
The latest seed prices and planting methods of Hippophae rhamnoides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as vinegar willow, black thorn, acid thorn, etc., is a deciduous shrub plant of Elaeagnaceae. There are a large number of plants in northwest China. Its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, especially fruits are rich in nutrients and bioactive substances. Can be widely used in food,

Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as vinegar willow, black thorn, acid thorn, etc., is a deciduous shrub plant of Elaeagnaceae. There are a large number of plants in northwest China. Its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, especially fruits are rich in nutrients and bioactive substances. It can be widely used in food, medicine, light industry, aerospace, agriculture, animal husbandry and fish industry and many other fields. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting methods of Hippophae rhamnoides.

How much is the seed of seabuckthorn per jin?

The price of Hippophae rhamnoides seeds is about 50-80 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, origin, market and quantity of seeds. Hippophae rhamnoides is a precious economic forest tree species with the most kinds of natural vitamins in the world. in addition to fresh food, its fruit can also be processed into fruit juice, fruit wine, jam, preserved fruit, jelly, beverage, health products and so on. It is also widely used in soil and water conservation because of its drought resistance, wind and sand resistance, and can survive on saline-alkalized land.

What are the varieties of Hippophae rhamnoides?

1. Jiangzi Hippophae rhamnoides: Jiangzi Hippophae rhamnoides is produced in Lhasa, Jiangzi and Yadong, and is cultivated in Lhasa.

2. Mongolian Hippophae rhamnoides: Mongolian seabuckthorn is produced in Yili, Cele, Nilk and other places in Xinjiang.

3. Chinese seabuckthorn: Chinese seabuckthorn is produced in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan and other places.

4. Yunnan Hippophae rhamnoides: Yunnan Hippophae rhamnoides is found in Baoxing, Sichuan, south of Kangding, northwestern Yunnan and east of Xizang.

Sowing method of Hippophae rhamnoides

1. Sowing time: Hippophae rhamnoides can be sowed in spring, summer and autumn, but it is suitable in spring. When the temperature of 5 cm deep reaches 9: 10 ℃ in spring, it can germinate. In autumn, it is generally late to sow seeds, but only dry seeds are needed.

2. Seed germination: Hippophae rhamnoides should be soaked and germinated before sowing, sterilized with 0.5% potassium permanganate aqueous solution for 2 hours, and then treated with 30% 40% of the seeds can be sown.

3. Sowing method: Hippophae rhamnoides should be sowed with large row spacing and wide sowing area, the seeds should be evenly sown in the sowing area, and the households covered with fine sand should be slightly suppressed. Most of the seabuckthorn can be unearthed after sowing in spring for about 5-7 days, and most of the seedlings will be sown in April of the second year.

Planting methods of Hippophae rhamnoides

1. Soil selection: Hippophae rhamnoides is not strict on soil. It is planted on millet calcium soil, gray calcium soil, brown calcium soil, meadow soil and black protective soil, and can also grow in gravel soil, mild saline-alkali soil and even soft sandstone and semi-stony soil. But do not like the soil that is too clayey.

2. Planting density: about 220 seabuckthorn trees are planted per mu, with a row spacing of 1.5 × 2 meters, dioecious, and pay attention to the reasonable ratio of male and female when planting. The size of the tree seedling depends on the size of the tree hole, generally 35 cm in diameter and 35 cm in depth.

3. Pruning tree shape: seabuckthorn trees should clean up and cut off diseased branches and dead branches in time, and spray Zhuangguotieling at flower bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage, thicken fruit pedicel, prevent falling flowers, improve pollination ability, increase fruit setting rate and speed up expansion.

4. promoting flower differentiation: the year of hanging fruit in seabuckthorn tree makes the tree bearing imbalance, which affects not only the balanced income, but also the health of orchard trees. Brushing Huawang No. 2 once in the period of flower bud differentiation can greatly promote flower bud differentiation and increase the rate of flowering and fruit setting.

5. Disease control: dry shrinkage disease of Hippophae rhamnoides is a destructive disease. Disease-resistant varieties should be selected when planting, and field management should be strengthened at the same time. 40% carbendazim glue suspension 500 times or methyl topiramate 800 times should be irrigated in late April.

6. Pest control: sea buckthorn was sprayed with 2500 times of 25% killing liquid or 20% of quick killing 3000 times solution in the occurrence period of spring inchworm and apple leaf moth pests, and 10% imidacloprid 2500 × 3000 times was sprayed to control seabuckthorn aphids.

7. Timely harvest: the ripening period of Hippophae rhamnoides fruit is marked by its unique color and fruit size, and the harvest time is determined accordingly, but it brings a lot of difficulties to harvest because it has many thorns, small fruit, thin skin and fragile skin, and short stalk can not fall off naturally.