
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Cornus officinalis

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Dogwood is very popular in ancient times, such as the ninth day of the ninth lunar month Double-ninth Day is also known as the dogwood festival. The main varieties of Cornus officinalis are Cornus officinalis, Evodia rutaecarpa, Cornus officinalis and Cornus officinalis. Today, what we mainly need to know is the cultivation of Cornus officinalis.

Dogwood is very popular in ancient times, such as the ninth day of the ninth lunar month Double-ninth Day is also known as the dogwood festival. The main varieties of Cornus officinalis are Cornus officinalis, Evodia rutaecarpa, Cornus officinalis and Cornus officinalis. Today, we mainly need to know the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cornus officinalis. Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Soil and fertilizer management

Cornus officinalis is generally suitable for planting in weakly acidic soils with sufficient soil fertility, convenient drainage and irrigation, and rich humus in the soil. Because Cornus officinalis needs a large amount of fertilizer, it is necessary to re-apply base fertilizer during soil preparation. Deep ploughing the land, fine farming, leveling the ground, and then fertilizing according to the need for 3,000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu, opening ditches to make beds, which are about 1.5 meters wide and 10 centimeters high, and the ditches blend with each other.

2. Mode of reproduction

There are three main ways of reproduction of Cornus officinalis. The first is sowing and transplanting, all of which are planted with seeds. Sowing time can be spring or autumn, using strip sowing, row spacing of about 25 to 30 centimeters. The second is striping propagation, and the planting time is also in spring and autumn. The third is cutting propagation, its best planting time is every May, select excellent branches cut into about 18 centimeters long, and then cut into the soil according to a certain distance, cover the film, and strengthen water and fertilizer management.

3. Field management

After planting, it is basically necessary to carry out intertillage and weeding about three times a year, once in spring, summer and autumn, which can enhance soil permeability and promote root growth. After the dogwood survives, it is basically necessary to topdressing two or three times a year. The most common is to apply fertilizer once a year in spring and autumn, which are mainly barnyard manure or compost. After the fruit of Cornus officinalis, the most common thing is to apply urea once in spring sprouting, then gibberellin aqueous solution when the flowers bloom, and spray the right amount of boron fertilizer in the young fruit stage. Finally, it is necessary to irrigate and prune branches and leaves reasonably.

4. Disease and pest control

The main disease of Cornus officinalis is anthracnose. The peak of the disease is usually in September and October every year, while the initial onset of the disease is usually around the beginning of June. The method of prevention and treatment is to spray Bordeaux liquid, usually two to three times, about once a week. The most common pests are fruit moth and wood eraser inchworm, which can be sprayed with deltamethrin EC and trichlorfon crystal at the same time.

5. Points for attention

Although the planting of Cornus officinalis is simple, it is also something we should pay attention to. Cornus officinalis is a warm and positive plant, so the temperature suitable for its growth is between 20 and 30 degrees, and the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise it will be stunted, so we should pay attention to the adjustment of temperature in the process of planting. Although Cornus officinalis likes light, it should pay attention to shade in summer. Direct sunlight should not be carried out. It is better to scatter light.

That's all the editor wants to share with you today. I believe you also have a certain understanding of the cultivation of Cornus officinalis. If you have any other questions, please remember to leave a message to the editor in time. At the same time, you can also pay attention to us and get more valuable planting knowledge.