
How to apply the latest fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Amomum villosum is a perennial herb belonging to the genus cardamom of ginger family, mainly distributed in fujian, guangdong, guangxi and yunnan regions of china. It has the effect of treating qi stagnation of spleen and stomach, food deficiency and abdominal pain. In addition, its ornamental value is relatively high. In summer, it can enjoy flowers and fruits, so Amomum villosum

Amomum villosum is a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae, which is mainly distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan. It has the effect of treating spleen and stomach qi stagnation, persistent food, abdominal pain and distension. In addition, its ornamental value is higher, flowers and fruits can be enjoyed in summer, so how to apply fertilizer when Amomum villosum is planted? Let's get to know it.

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

When planting, we should choose sandy loam or light clay with strong fertility and water conservation. Broad-leaved evergreen woodland with large humidity and hillsides, valleys and flat land with convenient drainage and irrigation can be planted, but sand and heavy clay should not be planted. In combination with soil preparation before planting, 1500-2000 kg of rotten stable manure or compost per mu and 20-25 kg of superphosphate were applied to the soil.

2. Fertilization during the growing period

In the newly planted plants, it is necessary to apply fertilizer 2-3 times a year, the first time is to apply fertilizer at the seedling stage, in order to promote the growth of seedlings and make them grow vigorously. At this time, after applying base fertilizer, 20-25 kg of calcium superphosphate can be applied per mu, 1.5-2.5 kg of urea can be mixed and ditched. The second time in August, this fertilization is mainly through the cold resistance of seedlings, can apply mature compost 1500-2000 kg per mu, mixed with an appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, spread to cultivate the soil.

3. Fertilization at flowering stage

When Amomum villosum enters the flowering stage, there is a great demand for nutrients. In order to improve the fruit setting rate and seed setting rate, strong flower fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, and 1000 kg of rotten fecal water and 3-5 kg urea can be applied per mu at flowering stage. When Amomum villosum is budding, trace elements can be maintained by foliar spraying, and the foliar surface can be sprayed with a mixture of low concentration potassium dihydrogen phosphate and boric acid, about 100 kg per mu.

4. Fruit protection fertilizer

When Amomum villosum is in fruit stage, if it is not managed properly, it is easy to cause fruit drop, so in May-June, in order to prevent fruit drop, potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed in time at the end of flowering and young fruit stage, which can improve the rate of fruit preservation. 0.5% urea solution can also be sprayed to promote the swelling of young fruits and reduce fruit drop. After fruit picking, the plant consumes a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to cut the old seedlings and apply 2500 kg of mature compost, 50 kg of soybean bran and 20-25 kg of superphosphate per mu to accumulate nutrients and restore the tree potential as soon as possible.

The above is the introduction of how to fertilize Amomum villosum. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.