
The latest control methods of common diseases and insect pests of Radix Isatidis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Radix Isatidis, also known as indigo root and blue indigo root, is a well-known Chinese herbal medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and promoting pharynx. It is mainly used to prevent cold and fever. However, during the planting period of Radix Isatidis, it will suffer from a lot of diseases and insect pests, affecting its health.

Radix Isatidis, also known as indigo root and blue indigo root, is a well-known Chinese herbal medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and promoting pharynx. It is mainly used to prevent cold and fever. However, during the planting period of Radix Isatidis, it will suffer from a lot of diseases and insect pests, affecting its growth and yield, causing economic losses to drug farmers. The following editor introduces the prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests of Radix Isatidis.

1. Downy mildew

The leaves at the base of the stem of the plant began to get sick, and gradually spread upward, with gray downy mildew on the back of the leaves and no obvious disease spots on the leaf surface. The disease spot is uneven, with the further aggravation of the disease, the disease spot turns into a chlorotic round spot, and gradually turns into a brown withered spot, and in a serious case, the withered spot becomes a large spot, and finally causes the leaf to dry up and die.

Control methods: clean up the field during harvest, reduce the source of overwintering disease, strengthen field management, reasonable close planting, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, spray Bordeaux solution or Dysen zinc solution when onset, so as to avoid the spread of the disease.

2. Root rot

The root parts of Radix Isatidis were mainly damaged, and the root tips of whisker root and main root were damaged first. when the disease occurred, the root disease site was dark brown, and the root vascular bundle was brown. In the later stage of the disease, the whole root rot, and the aboveground plants will gradually wither due to lack of nutrients and water, until they die.

Prevention and control methods: reasonable rotation, select well-drained soil planting, in the disease can be used carbendazim or methyl topiramate irrigation control, the effect is better.

3. Sclerotinia disease

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum will harm the whole plant, roots, stems, leaves, pods and other parts can be damaged. When the stem is infected, the surface layer of the stem decays, the stem breaks into a mess, covered with hyphae, and there are black mouse fecal sclerotia inside and outside the stem. When the leaves are infected, there are bluish brown spots in the shape of water stains, which will cause the leaves to rot in the later stage, leaving only veins.

Control methods: flood and drought rotation, can effectively reduce germs, in the rainy season to pay attention to drainage, reduce field humidity, reasonable close planting, enhance ventilation and light transmission, when the disease can be sprayed with 65% zinc 600 times solution.

4. Aphids

Aphids are common pests of Radix Isatidis. After being harmed by aphids, planting of Radix Isatidis will seriously lose water, curl, twist and turn yellow, which will seriously affect the yield and medicinal value.

Prevention and control methods: when planting, we should stay away from cruciferous crops, reduce the removal of weeds and previous disease residues, and reduce the source of worms. Cypermethrin, a highly efficient and low toxic pesticide, can be used to control the disease.

The above are the prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests of Radix Isatidis, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.