
National Development and Reform Commission: speed up the comprehensive utilization of crop straw to promote the industry

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Notice on further accelerating the Comprehensive Utilization of crop Straw and banning Burning [2015] No. 2651 Development and Reform Commission of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan (Economic and Information Committee), Department of Finance (Bureau), Department of Agriculture (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Rural economy)

Circular on further accelerating the Comprehensive Utilization of crop Straw and banning Burning

Development and Reform Huanzi [2015] No. 2651

Development and Reform Commission of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan (Economic and Information Commission), Department of Finance (Bureau), Department of Agriculture (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Rural economy), Department of Environmental Protection (Bureau); Development and Reform Commission, Finance Bureau, Agriculture Bureau and Environmental Protection Bureau of Xinjiang Construction Corps:

Since the State Council General Office issued the opinions on accelerating the Comprehensive Utilization of crop Straw (2008), all regions and departments have actively taken effective measures. The comprehensive utilization of crop straw (hereinafter referred to as straw) and the prohibition of open-air burning (hereinafter referred to as prohibited burning) have made positive progress, the level of comprehensive utilization has been improved, and the number of open-air burning has been significantly reduced. However, due to the lack of awareness of the harmfulness of straw burning in the whole society and the lack of incentive policies for comprehensive utilization of straw, the phenomenon of open-air straw burning still occurs frequently in some areas, resulting in waste of resources, environmental pollution, and even fire, endangering traffic safety, the situation is still very serious. In order to further strengthen the comprehensive utilization and prohibition of burning of straw, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. overall requirements and objectives and tasks

(1) overall requirements. Implement the strategic plan put forward by the 18th CPC National Congress to vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, and in accordance with the principles of government guidance, market operation, pluralistic utilization, combination of thinning and blocking, and giving priority to thinning, we will improve the straw collection and storage system, further promote the fertilizer, feed, fuel, base and raw material utilization of straw, and speed up the industrialization of comprehensive utilization of straw. We will increase the intensity of banning straw burning, further implement the responsibilities of local governments, constantly improve the supervision level of burning ban, and promote the increase of farmers' income, environmental improvement and sustainable agricultural development.

(2) main objectives. By 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw in the country will reach more than 85%; the number of burning points or overburning area of straw will be 5% lower than that in 2016, and in populated areas, around the airport and along traffic routes, as well as in areas designated by local governments, the phenomenon of burning straw in the open air will be basically eliminated.

Second, promote the development of industrialization and broaden the utilization channels of straw.

(3) improve the efficient collection system. All localities should, according to the distribution of local agricultural land, the planting system, and the current situation of straw production and utilization, encourage farmers and new agricultural operators to be equipped with straw crushing and returning equipment or picking up and bundling equipment when purchasing crop harvesting machinery, and improve incentive measures. improve the service network, and carry out straw return, collection and storage services. It is necessary to strengthen the technical guidance of harvesting operation, carry out such standards as the mechanized returning of straw to the field and the height of stubble, and promote the return of straw to the field on the spot or the full harvest.

(4) to establish a specialized storage and transportation network. All localities should actively support the development of straw collection, storage and transportation service organizations, establish standardized straw storage places, and promote the follow-up utilization of straw. Various localities should introduce policies and measures to facilitate straw transportation to improve the efficiency of straw transportation. Encourage qualified enterprises and social organizations to set up specialized straw collection, storage and transportation institutions, encourage social capital to participate in straw collection and utilization, and gradually form the capacity of commercial straw collection, storage and supply, thus realizing the specialization and marketization of straw collection and transportation.

(5) to improve the agricultural level of straw. All localities should, in accordance with the principle of combination of planting and cultivation and giving priority to agriculture, further increase the intensity of straw returning to the field and vigorously promote the technology of straw biochar returning to field and soil improvement. we should actively carry out recycling and utilization of straw-livestock breeding-energy utilization-biogas fertilizer, straw-biogas-biogas fertilizer, etc., and increase the intensity of mechanized crushing and rapid decay of straw. Livestock and poultry farms (households), residential areas and feed enterprises are encouraged to use straw to produce high-quality feed and guide the large-scale production of straw-based edible fungi. Carry out the pilot demonstration of agricultural circular economy, explore the reasonable collocation and organic coupling mode of comprehensive utilization of straw, and promote the full utilization of straw in the region.

(6) broaden the channels of comprehensive utilization. All localities should do a good job in overall planning, adhere to the direction of market-oriented development, give support in terms of policies, funds and technology, and through the establishment of interest-oriented mechanisms, support the industrialization development of new technologies such as straw substitute wood, fiber maintenance raw materials, clean pulping, biomass energy and commercial organic fertilizer, improve the development of supporting industries and downstream products, and extend the industrial chain of comprehensive utilization of straw. In the areas where straw production is large and difficult to use, straw cogeneration and direct-fired power plants such as circulating fluidized bed and water-cooled vibrating grate should be scientifically planned according to the quantity and distribution of straw resources.

Third, improve the working mechanism and strengthen the supervision of straw burning.

(7) strengthen basic capacity building and assessment. Strengthen the application of satellite remote sensing and UAV to improve the efficiency and level of straw burning fire point monitoring. Improve the statistics and evaluation system of straw resources evaluation, comprehensive utilization and incineration monitoring. Gradually establish the evaluation, assessment method and reward and punishment mechanism of straw burning prohibition with the core of overfire area, incineration and comprehensive utilization.

