
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Ramie

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Ramie is one of the important fiber crops in ancient times, which has been cultivated in China for more than 4000 years. Ramie was mainly used to make linen cloth and fine hemp rope in ancient times. With the progress of society, these articles are constantly eliminated, but the protein content in Ramie leaves is found later.

Ramie is one of the important fiber crops in ancient times, which has been cultivated in China for more than 4000 years. Ramie was mainly used to make linen cloth and fine hemp rope in ancient times. With the progress of society, these articles are constantly eliminated, but it is found that the protein content of Ramie leaves is high, so it is often used to make feed. In addition, its roots contain medicinal ingredients of Ramie acid, which has the effects of tonifying yin and calming the fetus. It is also widely used in medicine, as well as papermaking and chemical raw materials. It has a wide range of uses and good planting prospects, so how should it be planted? Let's take a look at the pro-farm network.

1. Choose a place to build a garden

Ramie is a temperature-loving short-day plant, which is more suitable for planting in temperate and subtropical climates, so it is best to choose areas with leeward direction and good drainage, but the intensity of light should not be too strong, and the low water level below 1 meter should not be planted. It can adapt to sandy soil to clay soil, but the soil with loose soil grows best.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

There are many propagation methods of Ramie, the common one is root propagation, but at that time there are perennial old plants as the premise, just planting or choose the method of sowing and propagation. The sowing time is from early March to early April. Choose the market conditions as the seedbed, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, rake fine and level the seeds. Generally, the germination rate of sowing is 30%, and the sowing amount per mu is about 1 jin. When sowing, sow seeds with fine mud or plant ash, pour water once before sowing, cover a layer of fine soil and plant ash after sowing, and then cover a layer of rice straw and crop straw, heat preservation and moisture. After sowing, keep the soil moist, after emergence, with the growth of seedlings, gradually remove the mulch, wait for the seedlings to grow 6 true leaves can be removed completely.

3. Weeding between seedlings

Transplanting seedlings in time in seedling stage can make seedlings grow rapidly and increase yield. Generally, the seedlings should be interspersed once during the period of 4 leaves and the second time with 6 leaves. The plant spacing is 4-5cm, and 400-500 plants can be planted per square meter. At the same time, diseased plants and weak seedlings can be removed, weeds can be removed, and pesticides can be sprayed to control diseases and insect pests. During this period, there are 1-2 times of intertillage to loosen the soil in time, once in the budding stage, shallow ploughing to assist sprouting, and a layer of 4-5cm ploughing in the closed period.

4. Fertilizer and water management

After the mulch is removed, the soil should be often watered to keep the soil moist, and appropriate fertilization can be combined with watering at the 3-4 leaf stage. At this time, some urine fertilizer can be applied appropriately, once a week, 2-3 times. When the seedlings grow to about 20cm, it is necessary to apply seedling fertilizer to promote the rapid growth of seedlings, and pay attention to a long stalk fertilizer around 60cm. Fertilizer is generally dominated by human and animal feces and urine, cake fertilizer or urea. Generally, human and animal manure and urine farm fertilizer 1000kg, cake fertilizer 100kg and urea 20kg are applied per mu, and a small amount of boron fertilizer can be applied in the peak growing season to increase yield.

5. Harvest

Ramie is a crop harvested many times, the first harvest is in late May or early June, the first harvest is early, which promotes the early development of Ramie, and the above work is repeated after harvest. The same interseedling weeding and fertilizer and water management, the second hemp is usually in late July, after harvest, ploughing, weeding and fertilization, but also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to promote the healthy growth of the three hemp. In the growing season in late summer and early autumn, the disease is more serious and the climate changes greatly. In addition to diseases and insect pests, there are also summer drought, autumn drought and flood prevention measures. San Ma can be harvested in late October or early November.

The above is the planting technology of Ramie brought by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.