
About Han Lan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jian Lan Cui'e, descended from the mountain in 2006, the flower diameter is about 4cm, a new variety.

On the change and convergence of Han Lan's aesthetic concept

In the early days of the development and cultivation of Han orchid in China, even for a long time in recent years, the selection and breeding of cold flowers were mainly petal flowers (so-called cold orchid soft and hard flowers), strange butterfly flowers (odd butterfly flowers) and vegetarian hearts. This idea of flower selection undoubtedly draws lessons from the traditional breeding methods of Cymbidium, Cymbidium and other orchids, but for Han Orchid, it has great limitations. Therefore, in the early stage of Han Lan breeding, many of the poor friends in various places lost because they missed some varieties, which is also the loss of the cold world. In the early days, there were many orchid friends who were involved in the cold world, because the concept of Han Lan's breeding (appreciation) was vague, and they often picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons. There used to be a lot of cold orchids with tens of thousands of seedlings, strange flowers and butterfly flowers, but now few people pay attention to them. This phenomenon tells us that rarity does not always represent beauty. For things with artistic connotations, the principle that scarcity is precious must first have a sense of beauty before it will be valuable. Of course, Han Lan also appeared a lot of authentic products, color coordination of Mei Xian, Qi Hua, butterfly, and has been sought after by Han Lan lovers.

With the continuous growth of the cold team and the continuous maturity of cold experience, the level of appreciation of Han Orchid has been greatly improved and broken through. Especially after Mr. Yang Dahua, a friend of Fujian Orchid, put forward the theory of "Han Lan's form and meaning aesthetics", it brightened the eyes of many poor friends. It turns out that the beauty of cold orchid lies in her posture and the artistic conception shown by the mutual contrast of cold orchid leaves. This is the unique beauty of Han Lan in the national orchid: the slender and tall arrows stand proudly in the air, the spaced inflorescences are scattered, the narrow and stretched petals dance with the wind, and these are gracefully matched with Han Lan's elegant and beautiful Ye Zi. Everything seems so natural, spiritual, free and easy. Appreciating Han Lan is like enjoying a landscape painting with far-reaching artistic conception, a feeling of detachment arises spontaneously; if you appreciate Han Lan, you will feel the perfect integration of man and nature, which is the oldest and most eternal desire of human beings.

In the selection and breeding of Han Orchid, the first thing to consider is the overall beauty of flowers and leaves, and then carefully examine the characteristics of a single flower. Those with good characteristics of a single flower can generally be selected, and those with outstanding characteristics of a single flower and more appreciation can be included in the top grade. On the other hand, no matter how good the characteristics of the single flower are, the overall rhyme has no image to speak of, and such flowers can only be played with, but can not ascend the hall of elegance after all.

Second, about the varieties of Han orchid at the present stage.

Taking a comprehensive view of the cold orchid leaf varieties of Zhongjiao net and my usual idea of breeding cold orchid, Han orchid can be roughly divided into the following categories:

Plum Immortals: although Hanlan has no standard plum immortals, but inheriting and drawing lessons from the traditional petal standards, Hanlan can also select and breed plaid flowers with the characteristics of plum immortals. These varieties of flowers bloom properly and the colors that attract attention are usually the outstanding ones of cold orchid plum fairies. At present, Han orchid is soft and hard, and many excellent horticultural varieties have been selected through the unremitting efforts of orchid friends all over the country.

Lotus type: although lotus flowers have appeared, few of them have the standard of lotus type. In my opinion, a good lotus flower should at least have the basic conditions of root and angle, rather than a simple petal short and wide. At present, there are few excellent flowers of this kind.

Butterflies: there are a lot of butterflies in cold orchids, but apart from the poor color contrast and many scissors butterflies and horse steps in the side-petal butterflies. There are very few really good butterflies. In view of the particularity of Han orchid petals (slender), Hanlan's sidelobe butterfly is rarely good-looking, blooming is usually the so-called scissors butterfly, horse step butterfly. Therefore, Han Lan's butterfly is mainly the inner butterfly and three-star butterfly. At present, there are not many really good sidelobe butterflies and butterflies.

Odd flowers: this kind of flowers include all kinds of multi-petals, multi-tongues, few petals, atavistic flowers, etc., few petals are popular, and atavistic flowers are basically fixed (that is, the tongue petals change into a clasping petal, forming outer tripetals and inner bouquets of flowers). The odd flower with multi-petals and tongue, if the number of petals is only a little increase, the whole flower looks slightly thin, and the sense of hierarchy is not strong. At present, there are few multi-petal and multi-tongue flowers in Han orchid, and those of high grade are very few. Shan Duoqi and top flowers often appear in cold orchids. This kind of flowers, to put it bluntly, is a phenomenon once in a thousand years.

