
The latest seed price and planting method of Polygonum multiflorum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial twining vine of Polygonaceae Polygonum multiflorum, which grows in valley thickets, hillside forests and gully stone gaps, and is produced in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, East China, Central China, South China, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. Root tuber is used as medicine to nourish blood and nourish yin and moisturize intestines.

Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial twining vine belonging to Polygonaceae family. It grows in valley shrubs, hillside forests and stone crevices beside ditches. It is produced in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, East China, Central China, South China, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. Its roots are used as medicine to nourish blood and nourish yin, moisten intestines and relieve constipation, dispel wind and detoxify. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Polygonum multiflorum together!

How much are seeds?

The price of Polygonum multiflorum is about 15~20 yuan a catty, but the price varies greatly due to the quality, variety, origin and market of seeds. The planting of Polygonum multiflorum is mainly direct seeding, but it can also be transplanted. The seeds mature in about 9~10 months. Select pure varieties, disease-free and healthy single plants as the mother plants for seed collection. When the appearance of seeds changes from white to brown and the interior turns black, harvest them in time, otherwise they will fall off naturally. After drying, put them into sacks or sand bags and store them in ventilated and dry places. Do not store them in plastic bags.

The seed method of polygonum multiflorum

1. Land selection: Polygonum multiflorum has strict requirements on soil. It is appropriate to use plots with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, convenient water source and capable of draining and irrigating. Weeds should be removed in advance after the seedbed is determined, so as to avoid weeds and seedlings competing for nutrients and light.

2. Soil preparation: after deep ploughing of polygonum multiflorum seedbed, insolation for 15~20 days, soil preparation is carried out, base fertilizer is applied, 10 kilograms of high-quality farm manure is applied per square meter, digging is carried out after application, weed roots are removed, and the flat soil surface is finely grasped.

3. Soil moisture management: Polygonum multiflorum is generally sown after severe spring drought, mainly relying on artificial irrigation. It should be flat soil moisture, with soil moisture width of 1.5 meters, surrounded by soil ridges, with ridge width of 30 cm, which is conducive to water conservation and fertilizer conservation.

4, sowing time: polygonum multiflorum best sowing season to March "Jingzhe" is appropriate, too early can not meet the temperature of seed germination needs, too late although the emergence after sowing fast, but the best growth period is short, adverse to seedling growth.

5. Sowing: The sowing amount of Polygonum multiflorum is 4~6 grams per square meter. It is mixed with fine soil or plant ash in the morning or evening when there is no wind. After sowing, it is covered with fine soil and a small amount of farm manure, and then covered with a layer of pine hair.

Seedling Management of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Watering: Polygonum multiflorum seeds are small. When watering, they must be sprayed many times with a watering can. They cannot be irrigated directly with water. After that, they should be watered lightly at 10:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. every day on sunny days. After 20~25 days, they should be watered 2~3 days after emergence.

2. Weeding: Weeds come out first after Polygonum multiflorum is sown. Weeding should be done in time and watering should be done as appropriate. Weeding should be done every 10 days or so, which is very critical to the success of seedling cultivation.

3. Topdressing: 60 days after the emergence of Polygonum multiflorum seedlings, 100 kg of water plus 0.2~0.3 kg of compound fertilizer or urea can be sprayed once every 10~15 days, and 0.5~1% of compound fertilizer or urea can be sprayed in the middle and late stages, or 50 kg of clear water plus 5~8 kg of fecal water can be used for irrigation.

4. Thinning: The first thinning of Polygonum multiflorum is carried out about 30 days after the seedling is unearthed, the second thinning is carried out about 50 days after the seedling is unearthed, and the third thinning is basically done at an interval of 3~4 cm. It should be early rather than late, and proper watering should be done after each thinning.

5, disease prevention: polygonum multiflorum seedlings pests are mainly cutworm and powdery mildew, cutworm can be killed manually or 1:2000 times of enemy spray, powdery mildew before the onset of 1:1:200 times of Bordeaux spray, when the disease with 25% carbendazim 500~800 times solution spray.

The planting method of polygonum multiflorum

1. Fertilization: 1000~1500 kg farm manure plus 30~50 kg phosphorus fertilizer or 20~30 kg compound fertilizer shall be applied per mu of polygonum multiflorum transplanting plot. Generally, fertilization and soil mixing shall be carried out in transplanting pond before transplanting.

2. Topdressing: When the seedlings of Polygonum multiflorum transplant grow to about 60 cm, combined with intertillage and weeding, 30~40 kg compound fertilizer or 30 kg urea can be applied per mu. It is appropriate to irrigate with water and weed at any time later.

4. Scaffolding: Polygonum multiflorum is a vine climbing plant. After transplanting, when the plant grows to about one meter, it must be erected with bamboo poles or branches more than 1 meter high and improve ventilation and light transmission conditions.

5. Topping: When the vine of Polygonum multiflorum grows to 2 meters high, remove the terminal bud for branching. After 30 days, cut off the dense branches and the long branches sprouting from the base to reduce nutrient consumption. Remove the leaves at the base of the stem and the buds without seeds for ventilation and light transmission.

6. Cultivate soil: Polygonum multiflorum is planted in the southern production area at the end of December to increase reproductive materials and promote root growth. Cultivate soil before winter in the north to facilitate winter.

Control of Diseases and Pests of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Leaf spot disease

[Hazard] In the high temperature rainy season began to disease, field ventilation bad disease, damage leaves.

[Prevention] ① Keep ventilation, light transmission, cut off diseased leaves. (2) Spray 1∶1∶120 Bordeaux mixture at the beginning of the disease, once every 7~10 days, for 2~3 consecutive times.

2. Root rot

It occurs mostly in summer and damages the roots.

[Prevention] ① Pay attention to sprinkling water. (2) Remove the diseased plants, sprinkle lime on the diseased acupoints and stamp them. 3. Root irrigation with 1000 times solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder can play a protective role.

3. Rust

[Damage] The disease begins in late February, and it is seriously damaged from March to May and July and August.

[Control] ① Remove diseased leaves, diseased plants and residual leaves on the ground. (2) Spray with 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times solution or 75% thiophanate-methyl 800~ 1000 times solution once every 7~10 days for 2 consecutive times.

4. Aphids

[Harm] Harm stems and leaves.

[Control] Spray with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1500~2000 times plus a small amount of washing powder, spray once every half month.