(8) strengthen information disclosure and law enforcement. All localities should step up the inspection of law enforcement on the prohibition of straw burning, promptly disclose relevant information about illegal straw burning, investigate and deal with fires, personnel injuries, and traffic accidents caused by straw burning in accordance with the law, and investigate criminal responsibility for those who constitute crimes. Implement the target responsibility system, start the accountability mechanism for the areas with serious straw burning and low comprehensive utilization rate, and investigate the relevant responsible persons and those directly responsible.

IV. Promote technological progress and improve the level of collection and utilization

(9) actively support the research and development of new technologies and equipment. All localities should earnestly strengthen the innovation of new technologies in the field of straw returning, feeding, energy, and raw materials, and support and guide grass-roots agrotechnical departments and social service systems to promote and apply advanced and applicable straw comprehensive utilization technology. Encourage enterprises and scientific research institutions of comprehensive utilization of straw to introduce and develop advanced and practical new equipment such as straw crushing and returning to the field, picking up bundles, curing molding, and co-production of carbon, gas and oil, popularize the miniaturized and mobile equipment for straw local transformation, and promote the industrial development and application of straw comprehensive utilization equipment.

(10) improve the standard system of comprehensive utilization of straw. Relevant departments should speed up the formulation of standards for the construction of straw harvesting, storage and transportation system, and improve quality standards and technical standards such as straw biochar, straw crushing and returning operation, straw biochar returning to field and soil improvement, and gradually establish product standards and quality testing systems for comprehensive utilization of straw to standardize equipment, products and process operations.

Fifth, improve the support policy and build an effective incentive mechanism.

(11) improve and implement economic policies conducive to straw utilization. Financial input: according to the actual situation, various localities can co-ordinate various funds to increase subsidies for straw organic fertilizer, straw returning to the field, straw livestock raising, and support for straw comprehensive utilization projects. In areas with serious straw burning, it is necessary to increase financial support for the comprehensive utilization and prohibition of straw burning. Tax preference: implement the preferential tax policy for the comprehensive utilization of straw and effectively promote the utilization of straw resources. In this study, the qualified straw comprehensive utilization products will be included in the government procurement list of energy-saving and environmental protection products and the catalogue of resources comprehensive utilization products. Financial credit: encourage banking financial institutions to combine the characteristics of straw comprehensive utilization projects, innovate financial products and services, and actively provide financial credit support to straw collection, storage, processing and utilization enterprises in accordance with the principles of risk control and commercial sustainability.

(12) to implement policies on land and electricity consumption that are conducive to straw utilization. Land policy: the land for straw collection and storage facilities should make use of the stock of construction land, free land and abandoned land as far as possible. In principle, if the land is permanently occupied, the examination and approval procedures shall be handled according to the rules and regulations according to the construction land. In terms of electricity price: the primary processing electricity such as picking up, bundling, cutting, crushing and pressing of straw in the main grain and cotton producing areas and key areas for the prevention and control of air pollution will be brought into the scope of agricultural production electricity price policy to reduce the initial processing cost of straw.

VI. Strengthen publicity and training to raise awareness of resources and environmental protection

(13) to carry out education and training on comprehensive utilization of straw. All localities should strengthen the awareness of the prohibition and utilization of straw, and increase the popularization of practical technology and training of operators in agricultural vocational education and the training of new vocational farmers, so as to improve the popularization rate of technology. All localities should give full play to the role of relevant industry associations, existing rural grass-roots organizations and service organizations, organize and carry out various forms of agricultural machinery operations and standardized training for straw harvesting, storage and transportation, and vigorously promote practical and mature technology for comprehensive utilization of straw. improve the technical ability of comprehensive utilization of straw by farmers.

(14) give full play to the role of public opinion in guiding propaganda. All localities should make full use of radio, television, Internet and other media to carry out a series of special reports on the utilization and prohibition of straw, vigorously publicize the important meaning of comprehensive utilization of straw, policy measures and typical experience, as well as the harmfulness of open burning, and adopt the form of facing the grass roots, being close to farmers, and lively, to popularize relevant knowledge and technology, and gradually improve the awareness and consciousness of the whole society on the comprehensive utilization of straw.

Strengthen organizational leadership and implement tasks and responsibilities

(15) define tasks and strengthen responsibilities. All localities should strengthen the leadership over the comprehensive utilization and prohibition of straw burning, define the objectives and tasks, strengthen the subject responsibility, improve relevant laws and regulations, introduce supporting policies, clarify the main body of law enforcement, carry out work responsibilities, establish an assessment mechanism, and strictly reward and punish measures. Implement the target responsibility system for the comprehensive utilization of straw and banning burning, decompose the tasks to departments, townships and village groups, define the division of labor and responsibility to people, and build a work pattern of government-led, departmental linkage and farmers' participation.

(16) strengthen coordination and cooperation among departments. To give full play to the role of the overall planning and coordination mechanism for the comprehensive utilization of straw, all relevant departments should, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, co-ordinate and study the major issues of promoting the comprehensive utilization and prohibition of burning of straw, and put forward policy suggestions to promote the comprehensive utilization of straw. strengthen the supervision and guidance of local comprehensive utilization of straw, expand the scale of utilization, improve the technical level, promote the construction of straw collection, storage and transportation system, and improve the atmospheric environment.

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Environmental Protection

November 16, 2015