
The latest seed price and planting method of Radix Isatidis

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Radix Isatidis is a common traditional Chinese medicine, also known as Isatis indigotica, Isatis indigotica, Radix Isatidis, etc., which is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Isatis indigotica of Cruciferae, which is divided into Radix Isatidis and Radix Isatidis.

Radix Isatidis is a common traditional Chinese medicine, also known as Isatis indigotica, Isatis indigotica, Radix Isatidis and so on. It is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Isatidis in Cruciferae. It is divided into North Radix Isatidis and Radix Isatidis. The source of North Radix Isatidis is the root of Isatis indigotica. Southern Radix Isatidis is the rhizome of Isatis indigotica. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Isatis indigotica.

How much is the seed of Radix Isatidis?

The seed price of Radix Isatidis is about 20-30 yuan per jin, but the price varies greatly due to the variety, quality, origin and quantity of seeds. The amount of seeds per mu of Radix Isatidis is 4 kilograms per mu, and the planting is generally divided into spring sowing and summer sowing. Spring sowing can harvest big green leaves twice. The yield per mu in the south, south of the Huaihe River, 280 kg per mu and 220 kg in the north of the Yellow River, 350 kg per mu and 200 kg in the northeast and northwest regions.

What are the varieties of Radix Isatidis?

1. Radix Isatidis: the dried root of Isatis indigotica is slender cylindrical, the surface is light grayish yellow, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles and horizontal marks, and there are root marks, the root head is slightly enlarged, there is a pit at the top, and there are dark green petiole residues around it. Thicker roots and dense verrucous processes and wheel-shaped gray-brown petiole scars. The quality is solid and brittle, the cross-section skin is yellow-white to light brown, and the xylem is yellow. The root is straight, sturdy, solid and powdery.

2. Malan root: it is the dry rhizome and root of the plant Malan, grayish brown, the rhizome is cylindrical, the upper part has a short aboveground stem, the aboveground stem has opposite branches, the rhizome has dilated nodes, and the nodes are divided into thicker rhizomes and slender fibrous roots. The root is slender and slightly curved, with fine wrinkles on the surface. The rhizome and aboveground stem are brittle and easy to break, the cross section is uneven, slightly fibrous, there is a large pulp in the center, and the root is more flexible. The evenness of strip length and thickness is the best.

Sowing method of Radix Isatidis

1. Soil selection: Radix Isatidis is a deep-rooted plant, suitable for warm and humid climate, drought and cold resistance, fear of waterlogging, easy to rot roots after flooding, general soil can be planted, but it is best to choose land with loose soil and good drainage.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: the planting land of Radix Isatidis combined with deep ploughing and reasonable fertilization, applying farm manure 3000kg / mu, diammonium 15kg, biological potash fertilizer 4kg, sprinkling it evenly into the ground and turning it more than 30cm deep, and then making a flat bed 1 meter wide.

3. Sowing time: Radix Isatidis is suitable for spring sowing in the north and should be sowed late at the right time. If the sowing time is too early, bolting and flowering early, not only the yield will be reduced, but also the quality of Radix Isatidis will decline, and the most suitable time is April 20 to 30.

4. Sowing method: before sowing, the seeds of Radix Isatidis were soaked in 40-50 ℃ warm water for 4 hours, then removed and mixed with plant ash. After trenching on the border, the seeds were evenly scattered in the ditch, slightly suppressed after covering the soil, properly watered and moisturized, and the suitable temperature was 7-10 days.

Planting method of Radix Isatidis

The main results are as follows: 1. Inter-seedling fixed seedling: after the emergence of Isatis root, when the seedling height is 7-8 cm, the seedling will be fixed according to the plant spacing of 6-10 cm. When the seedling height is 10-12 cm, combined with ploughing and weeding, the seedlings are fixed according to the plant spacing of 6-9 cm, row spacing of 10-15 cm.

2. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: the seedlings of Radix Isatidis are ploughed lightly after they are unearthed, and the seedlings are ploughed after fixing the seedlings. When weeds are 3-5 leaves, fine grasses can be sprayed with chemical herbicides to control Gramineae weeds, 40 ml per mu and 50 kg spray with water.

3. Topdressing and watering: Radix Isatidis is mainly topdressing three times a year, the first time is to apply 1015kg urea per mu after planting, and the second and third time is after harvesting. Those who harvest blue roots should apply less nitrogen fertilizer and properly apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and plant ash.

4. Disease and pest control

① downy mildew: spray control with 70% mancozeb 500x solution at the initial stage of downy mildew, or spray with 800x solution of disinfectant alum, once every 7 to 10 days, for 2 times.

② leaf blight: 50% carbendazim 1000 times liquid spray can be used to control leaf blight in the early stage of the disease, every 7-10 days, 2-3 times, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied at the same time.

③ root rot: at the initial stage of the onset of root rot, 1000 times of carbendazim or 1000 times of methyl Tobu can be used to drench the hole, and pull out the residual plants.

④: Pieris rapae mainly harms leaves, which began to occur in May, especially in June, and can be controlled by pyrethroid pesticide spray.