
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of white fresh bark

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, White fresh bark, also known as white moss bark, eight strands of cattle, mountain peony, Leymus chinensis, etc., is a perennial herb of Rutaceae, mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places, born in soil slope shrubs, mountain shrubs and forests. Root bark is used as medicine to clear heat, dryness and dampness.

White fresh skin, also known as white moss skin, eight strands of cattle, mountain peony, sheep fresh grass, etc., is a perennial herb of Rutaceae, mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places, born in soil slope shrubs, mountain shrubs and forests. Root bark medicine has the role of clearing heat and dryness, dispelling wind and detoxification, anti-cancer, high cultivation value, let's take a look at the planting technology of fresh bark!

Growth habit

Wild white fresh bark grows mostly in sandy soil on sunny hillsides, forest margins and low shrubs, and has strong adaptability, like warmth and humidity, light, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, and waterlogging tolerance. The seeds are spherical and bright black, the weight of 1000 seeds is 20g / 21g, and the suitable germination temperature is 1620g / ℃. The conditions are suitable, the seedlings emerge 15-18 days after sowing, the height of the current year is 10-15 cm, and it can survive the winter naturally. The height of the biennial plant is more than 20 cm, and the length of the main root is 15-20 cm. 3-year-old seedlings began to blossom and bear fruit. The growing period of cultivated white fresh bark is about 150 days, it turns green and unearthed in late April, and the aboveground part begins to wither in late September.

Land selection and preparation

White fresh bark is mainly propagated by seeds, first concentrated seedlings, growing for 1 ~ 2 years and then divided into plants. The nursery land should choose sandy loam flat or gentle slope land with sufficient sunshine, loose soil quality and good drainage. Low-lying waterlogging, saline-alkali land or heavy clayey land is not suitable, it is best to have the condition of drainage and irrigation. The soil is ploughed 25cm deep, and 1500kg / mu of rotten farm manure is applied according to the fertility. Make a bed after breaking the clods. The bed is 1-1.2 meters wide and 15-20 centimeters high. The transplanting land should be gentle sloping land and pay attention to good drainage. The mountain area can make use of sunny hillside wasteland, orchard and artificial young forest, as well as the low shrub space of contracted tussah silkworm workshop and hazelnut orchard.

Sowing and transplanting

1. Sowing: White fresh bark seeds are dried for 5 to 7 days after harvest, stored in a cool and ventilated place, sown in autumn from early October to early November, and if they cannot be sowed in autumn, the seeds are put outside for low temperature freezing and sown from mid-April to early May in the following spring. Sowing in autumn comes out early and the seedlings are full. When sowing, hold flat the bed surface, open the ditch according to the row spacing of 12 cm, the ditch depth of 4 cm, step on the bottom grid, sow the seeds into the ditch together with fine sand, cover the soil 3 cm, and sow 10 grams per square meter. After covering the soil, the bed surface is slightly suppressed, and the conditional bed surface is covered with a layer of straw to moisturize, which is beneficial to seedling emergence.

2. Transplanting: the white fresh bark seedlings grew for 1 ~ 2 years and were transplanted after the shoot withered in autumn or before turning green in the next spring. All the seedlings in the seedling bed were dug out and classified according to size and planted respectively, with a row spacing of 25 cm and a plant spacing of 20 cm. According to the root length of the seedlings, trenches or holes were dug, and the top buds were placed upward in the grooves to make the roots of the seedlings spread. Cover the soil 4cm over the top bud, step on it after cover, and water thoroughly after planting in drought.

Field management

1. Seedling field: the mulch on the bed should be removed one by one when the seedling field emerges, weeding and loosening the soil frequently during the growing period, and field drainage should be done well in the rainy season. The 2-year-old seedlings can also be foliar sprayed with 0.3-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate when nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is applied properly during the peak growth period. After the aboveground part withered in autumn, remove the remaining stems and leaves and cover the bed with 2cm of soil to facilitate the seedlings to survive the winter.

2. Transplanting fields: White fresh bark transplanting fields often loosen the soil and weed, and cultivate soil to the base of the stem after each weeding to prevent the young roots from exposing to the surface. Drainage should be done in the high temperature and rainy season from July to August to prevent rotting roots caused by stagnant water in the field and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the same time. Unseeded plants cut off the buds at the early stage of pregnancy to facilitate root growth. After withering in autumn, cut off the stems and leaves in time, cover the bed with soil or cover a layer of fully mature farm manure, commonly known as "capping dung", which is conducive to root overwintering and plant growth in the following year.

Harvest and retain species

1. Harvest: White fresh bark grows for 2 ~ 3 years after transplanting, and the medicinal roots are harvested in autumn after the aboveground part of the plant has withered or before turning green in the next spring. First cut off the stems and leaves on the ground, dig out all the roots from one end of the nursery bed, remove the soil and residual stems, and let them dry in the sun. Remove the fibrous root when it is semi-dry, remove the middle hard core (xylem), and store it in storage after it is fully dry. 2.8kg 3.3kg fresh root dry product 1kg, dry product 300kg / mu, 350kg / mu.

2. Seed retention: strong plants that have grown for more than 4 years should be selected in the seed field, management should be strengthened at ordinary times, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, and drainage should be paid attention to in rainy season. The seeds begin to mature in mid-July and should be picked along with ripening to prevent the petals from cracking naturally and make the seeds fall to the ground. It can be taken when the fruit green begins to turn yellow and the petal is about to crack. Before 10:00 every morning, cut off the fruit when it is wet, put it in the sun and cover it with a transparent plastic sheet to prevent bullets from getting to other places. After all the fruits are dried and cracked in the sun, the peel and impurities are removed and the seeds are stored or sown in autumn.

Disease prevention and cure

1. Downy mildew: downy mildew usually begins in March. Downy mildew usually occurs in the leaves, and brown spots occur in the leaves. A layer of downy mildew is gradually produced on the back of the leaves, which makes the leaves die. 40% aluminum ethyl phosphate wettable powder 200 solution can be used, or 50% Ruidu 500 times solution, methyl thiophanate 800 times solution spray.

2. Sclerotinia disease: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum usually occurs in mid-March. it damages the base of the stem, showing a yellowish-brown or dark brown water-like fusiform spot, when it is serious, the stem base rotates, the aboveground parts fall and wilt, and the hyphae and sclerotia can be seen on the soil surface. it can be withdrawn into the border surface with 3% Sclerotinia or 1:3 mixture of lime and charcoal, or spread with 5% ammonium chloride powder.

3. Rust: rust usually occurs in the early or middle of March. At the initial stage, the leaves appear yellow-green, then turn yellowish brown, and the disease spots on the back or stem of the leaves are raised and scattered with rust powder, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of Dysen zinc wettable powder or 25% fenrucine wettable powder.