
Where is the latest Bletilla striata seedlings for sale?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bletilla striata is a traditional convergent hemostatic traditional Chinese medicine, which has supplied the market with wild resources for a long time, but with the decrease of resources, its price has continued to rise in the past 15 years, and the high price has also stimulated the development of wild varieties. Lack of resources also forced it

Bletilla striata is a traditional astringent hemostatic traditional Chinese medicinal material. It has long been a wild resource supplying the market. However, with the decrease of resources, its price has continued to rise in the past 15 years. At the same time, the high price has stimulated the development of wild breeding work. The lack of resources also forces it to develop artificial cultivation. Let's take a look at where Bletilla striata seedlings are sold!

Where do you have white bletilla seedlings for sale?

Bletilla striata seedlings are sold in the planting bases of Bletilla striata in all parts of the Yangtze River Basin in China. Bletilla striata likes warm and humid environment, its planting bases are mainly in Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places, but the scale is different, usually using "company + base + cooperative + factory", implementing "decentralized cultivation, unified management, unified technology, unified acquisition, unified brand, unified sales" mode of operation.

How much is a bletilla seedling?

Bletilla striata seedlings about 2~3 yuan a plant, the highest price has reached 5 to 6 yuan a plant, but because of the quality of seedlings, market and other different prices vary greatly, usually about 8000~10000 seedlings per mu, its planting cost varies with different seedling selection, tuber planting about 30,000 yuan, domesticated seedlings about 15000 yuan, bottle seedlings about 8000 yuan, generally 3 years high yield field dry goods can reach about 500 jin, The middle-yield field is 300~400 jin, and the low-yield field is about 250 jin.

How to choose white seedlings?

1. Variety identification: There are many varieties of Bletilla striata, but only five or six kinds of drugs meet the standard among these varieties, and only three kinds can produce high yield. If you do not have the ability to identify yourself and only listen to the one-sided words of seedling suppliers, it is entirely possible to buy inferior varieties.

2. Seedling selection: The most common seedling cultivation methods of Bletilla striata include seed direct seeding, tuber propagation and tissue culture seedlings, among which the most reasonable and economical is seed direct seeding, tuber propagation has high survival rate and large yield, but the cost is too high, and the survival rate is the lowest.

3. Hormone-resistant seedlings: There will be a gap of 1 to 3 months before and after the emergence time of Bletilla striata, but there are many enterprises abusing hormones and chemical fertilizers to advance the emergence time by more than 5 months. The seedlings used with growth hormone look very healthy, but they are easy to wilt and die after transplanting.

4. Order time: Bletilla striata can be planted in theory all year round, but the most suitable seasons are spring and autumn. Spring is most suitable for planting domesticated seedlings. Early autumn is also suitable for planting domesticated seedlings. Truffles are generally purchased in late autumn and winter. Summer is generally not recommended for planting.