
The latest dogwood seed prices and planting methods

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Cornel is also called dogwood pulp, Tianmu seed, fruit jujube, etc. It is a deciduous tree or shrub belonging to dogwood family. After ripe and dried fruit is pitted, it is a precious medicinal material sweet potato pulp. It has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening kidney and astringent essence. It is suitable for waist and knee acid caused by liver and kidney deficiency.

Dogwood is also called dogwood meat, Tianmu seed, fruit jujube, etc., dogwood belongs to deciduous tree or shrub of dogwood family. After mature dry fruit is denucleated, it is precious medicinal material sweet potato meat. It has the function of nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening kidney astringent essence. It is suitable for soreness of waist and knees caused by liver and kidney deficiency, spermatorrhea and dizziness tinnitus. Let's take a look at dogwood seed price and planting method together.

How much are dogwood seeds?

The price of dogwood seeds is about 20~30 yuan a catty, but the price varies according to the quality, variety, origin and market of seeds. Cornus officinalis is a warm temperate positive tree species, suitable for growth temperature of 20~30℃, strong cold resistance, can withstand short-term-18℃ low temperature, more tolerant of shade but also like sufficient light, suitable for planting in good drainage, rich in organic matter, fertile sandy loam, propagation methods include sowing, layering, cutting, grafting, etc., production mainly adopts seed propagation and grafting propagation, seeding propagation with seed quantity of 0.9~1.5 jin/mu.

The seed method of dogwood

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: Before planting, the seedling land of dogwood must be deeply ploughed and carefully harrowed, leveled and refined, so as to ensure that it is loose, finely divided, flat, without roots and stones. The ploughing depth is more than 20 cm. It is important to combine deep ploughing and apply retting farm manure.

2. Seed collection: Cornus officinalis seeds should be selected from excellent mother trees with strong growth, peak fruiting period and no big or small years. From September to October, fully mature fruits with large and plump grains, no diseases and insect pests, no damage and deep red color should be picked, and the flesh of the picked fruits should be removed.

3. Seed treatment: dogwood seeds are rubbed with 5% alkaline water for 5 minutes, then boiled with boiling water, stirred while pouring boiling water, rubbed for 5 minutes after the water is slightly cool, soaked in cold water for 24 hours, then taken out and dried for 8 hours, repeated for at least 3 days, and stored in sand after 90% of the seed shells have cracks.

4. Sowing method: Cornus officinalis spring sowing seedlings are carried out before and after the spring equinox. Before sowing, according to 30 cm row spacing on the ridge, open shallow ditches about 5 cm deep, spread seeds evenly into the ditches, cover the soil with 3~4 cm, keep the soil moist, and emerge after 40~50 days.

How to grow dogwood

1, planting density: dogwood should be planted 30~50 trees per mu, if intercropping other shrubs or trees can only be planted about 20 trees, the overall department to arrange square is good, good conditions of cultivation should be sparse, poor conditions of cultivation can be dense.

2. Planting period: Cornus officinalis is planted in dormant period, at which time the temperature and moisture are gradually rising, which is the most suitable planting period, generally from December to January of the next year, and the survival rate of transplanting decreases obviously after January.

3. Planting method: The seedling of mountain dogwood should be carried out on cloudy days. The seedling root should be covered with soil. Before planting, the root system should be pruned and dipped in mud to protect the seedlings from damage. The root system should not be exposed to the sun and blown by wind. In the prepared planting holes, 2kg of manure should be applied to each hole and mixed with soil.

Management Technique of Cornus officinalis

1. Hole enlargement and soil cultivation: After planting dogwood, hole enlargement and soil cultivation should be carried out in time, tree tray expansion, soil maturation, good soil conditions for root system creation, and increase the range of nutrient absorption. In the first few years of young tree growth, hole enlargement and soil improvement with a depth of 30~40 cm should be carried out outside the planting hole.

2. Reasonable interplanting: 3~4 years after dogwood planting, the gap between plant rows can be used to interplant short crops, green manure crops or other herbal medicines, but the density should not be too large.

3, intertill weeding: dogwood planting in the first 3 years after the annual intertill weeding 2~3 times, comprehensive finishing of the garden, can be combined with interplanted crops, operation should be careful not to damage young trees and roots.

4, timely fertilization: dogwood fertilization should be based on growth habits and growth, the number of results for appropriate, reasonable fertilization, and pay attention to organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer application, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer application, soil fertilization and foliar fertilizer application.

5, plastic pruning: dogwood after planting through plastic pruning can adjust the tree shape, improve space and light utilization, adjust the balance between the various parts of the tree, to achieve early results, more results, stable yield and high quality, increase economic benefits.

6, timely thinning: dogwood flowering quantity is large, nutrient consumption is more, so that the fruit setting rate is reduced, and the phenomenon of big and small years appears, for this reason, in the fruiting year, in addition to winter heavy pruning, control of flower quantity, March flowering can be thinned.

7, reasonable irrigation: dogwood after planting and flowering, young fruit period, or summer, autumn in case of dry weather, timely watering to keep the soil moist, to ensure the survival of seedlings and drought prevention flowers and fruits, resulting in reduced production.

Cornel disease and insect pest control

1, angular spot disease: angular spot disease damage leaves, remove leaves under the tree before germination in spring, reduce the source of infection, June began to spray 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture once a month, a total of 3 times, can also spray 400~500 times of zinc.

Anthracnose: Anthracnose damages fruits, black fruits and semi-black fruits occur in mid-June, 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture is sprayed at the initial onset stage, and 50% carbendazim 800~1000 times solution is sprayed in the middle and middle of each month.

3, powdery mildew: powdery mildew damage leaves, control should be reasonably dense planting, so that the forest ventilation and light transmission, promote plant health. At the beginning of the disease, spray 50% Tobucine 1000 times solution.

3. Fruit moth: fruit moth eats flesh. Control can be carried out by spraying 2.5% deltamethrin 5000~8000 times solution or 20% fenvalerate 2000~4000 times solution at the peak of adult emergence.

4. Big Pterocele moth: The larvae of big Pterocele moth bite the leaves, and can spray 10% fenvalerate 2000~3000 times liquid or spray 90% trichlorfon 800~1000 times liquid or 40% omethoate 1000 times liquid during the occurrence period.

5, wood lift inchworm: wood lift inchworm (bridge worm) larvae bite leaves, in July larval peak on the 1~2 instar young trees to spray 2.5% of the 500~600 times solution or 90% trichlorfon 1000 times solution for control.

6. Cicada: Cicada adults prick shoots and leaves, spray with 50% phosphorus amine emulsion 2000 times solution, 40% dimethoate 600 times solution or pyrethroids 5000~8000 times solution.

7. Stinging moth: young larvae of stinging moth gnaw on mesophyll, old larvae mostly nibble along leaf margin, spray deltamethrin 5000~8000 times solution, 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution or spray 80% dichlorvos 1000 times solution, 50% malathion 1500 times solution in larval stage.

8. Wood sac moth: spray 400 times solution of 50% phosphorus emulsion on trunk to kill larvae at the initial larva stage. When larvae bite into xylem, inject 50 times solution of dimethoate or 50 times solution of dichlorvos into insect holes and seal them with clay to kill larvae.

9. Scale insects: 50% 1605 emulsifiable concentrate 1500 times or 40% omethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times can be sprayed at nymph stage, once every 7~10 days, spraying 3 times in total, and 40% omethoate can also be perforated at the base of the tree.