Vegetarian flowers: there are white, lycopene, lutein, chlorin and so on, of which the most is green, the heart of big-leaf cold orchid is mainly green anthocyanin, and a small amount of anthocyanin (mainly purple anthocyanin) appears. For a long time, cold friends have paid more attention to the breeding of fine leaf cold element, which looks more pure, elegant and good. Fine leaf Suxin has accounted for a large proportion in fine leaf cold orchid, and many excellent varieties have been selected and bred.

Color flowers: the rich and colorful flowers and colors are a major feature of Han Lan, which covers almost all national orchids, and the colorful flowers of Han Lan, especially the big leaves. Except for pure black flowers and blue flowers, all the colors can be found in Han Lan. But the color flower is also a changeable strain, like other national orchid flowers, the color of cold orchid is also changeable, and most cold orchid flowers do not bloom the same every year. According to the current large cold orchid farms across the country, it is not easy for an orchid farm to select one or more cold orchid flowers with stable flowers (high-grade varieties, of course). A beautiful rhyme, good appearance, colorful or soft and stable color flower, will always be the endorsement of Han Orchid.

Tongue flower: this kind of flower can be subdivided into red tongue flower, round tongue flower, tongue flower, pictographic tongue flower, strange tongue flower and so on. The shape of the tongue flap is various, and the variety of tongue spots is another major feature of Han Lan. A good cold flower tongue valve, the tongue shape should be regular, cold friends usually like tongue, large round tongue more; tongue flap does not roll or micro-roll; tongue flap background color is pure and obvious, neat, and tongue flap and tongue flap background color contrast. At present, according to the varieties selected in Han Orchid, there are the most tongue flowers, including excellent all-red tongue, red-spotted tongue, black-spotted tongue, big round tongue, big round tongue and so on.

Ye Yi Hua Yi category: this kind of single flower art, Ye Yi separate point of view, in which there are many excellent varieties, the two reached a perfect combination of varieties, very few. But Ye Yi grass is usually not easy to raise, let alone blossom, but there will certainly be more excellent varieties in the future.

Third, about the collection and hype of Han Lan

As a new orchid species, cold orchid has been cultivated for a short time, and the selected varieties of cold orchid are limited, and many varieties still need to be tested in the market; in addition, cold orchid is relatively difficult to grow and breed slowly, so far, Han orchid is the only orchid species that has not been hyped. The number of many excellent varieties is so small that they are only a group or a single seedling even in the hands of the breeders. This naturally determines that Hanlan is mainly based on the seller's market at the present stage. In the cold world, as long as we hear that there are some good varieties in which Orchid Garden, all kinds of people scramble to buy them, using various methods and through all kinds of channels, with only one purpose, and all want to take it into the bag or get a piece of the pie. In this case, it is usually difficult to be the owner of the flower, and those with good relations can reluctantly give him a seedling and half a grass, while those with bad relations have no choice but to decline politely. Of course, this kind of flower must be a kind of high-level collection.

With the gradual maturity (convergence) of the aesthetic concept of Han Orchid, the prices of some varieties in Han Lan are also gradually adjusted, some continue to decline, some steadily increase, and the prices go down, which is the product of aesthetic misunderstandings in the early stage of Han Lan's development. the varieties with higher prices have withstood the test of the market and have been recognized by most orchid friends. These are a manifestation of the maturity of the market, and it is a process that every new thing has to go through, and if there is an achievement, there must be some sacrifice. Therefore, some of the earliest investors in Han Lan suffered some losses because of their aesthetic misunderstandings. With regard to the rise in the price of a few or some varieties of Hanlan, I think it is not a kind of hype, but a perfect embodiment of the gradual integration of Hanlan and the market, which can only show that the market of Hanlan is steadily developing and maturing. It also shows that the number of orchid friends who like Hanlan is gradually increasing. There is no or very little price orchid in Hanlan, even high-priced orchid is rare, and cold friends' posts rarely mention the price of cold orchid, which is enough to prove that Hanlan does not have any hype. In fact, in terms of the natural emergence rate of cold orchid and the total number of cold orchid varieties, it is far from the condition of hype at this stage. The purchase and exchange between orchid friends is only a collection or introduction, and this phenomenon will continue in the near future. It will take time for the variety Han orchid to enter the market as a commodity. Similarly, Hanlan is still far away from the hype.

