
How to plant the latest pepper?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The market situation of pepper is very good in recent years. Although it is only used as a condiment, it can be used in a wide range. Adding a little pepper, pepper sauce or pepper oil to many delicacies will make it more delicious. And now pepper is in the market.

The market situation of pepper is very good in recent years. Although it is only used as a condiment, it can be used in a wide range. Adding a little pepper, pepper sauce or pepper oil to many delicacies will make it more delicious. And now the pattern of pepper in the market is getting wider and wider, and it is also loved by the majority of food lovers. Today, let's learn how to grow pepper. How can it be better? Let's take a look at that.

1. Land selection and preparation

We need to select two sites for pepper planting, the first is the seedbed land, and the second is the planting land. for the seedbed land, we have to choose flat land with relatively low wind, adequate water supply, good drainage and irrigation, and sufficient soil fertility. on the other hand, the planting land only needs soil with good drainage, sufficient fertility and sufficient soil. The soil of the seedbed should be fine, at the same time, the stones and other substances in the soil should be cleared out, then sprinkle with appropriate amount of organic fertilizer or plant ash, and finally open the ditch. And planting land preparation can choose the way of full reclamation can also choose the way of hole reclamation, but it should be noted that the planting land had better have a certain slope, at the same time to set up a good ditch, so as to facilitate drainage.

2. Scientific sowing

There are two main ways of pepper sowing, namely, cutting planting and seed breeding, the growth cycle of planting seedlings will be longer, while the growth cycle of cutting planting will be relatively faster. Seed breeding is mainly to spread the seeds evenly on the whole seedbed, pour an appropriate amount of water, and then cover the film to promote seedlings, while cutting planting can be cut directly to the planting site, but if conditions permit, it is best to raise seedlings in the seedbed first, and then transplant. Pepper seeds should be planted with full, glossy, pest-free seeds, while cuttings only need undamaged seedlings with a length of about 20 centimeters.

3. Reasonable close planting

When the pepper seedlings grow to about 40 centimeters, we can transplant. When transplanting, we try to carry as much soil as possible on the seedlings. We must be careful when digging the seedlings. Do not hurt the roots of the pepper seedlings. This will reduce the survival rate of the pepper seedlings. Finally, it is planted according to the distance of three meters per row and about two meters per plant, and watering should be carried out in time after planting to ensure the survival rate of pepper seedlings.

4. Field management

About 10 to 15 days after planting, we fertilize reasonably according to the weight of 30 jin per plant, pull out the weeds in the field, and carry out them together with intertillage, which can improve the permeability of the soil and promote the absorption of nutrients to pepper seedlings. Pepper is a perennial plant, so its field management needs to carry out specific operations according to specific growth conditions and growth cycle. for example, three-year pepper trees are mainly potash and phosphate fertilizers in their fruiting period. at the same time, it also needs an appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, while five years later pepper trees need to pay more attention to winter conservation fertilizer.

5. Pruning and shaping

The branches and leaves of the pepper tree grow and develop rapidly, so in the process of its growth, we need reasonable pruning and shaping. First of all, during the growing period of the pepper family, we need to trim the impurities at the bottom. Wait until it grows to a certain height, cut off the tip branches and leaves, let it grow horizontally as much as possible, and wait until the fruiting period, in order to increase the yield of pepper. We need to prune the densely growing branches and leaves according to the principle of keeping big to small, strong to weak, and after pepper harvest, we need to cut off the diseased branches, insect branches and weak branches of pepper trees, so as to ensure next year's yield.