
What is the latest Bletilla striata?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bletilla splendens, also known as purple orchid, glossy orchid, Lianhe grass, etc., are perennial herbaceous bulbous plants of the genus Bletilla striata of Orchidaceae. They often grow in wetter stone walls and moss layers, or in forest margins, grasses and mountain springs. They are widely distributed in all parts of the Yangtze River Basin in China.

Bletilla striata, also known as purple orchid, glossy orchid, Lianhe grass, etc., is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Bletilla striata of Orchidaceae, which often grows in wetter stone walls and moss layers, or in forest margins, grasses and mountain springs. It is widely distributed in the Yangtze River Basin in China, which has extensive medicinal value and garden value. let's take a look at what kind of medicinal material Bletilla striata is.

What kind of medicine is Bletilla striata?

Bletilla striata is an astringent hemostatic. The dry tuber of Bletilla striata is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of astringent hemostasis, detumescence and muscle production, and is used for hemoptysis, traumatic bleeding, ulceration, chapped skin, hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis, ulcer bleeding and so on. The flowering season is in spring, but it may blossom from late winter to early summer depending on the local climate. The flowers are purple, white, blue, yellow and pink, which can be watched indoors in potted plants or embellished in shady flower beds, flower borders or a corner of the courtyard.

What is the effect of Bletilla striata?

1. Hemostatic effect: Bletilla striata has the effect of hemostasis, can enhance the activity of platelet factor 3, significantly shorten clotting time and prothrombin formation time, inhibit plasmin activity, and has a good therapeutic effect on local bleeding.

2, whitening freckle: Bletilla striata has the effect of whitening and freckle, many whitening freckle products on the market are the ingredients of Bletilla striata, you can also use Bai Shu Ling powder, Bai Zhi powder and Bletilla powder to make a mask to whiten and freckle.

3. Restrain sore and moisturize the skin: Bletilla gum contained in Bletilla striata not only has a very good convergence and hemostatic effect, but also can effectively improve local blood circulation, thus promoting epithelial cell repair, which can converge sores, stop bleeding, moisturize the skin and produce muscle.

4. anti-aging: Bletilla striata contains a polysaccharide which has obvious ability of scavenging free radicals in the body, and its scavenging effect is gradually enhanced with the increase of polysaccharide concentration, and the free radical scavenging activity of Bletilla striata is higher than that of vitamin E1.

5. Detumescence and antibacterial: Bletilla striata has anti-swelling and antibacterial effect, it is often used in the beginning of sores, chapped hands and feet, and has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its water extract has an inhibitory effect on Microsporum Audouin.

What are the taboos of Bletilla striata?

1, exogenous hemoptysis, the beginning of pulmonary carbuncle and excess heat in the lung and stomach should not be taken.

2, purple quartz for it, anti-aconitum, evil stone, fear of plum kernel, almond.

3. Carbuncle gangrene has been broken, so it is not suitable to take medicine with bitter cold.

What are the ways to eat Bletilla striata?

1. Bletilla striata rock sugar bird's nest

[material] 15 grams of Bletilla striata, 10 grams of bird's nest and a little rock sugar.

[practice] Bletilla striata is washed and cut into thin slices, and the dregs are removed from the bird's nest. Put the above two flavors together in a bowl, add proper amount of water, steam until cooked, and filter out the residue. Add rock sugar to the pot, boil the right amount of water, remove the dregs and pour the sugar juice into the bird's nest to eat.

[efficacy] tonifying lung and nourishing yin, stopping cough and hemostasis, suitable for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema and hemoptysis.

2. Bletilla striata Sheep liver decoction

[material] 15 grams of Bletilla striata, 100 grams of sheep liver, 5 grams of ginger, spring onions and salt.

Wash Bletilla striata and put it in a stew cup. Rinse sheep liver into slices, slice ginger and slice spring onions. Put the Bletilla striata in a saucepan, bring it to a boil over high heat, add ginger, spring onions and salt, then boil over low heat for half an hour, put in sheep liver and cook.

[efficacy] tonifying the liver and kidney, clear eyes, suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis.