
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Radix Isatidis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Radix Isatidis, also known as Isatis indigotica and indigo, is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which we are no stranger to. It mainly treats colds, fever, sore throat and other symptoms, and is often taken when we are young. Banlangen has great market demand and broad market prospects.

Radix Isatidis, also known as Isatis indigotica and indigo, is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which we are no stranger to. It mainly treats colds, fever, sore throat and other symptoms, and is often taken when we are young. Banlangen has a great market demand and broad market prospects, and it has symptoms in various parts of our country. with the increase of demand, its planting area is not only expanding, but also with the editor to understand the planting technology.

1. Land selection and fertilization

Radix Isatidis is a biennial herb, which grows on the ground in the first year and begins to sob in the second year. It likes warm climate, cold resistance and fear of waterlogging. Therefore, when planting, we should choose sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage or soil rich in humus. Clean up the weeds and residual plants on the land, apply 3000 kg of farm manure per mu in combination with ploughing, rake fine and level it, and then make beds or ridges.

2. Sowing seeds

In May, the mature seeds are collected, dried and stored, and sowed in the coming year. Soak the seeds in warm water of 40 degrees before sowing for 3-4 hours. After being fished out, they are mixed with plant ash or other chemicals before sowing. The sowing time is chosen in late April, opening a 2cm deep ditch on the border or ridge, reasonably controlling the row spacing of the plant, sowing the seeds evenly in the ditch, then covering the soil and stepping on the soil, watering to keep the soil water content at 60% Mui 70%. Generally, seedlings can emerge after a week.

3. Seedling stage management

When the seedlings grow to 4-5cm, the seedlings should be fixed, and the distance between seedlings should be controlled at 3-4cm. After the seedlings are fixed, the soil should not be too wet, and the roots should be bound to find water, which is beneficial to the root growth. In the later stage of growth, it is necessary to keep the soil moist at all times, promote the absorption of nutrients by seedlings, grow as soon as possible, and do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention measures in the rainy season to avoid excessive water accumulation leading to rotting roots.

4. Field management

In the whole growth period, it is necessary to plough and weed three times, and once when the seedlings are fixed, the general depth of loosening soil is 15-20cm. At this time, herbicides should not be used for weeding. Manual weeding is recommended. The second time is at the end of June, when the depth of loosening soil is 20-25cm, and the third time is at the end of September. If herbicides are used in the last two weeds, less harmful agents are recommended. It is necessary to top fertilize once after each leaf cutting to promote plant recovery as soon as possible, generally 40-50 kg of ammonium sulfate per mu and 10 kg of calcium-phosphorus compound fertilizer. It is recommended to water immediately after fertilization to dilute the fertilizer concentration and speed up plant absorption.

The above is the planting technology of Radix Isatidis, hope to help you, want to know more about the planting of medicinal materials, please pay attention to us.