-- because I like it, so publicize.

Keep away from the hype and let Hanlan develop healthily and orderly.

At present, the more popular varieties in Han Lan are:

Top collection level: regular Samsung butterfly, stamen butterfly, neat side petal butterfly and so on. Zhengge Meixian, strong consistency, good aesthetic sense of floating doors, and so on. The flower guards the good lattice lotus type, the multi-petal and multi-tongue strange flower, the top flower and leaf double art variety and so on.

Top-grade collection level: regular large round tongue plain heart, beautiful colored flower element, regular big round tongue (beautiful and neat color spots on the tongue petal), top-grade color flowers, complex color flowers, etc.

General varieties: there are many varieties of this kind, including the lower-grade varieties of the above varieties, such as the general Mei he fairy butterfly, the general tongue flower, the plain flower, the color flower, the leaf art, the type art and so on.

Players or investors can choose their favorite varieties for collection and appreciation according to their own strength and hobbies. It can be "Sangong Liuyuan" style (some varieties are collected), or it can be single-minded (for example, some orchids prefer vegetarian heart, some prefer color flowers, some prefer tongue flowers, some prefer Ye Yi, etc.).

Fourth, on the development and protection of wild resources of Hanlan

This is a big topic, and it has always been a topic in the orchid world. here are some of my own experiences to talk about the contradiction and inherent necessary relationship between the development and protection of wild orchid resources.

I began to have real contact with orchids in 2004, from March of that year (after the Spring Festival) to the end of 2006. As long as I had time and the weather was suitable, I would go up the mountain to pick orchids. This county is the main producing area of Daye Hanlan. In addition to Hanlan, which is descended from Lanyou in this county, many wild cold orchids have been acquired by non-local orchids, among which they have received the most from several provinces in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Fujian. By 2006 and 2007, it was almost impossible to find Hanlan on my own going up the mountain. So from 2007, I also began to buy wild orchids (mainly cold orchids). In the process of purchasing wild Han orchids, I have been to many places in Jiangxi (including various townships in this county and some areas of neighboring counties), Dagang Mountain, Yan Tian, Hu Keng, and Zhangzhuang in Anfu, and Lotus in Pingxiang, Xiajiang County in Ji'an, and Gan County in Ganzhou. I have been in these places for about two months, and the amount of grass that can be received is no more than 1,000 jin. The information received in many places is that the local wild cold orchids have long been acquired.

For a long time, almost found the growth of wild cold orchid areas (or hills), before long, the grass will go to the mountains empty. These show that Orchid you love Han Orchid more than other orchid species, but it also shows that the wild resources of Han Orchid decrease sharply, even more than other Orchid species.

With all that has been said above, what I want to say is:

Whether in orchid-producing or non-orchid-producing areas, if you want to raise orchids or invest in downhill grass, who can stop it or stop it?

Farmers in orchid producing areas go up the mountain to pick orchids (orchids are weeds or general herbs in their eyes) in order to increase their families' income, and earn some hard money, who can stop it or stop it?

If the units or mountain people in the forest area want to plant trees and burn patches of wild orchids, who can stop them or can stop them?

Having said so much, what I want to say is:

If Song Mei was not discovered hundreds of years ago, but found today hundreds of years later, is there only a handful of orchids at most: orchids who often go up to the mountains to pick orchids in orchid producing areas are very clear. A wild orchid cannot develop indefinitely in the mountains, that is, this orchid cannot grow into hundreds of seedlings, and it is possible to die for such a long time. Of course, some Lan Youyou will say: maybe this Songmei will reproduce through its seeds. Isn't Xiao Songmei all over the mountains for hundreds of years? Who has seen, which orchid producing area has appeared all over the mountains of the same good variety? It is rare for two grasses of the same species to appear in the same area or mountain. And today's Song Mei can almost be said to have entered thousands of families.

So protecting resources is not just about protecting the so-called wild orchids that can't be touched or seen, which are still in the depths of the mountains. I think it is the greatest use and protection of resources to feed every grass that has gone down the mountain and in their own hands, so that they can reproduce and develop, so that more people can fall in love with orchids and raise orchids.

Fifth, about the hybridization and tissue culture of Hanlan.

