
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of the top ten credits

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The ten herbs, also known as rat thorn, cat thorn leaf, yellow bamboo, etc., are shrubs belonging to the ten genera of Berberidae, which can be used as potted plants, often used for garden cultivation and medicinal use. it has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, detumescence and antidiarrheal, mainly for diarrhea, dysentery and jaundice.

Mahonia, also known as rat thorn, cat thorn leaf, yellow Tianzhu, etc., is a shrub plant belonging to Mahonia of Berberidaceae. It can be potted and often used as garden planting and medicinal use. It has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, detumescence and diarrhea. It is mainly used for diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice hepatitis, burns, scalds and sores. Let's take a look at the planting technology of Mahonia together.

The growth habits of Mahonia fortunei

Mahonia is warm temperate plants, with strong cold resistance, not resistant to summer heat. Like warm and humid climate, strong sex, shade resistance, avoid the sun exposure, there is a certain degree of cold resistance, but also more resistant to drought. In the origin of more than growth in the wet canyon and forest below, is a negative plant. The flowering period is from July to September, and the fruiting period is from September to November. Soil requirements are not strict, like acid humus soil with good drainage, extremely alkali-resistant, afraid of waterlogging, and grow best in loose fertile, sandy loam with good drainage. It has strong tillering and lateral bud germination ability, 2~3 branches per plant germinate every year, and the height of the year can reach about 20 cm.

Ten ways to reproduce.

1. Sowing and reproduction: Ten Mahonia are usually sown in March, covered with soil 1~2 cm after sowing, soaked in water and placed in semi-shade, and germinated in about 1 month. Sowing can also be carried out directly after seed treatment is completed, sowing in a semi-shady environment, sowing in a seedbed, covering 3 to 5 cm of soil. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 15~25℃, and germination can occur in about 50 days. The height of the seedlings in that year can generally reach 8~10 cm. During the winter period, it is slightly cold-proof, and the beds are kept for another year. The second year can be expanded and transplanted. Seedlings usually need to be cultivated for 4 - 5 years before flowering.

2. Cutting propagation: Hardwood cutting is suitable for February to March. Cut 1~2-year-old healthy branches and insert them into sandy soil seedbed. Keep seedbed moist. Start to set up shade in May. Spray and keep it diffuse every day on sunny days. Take root about 2 months after sowing. Softwood cuttage can be carried out in plum rain season, select the branches that have been enriched in the current year or use annual branches, the seedling bed temperature is controlled at 25~30℃, and roots can be taken after one month, and the survival rate can reach more than 90%. The rooting rate of shoots treated with rooting agent can reach more than 90%.

3. Plant division propagation: Plant division can be carried out from mid-October to mid-November or from late February to late March, or in combination with spring pot change. Digging up the ground-planting clump plants, or separating the potted large clump plants from the flowerpot, cutting or tearing them from the weak joint of the rhizomes, bringing 2 to 3 stems and a part of intact roots in each clump, pruning the leaves slightly, and then planting or putting them in the pot.

10 planting techniques.

1. Timely transplanting: The management of the ten mahonia plants is relatively extensive. They can be transplanted with soil balls before germination in early spring. The base fertilizer shall be applied when planting. After planting, the soil shall be compacted and watered thoroughly. 1~2 years old seedlings grow slowly, and the third year begins to grow faster.

2, intertill weeding: ten Mahonia intertill weeding 3 to 5 times a year, so that the soil loose, increase soil permeability, conducive to plant growth and fruit. When cultivating, the rhizosphere should be shallow, and the distance can be slightly deeper. Do not hurt the roots, which is conducive to plant growth and fruit. Thinning flowers and pulling weeds in time, loosening soil whenever irrigation and rain.

3, water and fertilizer management: ten Mahonia pay attention to watering in drought, it is best to carry out irrigation, can use furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, irrigation and other ways. Pouring decomposed cake manure or livestock manure once a year before winter can grow healthily. In the growing season, the decomposed thin liquid fertilizer is applied once every 20 days, and the topdressing can be done 2 to 3 times a year. In early spring, the cake fertilizer is applied appropriately.

4. Disease and pest control: When planting Mahonia mahonia, ditch drainage shall be timely conducted, field humidity shall be reduced, ventilation and light transmission shall be maintained, and plant disease resistance shall be enhanced. The main diseases and insect pests include dead leaf moth, lionfish moth, anthracnose of Mahonia mahonia, spot disease, etc. Leaf moth and lionfish moth shall be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon technical 1000 times solution, anthracnose may be sprayed with 70% thiophane methyl wettable powder 1000 times solution, and dichlorvos, metathion and other pesticides shall be sprayed during scale insect period.

5. Harvesting and processing: Ten Mahonia can be harvested after 4 to 5 years of planting. After the fruit matures, it is blue-green, picking fruits and cutting stems. The leaves can be used all year round, dried, rooted in autumn and winter each year, dried or reserved.