
The latest dry seed price and planting method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shegan, also known as Wufan, Wupu, Huangyuan, etc., is a perennial herb of Iridaceae, distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. The rhizome is used medicinally, can clear heat and detoxify, dissipate knots and reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and pain, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, and is used to treat almond.

Shegan, also known as black fan, Wupu, Huangyuan, etc., is a perennial herb of Iridaceae, distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world, rhizome medicine, can clear heat and detoxification, dispelling knot and anti-inflammation, detumescence, relieving cough and phlegm, used to treat tonsillitis and low back pain and other diseases, let's take a look at the price of dried seeds and planting methods!

How much is it per jin to shoot dried seeds?

The price of dried seeds is about 80,120 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety, producing area and market of the seeds. Shoot stem mostly use rhizome propagation, because fast reproduction can also be propagated by seeds, the highest seed germination rate is 90%, when the temperature is 10: 14 ℃, the temperature begins to germinate, 20: 25 ℃ is the optimum temperature, and 30 ℃ germination decreases. But the seed propagation is slow and irregular, and lasts about 50 days.

The sowing method of shoot dry

1. Seed collection: when the dried fruit shell turns yellow from late September to early October, the fruit stalk is cut off and placed in an indoor ventilated place to dry before threshing. After harvest, the germination rate of seeds stored in wet sand is high and fast, and if the seeds are dried and germinated slowly after harvest.

2. Seed treatment: soak the dried seeds in clean water for a week before sowing, remove the empty grained seeds, remove and filter the water, cover the baskets tightly with gunny bags, often sprinkle with water to keep moist, the temperature is about 20 ℃ and begin to show white buds in 15 days, and 60% of them can be sown after a week.

3. Sowing method: shoot-dried seeds can be propagated by direct seeding or seedling transplanting, and the sowing time is different due to open field and plastic film mulching.

① open-field direct seeding: spring sowing was carried out before and after the Qingming Festival, autumn sowing from September to October, ditching and burrowing on the finished border surface, application of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer, covering fine soil, sowing 5-6 seeds, soil compaction, watering, grass-covered moisturizing and heat preservation, seed consumption of 2-3 kg per mu.

② open field seedling raising: spring sowing in March, autumn sowing from September to October, watering the border surface before sowing, water seepage and then ditching, sowing budding seeds evenly into the ditch, covering fine soil mixed with soil and fertilizer, slightly suppressing, covering grass moisturizing and heat preservation, seed consumption of 810kg per mu.

Raising seedlings with ③ temperature: early sowing and early emergence of seedlings can be achieved by increasing temperature and raising seedlings. After sowing seeds with mixed sand storage cracks in the seedling bed and covering with a layer of thin soil, warm water is sprayed once a day in the morning and evening, and seedlings can emerge in about a week. Fertilizer and water management can be strengthened after emergence, and can be planted in the middle and late March.

The planting method of Shegan

1. Land preparation: 20000 kg / ha of barnyard manure is applied on the dry planting plot, 20 cm is ploughed, and 750kg / ha of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate are applied at the bottom of the ditch. Rake fine leveling to make the border, irrigation water into the border first when the land is dry, and then sow when the topsoil is loose.

2. Rational rotation: in dry fields where weeds seriously occur in dry fields, such as Ma Tang, Portulaca oleracea, and so on, flood-drought rotation can be adopted, so that the above weeds can not survive, and the underground stems of some perennial weeds can be drowned.

3. Loosening soil and watering: shoot dry spring sowing to keep the border moist before emergence, loosen the soil and weed in time after emergence, water and loosen the soil timely after emergence, keep the soil surface loose, moist and weed-free. After planting in June, only pull the grass but no longer loosen the soil, cultivate the soil in the rhizosphere in time to prevent lodging.

4. timely weeding: four times of ploughing and weeding in the first year after shooting and sowing, the first time after emergence, and then one time in May, July and November respectively. The following year and then only once in March, June and November.

5. Reasonable topdressing: Shegan applied more fertilizer in the early and middle stage of growth, controlled fertilizer and water in the later stage, applied more circle fertilizer or compost, added 225,375 kg calcium superphosphate per hectare, and should be topdressing 3 times a year, in March, June and winter, respectively.

6. Bolting and topping: shoot stem blossoms in the first ten days of July, bolting and flowering consumes a lot of nutrients, so the rest of the plants should bolting in time, so that the nutrients are concentrated on the growth of the rhizome in order to increase the yield.

7. Harvest processing: shoot dry seeds can be harvested for 3 years, harvest when the stems and leaves of the plant wither in late November, dig out the roots, remove the stems, leaves and soil, rub the whisker roots to the semi-dry, and then dry them to the whole dry. it is better for the roots to be stout and fat, yellow, soilless and without roots.

Prevention and control of shoot stem diseases and insect pests

1. Shoot dry rust

[harm] the leaves of the plants damaged in autumn showed brown protruding rust spots, which emitted rust powder after rupture, and the adult plants occurred early and the seedlings occurred later.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 95% of the rust sodium was sprayed 400 times, once every 7 to 10 days, continuously for 2 times.

2. Root rot of Shegan

[harm] Shegan root rot mostly occurs in the rainy season in spring and summer, which is induced by inoculated seedlings or undermature farm manure.

[prevention and treatment] after discovering the diseased plants, spray the diseased plants with Bordeaux solution of 1purl 120 in time. The seriously diseased plants should be burned out of the field with root soil, and the root holes of diseased plants should be disinfected with lime.

3. Drillworms

The heart-drilling beetle is the main pest of Iridaceae and other medicinal plants of Iridaceae. The adult is about 20 mm long, with a yellowish brown head and long white hair.

[control] 50% carbaryl powder was sprayed during the overwintering egg incubation period, 1.5-2.5 kg per mu, and 90% trichlorfon 800 times when the larvae were damaged leaf sheaths in early May.

4. Grub

[harm] the grub mainly bites on the rhizome and tender stem, and the damage is serious, which can be found in the rhizosphere of the rhizome of the damaged plant or at 3-6 cm below the soil.

[prevention and control] the manure should be fully mature and preferably compost at high temperature. it can be trapped and killed by black light or electric lamp in the field, and the insect container can be placed under the lamp with a small amount of water and a little drop of kerosene.

5. Ground tiger

[harm] the ground tiger is also called interceptor, ground silkworm, etc., the larva harms the stem on the ground, and often bites off the stem from the surface, causing the plant to die, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken strips.

[control] serious pest plots can be irrigated with 59% phoxim EC 700 times or 80% wettable trichlorfon powder 800-1000 times.