In the wild Daye Magnolia, there is a branch found locally (I think it should also be found in other producing areas). Its florescence, flowers and leaf shape are almost all between Jian Lan and Han Lan. If this branch can be understood as the natural cross between Daye Hanlan and Jianlan, then there are natural hybrid species, and its number is about a few thousandths, which is very few compared to Daye Hanlan. The existence of this species can almost be ignored. Similarly, there is also a very small number of Cymbidium, whose petals (mainly holding petals) no longer have a white covering wheel, and the background color of the tongue petal has become without the purity of fine leaves, if this species is a natural hybrid of Cymbidium, it can also be ignored, because the number of this species is also very small.

For the artificially crossbred varieties of Cymbidium, it seems that it has not appeared in the fine-leaf orchid so far; has it ever appeared in the big-leaf cold orchid? You can say yes or no:

As we all know, the crossing of plants must have parents with excellent traits in order to produce offspring with both excellent traits of male parents and excellent traits of female parents. however, the naming of offspring does not have to follow the father like human beings (in our country). Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the offspring of Han orchid and other orchid species have been called (or classified) by hybrids or those who operate this species: because Han orchid is a new orchid species, the emergence of every excellent new variety in Han orchid will represent infinite wealth. In this sense, Han Lan, an artificial hybrid in Daye, appeared.

As long as Han Lan sees a lot or orchid friends with a certain level of appreciation can see, such as Han Xiangmei, Guilin peony, and a cold orchid butterfly (whose name I do not know, I have seen this flower twice in the orchid exhibition), and so on, can this kind of grass still be regarded as cold orchid? I think this kind of grass is not even qualified to be called "Khan orchid": this kind of grass not only has the flower pattern, color, tongue and stem height, but also has a very different number of flowers from the big-leaf cold orchid. even some connected leaf type, leaf color, luster, Reed head and so on are obviously different from the big leaf cold orchid, not to mention the unique temperament and charm of wild cold orchid. Therefore, this kind of grass is not worthy to be called Han Lan at all. In this sense, there are no artificial hybrid varieties in Daye Han Lan.

Although it has always been a copycat, I did not expect that with the development of history today, there are still such stupid people doing such thoroughly stupid things. Do not understand and do not understand Han Lan, on the Han Lan artificial hybridization, random matching, I think this is the biggest joke in the history of orchid hybrid, but also the biggest failure.

Modern science and technology has reached a very terrible stage, a cow, a sheep can be copied (cloned), what grass can not be copied? As long as there are interests, value, and social benefits, as long as you think it is worth it, I think any bluegrass can be replicated (tissue culture), which depends on the mentality and determination of the tissue culture.

Here I have a piece of advice, for Han Lan's hybrid, it is better to be an intraspecific hybrid (Han Lan x Han Lan), otherwise it will not be Han Lan, but the second Hanxiang Mei. But the selection of offspring by intraspecific hybridization is much more difficult, because the traits of the offspring are much more variable, that is to say, you work, but it is not easy to get the results you want.

There is also a piece of advice, for the tissue culture of Hanlan, I think the technology is much more difficult than other orchids, otherwise with such a developed technology in Japan, there is no tissue culture of Hanlan at present. Another is that although the current domestic standards of appreciation of Han Orchid have made great progress and trend, they have not really formed a unified rule. Which one or which kind of flower do you choose for tissue culture? Does the risk feel great? Another is that the breeding (reward) of Han Orchid varieties is much more complex and much more than other orchids, that is to say, there will be tens of thousands of Han Orchid varieties in the future. and how many people are willing to take this risk: a few or even dozens of varieties that spend a lot of money and time on tissue culture can only account for a small share of the Han Lan market in the end.

Sixth, on the original species of Han orchid

For a long time, no matter on the Internet, in reality, or in books and magazines about orchids, there seems to be a topic about cold orchids constantly roaring and clamoring: that is the problem of the original species of cold orchids. Some orchid friends in fine-leaf cold orchid producing areas proposed that fine-leaf cold orchid is the original purebred cold orchid, while the big-leaf cold orchid is described as a natural hybrid of cold orchid. What's more, as long as there is a good flower of a big leaf cold orchid, an orchid friend will send out a regret for his bad background. I think this practice is suspected of deliberately promoting the fine leaf cold orchid and slandering the big leaf cold orchid, which not only misleads the orchid friend, but also is extremely disadvantageous to the development of the cold orchid.

Is it true that Cymbidium is really a native species and Daye Magnolia is a hybrid?

