can achieve a bumper harvest, otherwise they may fail.

Seedling selection of Niu Dali

1. Seed seedlings: Niu Da seed seedlings are formed by seed germination and generally have only one main root. after the main root is truncated, the fine roots are not easy to expand to form potatoes, and the seedling characters are high and irregular, and the yield is not guaranteed. In addition, the plants with many forks, slow growth, low yield and poor quality, and the plants planted for more than two years will only blossom and bear seeds, while the underground tuber quality of the plants used for flowering and seed setting is relatively poor, and it takes 4 to 5 years for seedlings to form yield.

2. Tissue culture seedlings: cattle Dali tissue culture seedlings are produced in batches, with neat growth, good characters and a large number of roots, which can expand into potato.

3. Cutting seedlings: the advantages of cutting seedlings are relatively large. The branch collection of cutting seedlings is relatively easy to collect than seeds and can maintain the excellent characters of the female parent. The content of effective components is high, and the yield is faster, more tubers and better quality than the seedlings. Generally, the yield can be formed in 1 ~ 2 years, and the advantage is very obvious.

Cattle are ready to plant vigorously

1. Refining seedlings: the seedlings of cattle after energetically coming out of the nursery need to be planted slowly before they can be planted. After being placed, the seedlings are sprayed with 500 times carbendazim solution to prevent the occurrence of diseases. The seedlings are refined under the shade shed for about a week and drenched in water once every morning. If there are no conditions, you can refine the seedlings in the shade and sprinkle the seedlings regularly.

2. Site selection: Niu Da Seedling needs more water during the seedling period, so the soil moisture should be ensured, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, the rainy season should be drained in time, and there can be no stagnant water in the border and ditch, so it is generally suitable for planting as long as it is not a paddy field.

3. Soil preparation: cattle vigorously select the land and then weed, turn the land deeply, rake the land, and loosen the soil in the place where it is ready to be planted, with a depth of 0.5 meters. Then dig the drainage ditch according to the topography and set up large ridges and high ridges with a width of 1.5 to 1.8 meters and a height of about 0.6 meters along the contour line. The slope dug a pit 1 meter square and 0.5 meters deep at the planting point.

4. Base fertilizer: base fertilizer: 1 to 2 tons of organic fertilizer per mu and about 100 jin of calcium superphosphate per mu are mixed evenly, then sprinkled on the ground, and then rotary tillage, ridging, or ridging is scattered on the top of the ridge. Subsequently, it is recommended to cover agricultural film, black plastic film is better, the thickness is more than 0.014 mm, the width is determined according to the width and height of the ridge.

Strong planting technique of cattle

1. Transplanting management: the planting density is 30000plants / mu, and the planting time should be planted in the afternoon when the sun is weak. If it can be planted all day on a cloudy day, it should be drilled and dug in the plastic film according to the plant distance, and the nutrition bowl should be torn open at the edge of the hole when planting. Then the seedling belt should be burrowed into the hole to prevent it from spreading, and the planting depth should be 1 cm high or even on the unearthed dune surface. Where there are conditions, drip irrigation can be used to water, pre-lay water pipes at the top of the ridge, and then cover with plastic film to replenish water timely according to soil and weather conditions to achieve the purpose of water saving.

2. Timely weeding: cattle grow slowly at the initial stage after vigorous planting, so weeds between ridges can be removed by artificial or spraying herbicides, so as to prevent weeds from competing with cattle seedlings for fertilizer and water. When spraying herbicides, we should pay attention to spraying herbicides carefully in the case of calm wind to prevent herbicides from drifting onto cattle plants.

3. Fertilizer and water management: cattle are strongly resistant to drought and waterlogging, especially at the seedling stage. In case of rainy weather, ditches should be opened in time to prevent flooding. About one month after planting, after the branches are pulled out, you can start topdressing and irrigate a single plant with 2 jin of compound fertilizer and 400 jin of water per mu. About 3 months after planting, the total amount of topdressing per mu was 40 jin (20 jin of urea and 20 jin of compound fertilizer each), and a small handful of compound fertilizer was applied between the two seedlings, and then fertilized once a year around October.

4. Pruning: for vine type or small shrub type cattle breeds, the growth of plant branches should be controlled by pruning management, so that the underground potato can bear more fruit, grow faster and increase yield. Plants that are not used for reproduction and planting should be thinned and cut off strong branches, inhibit vine growth, maintain plant height, prune as early as possible, and promote root growth with nutrient supply. For the plants reserved for propagation, in addition to the early pruning, 30 kg of Yuhualing No. 2 bottle mixed with water should be sprayed on the leaves. After spraying for 2 times for 3 times, the plants planted in March ~ April can enter the flowering stage from June to September.

5. Thinning flowers and promoting fruit: Niu vigorously prunes some buds when they grow out, leaving not too many spikes, and keeping the number of branches in the plant. Yuhualing No. 2 was sprayed again before flowering to promote flowering and pod setting and to concentrate a large amount of nutrients on the growth of underground rhizomes. After the Beginning of Autumn, Yuhualing No. 5 was sprayed to promote the rapid rooting and continuous expansion of cattle, and the corresponding fertilizer was applied according to the growth status of leaves and rhizomes of cattle.

6. pest control: adult cattle are generally not vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, but a small amount of leaf spot disease may occur in seedlings under high temperature, rainy and humid conditions. 50% carbendazim wettable powder + 80% mancozeb 600 times liquid spray can be used to control. At the same time, Niudao seedlings are vulnerable to Lepidoptera pests, which can be controlled by 1000 times of 5% avermectin EC, 5% chlorpyrifos granules or 2.5% abamectin EC.

7. Harvest and processing: the harvest time of cattle should be harvested when the soil is dry in autumn and winter, and the available arable land should be ploughed deeply between rows first, then harvested manually after loosening the soil, and directly dig potatoes without conditions. After harvest, it can be stored in 0: 5 ℃ cold storage for half a month. It can also be sliced and dried, fresh sliced vacuum packaging, beverage making and so on.