
The latest course on planting techniques of rhubarb

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rhubarb is a perennial plant of Polygonaceae rhubarb, which is widely used as a traditional Chinese medicine in China. Rhubarb has the effects of clearing heat and purging fire, dispelling blood stasis and detoxification. Now the planting area of rhubarb is getting wider and wider, and more and more people use it, and many people want to scale it.

Rheum officinale L. is a perennial plant of Polygonaceae Rheum officinale L., which is widely used as a traditional Chinese medicine in China. Rheum officinale L. has the effects of clearing away heat, purging fire, removing blood stasis and detoxifying. The planting area of rhubarb is now wider and wider, and the number of people using it is also increasing. Many people want to plant rhubarb on a large scale. But I don't know how to start, so the following small series will bring you rhubarb planting technology, let's take a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Rheum heat resistance is relatively poor, suitable for growth in low temperature environment. Usually planted at an altitude of about 1200 meters, rhubarb roots extend very deep, and the taproot can even extend to about 50 cm underground. When selecting planting soil, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is deep and soft, rich in organic matter and normal in drainage and irrigation, and should not be sticky soil. After selecting the land, we should do a good job of soil preparation, plough about 25 cm, apply sufficient farm manure as base fertilizer, but also pay attention to that rhubarb can not be continuously planted, at least four years of rotation.

2. Timely planting

The main planting method of rhubarb is sowing, but the storage period of seeds is relatively short. When selecting seeds, do not choose seeds stored for more than one year. The germination rate of too old seeds is low. Sowing is usually carried out in spring and autumn. Pay attention to sowing density when sowing. Dig sowing holes. Put 5 seeds in each sowing hole, and then cover with fine soil. Manage water and fertilizer well to promote seed germination. For example, when planting in areas not suitable for direct seeding, seedling transplanting method can be adopted for planting, seedling bed shall be made, field bed shall be dug, management shall be carried out according to direct seeding mode, and proper transplanting shall be carried out according to weather and seedling growth after emergence.

3. Seedling management

If direct seeding is used, when the seedlings grow to about 9 cm, they should be thinned in time to remove seedlings such as weak growth, pests and diseases. Then wait until it grows to about 15 cm, and then carry out seedling work, each planting hole shall not be more than one seedling. Seedling transplanting is usually carried out in the spring and autumn and other mild seasons. When transplanting, it is necessary to dig planting holes while planting according to the size of seedlings. Pay attention to the spacing and depth between planting holes to ensure that seedlings can grow normally after planting. Cover fine soil after planting, step on and compact, and build a slow seedling water to improve survival rate.

4. Field management

The growth and maturity period of rhubarb is relatively long, and it usually takes about 4 years to harvest after planting, so it is necessary to do a good job of cultivating soil and weeding in the planting cycle. Weeds are the most threatening in seedling stage, so weeding should be done about 3 times. Weeding should be observed in the later stage to prevent grass shortage and promote the growth of rhubarb. Then it is topdressing work, rhubarb fertilizer requirements are relatively large, so in addition to applying enough base fertilizer, at least twice a year to apply fertilizer, fertilizer mainly farm manure, with appropriate amount of compound fertilizer, to meet the nutritional needs of rhubarb.

Because rhubarb growth period is relatively strong and long, so in the first year after transplanting, we can properly intercrop, improve land use efficiency. Then do a good job in field management, strengthen the growth ability of rhubarb, promote the growth of rhubarb, improve yield. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more relevant information please continue to pay attention to us oh!