According to the florescence, cold orchid can be divided into summer cold orchid and winter cold orchid (in fact, the so-called spring cold orchid and autumn cold orchid are only the out-of-season flowers of summer cold orchid or winter cold orchid, large leaves and thin leaves have this kind of phenomenon. There is no real cold in spring and autumn, there are a very small number of cold orchid individuals can blossom in spring, summer or autumn, there are not many such groups. If it is divided according to the characteristics of leaf type, root system and flower, it can be divided into big leaf cold orchid and fine leaf cold orchid. According to the leaf type, Xia Han orchid belongs to the big leaf cold orchid.

The main producing areas of Cymbidium are the Oujiang River Basin in Zhejiang, the Wuyi Mountains and their extended mountain systems in Fujian and Jiangxi, and a small amount in Guangxi and Hunan. It is precisely because of this distribution-fine leaves are mainly distributed in the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Fujian, which have a long history and relatively developed economy, and the above two provinces developed cold orchids (mainly fine-leaf cold orchids) earlier (Japan bought them in Zhejiang in the early days). This can be seen in the annual Yongjia Cold Orchid Exhibition. In addition, Japan has a special preference for fine-leaf cold orchid, so the propaganda of fine-leaf cold orchid is earlier and better than that of Daye. But this does not prove that the fine leaf is the original species, nor can it prove that the big leaf is a hybrid.

The reason why fine-leaf cold orchid and big-leaf cold orchid (mainly called winter cold orchid here) can come together and are called cold orchid is entirely because their flower patterns are similar and their florescence is similar. If we really want to say that there are any parental traits between these two orchids, I think it is difficult to find something in common except that they are all chicken claw petals. The white covering wheel and white tongue of the thin leaves have thick roots, which can hardly be seen in the big leaves. On the contrary, when it comes to white tongue, is Chunlan a hybrid of fine leaves? There are stripes on the petals such as the white wheel, which are somewhat similar to the lotus petals, and the fine leaves are related to the lotus petals. By the way, Cymbidium and Chunjian are also thick-rooted. Are Cymbidium and Chunjian native species of Cymbidium? All this is just speculation.

Fine leaves and big leaves are just two different orchid species, just like other orchids in the national orchid, they are relatively independent and related orchid grass, they all have similar but different flowers, and they are the treasures of the national orchid. Xia Han orchid, fine leaf, big leaf can be classified as cold orchid together is not easy, this is also a unique phenomenon in the national orchid (there are three strains in an orchid species). Just like a big family, with brothers and sisters, it doesn't seem so lonely, so why be in such a hurry?

In life, some people like salty, some people like light; for a hobby, radish and green vegetables, each takes what he needs. You can praise what you like, and you don't have to resist what you don't like. A smile is enough.

Seven spoke from Han Lan's aesthetic appreciation.

From the aesthetic point of view of Han Lan, although it only enriches the color and tongue flap, there are more varieties arranged by the combination of these two kinds: the rich color of Han Lan, the diversity of the size and shape of tongue flap and the diversity of color spots, which determines the diversity of Han Lan varieties. If other orchid species also pay a little attention to this aspect, they can make some innovations in the aesthetic aspect of orchids. Although they may not be able to select as many varieties as cold orchids, they can at least retain some things of aesthetic value and enrich the varieties of this orchid species. The wild resources of orchids are increasingly exhausted. To increase the aesthetic orientation of various orchids and to find and retain the essence of orchids in the decreasing wild resources is not only the duty of every orchid farmer or orchid breeders, but also a social responsibility, but also another embodiment of the protection of wild resources.

From a collection point of view, the more wild species selected from the mountain, the smaller the impact of technological grass on the orchid market. Perhaps in a few years' time, the aesthetic ideas created by our generation will be able to meet the requirements of the times and be affirmed by future generations.

Hanlan-everywhere embodies a kind of natural beauty, personality beauty and charm beauty.

Love Hanlan, feel life, perceive nature, and be grateful to our great mother-the earth.


I am neither a scholar nor a plant researcher, let alone an expert. I am just an Ailan farmer. Because in the producing areas, orchids (mainly cold orchids) raise more, see more, and communicate more, so they have their own simple understanding of cold orchids and cold areas. The above point of view is that I stand from an objective and fair point of view (at least I think so) on some superficial analysis of the current Hanlan phenomenon, if there are mistakes and false remarks, we still hope that people of insight in the cold world will correct or criticize them in time!

Yifeng Lanyuan (frost-free world) 2011 8 18