
Brushed orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Spring orchid race tiger butterfly. Selected by Ren Haibo and named by teacher Wang Deren.

The origin of wiredrawing: also as a virus, AIDS was originally said to come from chimpanzees. I don't know where it came from, but it's probably random. And how did the original drawing come from? it is estimated that some people should know, but I also don't know. Some magazines say that they are from overseas, but they still don't talk about it at all. It just feels like it has something to do with advanced technology, but it doesn't seem to have much meaning or effect. Therefore, as a person who reads this post and has an one-sided understanding of wiredrawing or has no knowledge of wiredrawing at all, rest assured that no one will test you on the origin of wiredrawing, at least on the forum. The source of our orchid friend's drawing on hand: I still remember that in a post, "learning to grow orchids with my father" said that when he went to a certain orchid home to choose orchids, he found that dozens of percent of the orchids in this lovely orchid's home (it seems to be more than 80% in his impression, but the original post can not be found) all bring wiredrawing. In fact, I have seen such a situation, even myself, for a very simple reason. Actually, I just don't understand. So when you don't know what you don't know, then the orchid you introduced is very likely to be a famous la silk orchid, which is one of the sources. Stall orchid-I have always wondered why the probability of buying stall orchid wiredrawing is so high! Later, I figured it out a little bit. As a big orchid field, we have to get rid of some old, weak and sick orchids every year, when some relatives and friends come to find a way to get rich and get employed, or when a certain guy who is already familiar with the cause of the orchid comes to the door, then the orchid is also lost, no money, take it, you can sell as much as you can, this should be one of the ways out for those lesbians in the orchid field. Of course, this kind of so-called "a little understanding" is actually just my self-righteousness, but there is no doubt that many of the famous products on Dipan Orchid are some of our rare local varieties. So when you don't know how to meet the orchid, congratulations, the winning rate is very high, which is also one of the sources of Laskweed. Online shopping (including all the sites with orchids on the shelf), speaking of online shopping, it is really convenient, plus online bank payment, waiting at home for phone calls, waiting for delivery, not even out the door, just stand in the doorway, sign, go upstairs, OK! But no matter which website, generally speaking, no seller dares to put on the orchid with obvious wiredrawing symptoms. So no matter whether you know it or not, online shopping is also one of the sources of la silk orchid on hand when we have bad luck. The probability of buying silk orchid online in Zhongjiao is in good conscience-it is actually very low! As for the communication between orchid friends, oh, it doesn't count!

Skepticism of wiredrawing: most of the wiredrawing spots are characterized by mesophyll subsidence, but in fact, there are very few exceptions. for example, this feature is also found in many high-art magnolias, and the high-art part of the leaves is prone to lack of water due to lack of chlorophyll, which makes the leaf art part become the same as the main feature of wiredrawing, which is mesophyll subsidence, but this situation will not be difficult to distinguish. It is necessary to have the green part of the leaf at the same time, and the green part of the leaf is opposite to the leaf art part, and the mesophyll is completely healthy and full. and the judgment of this situation must be after the leaves with leaf art have become leaves, and at the same time because of our improper maintenance and leaves close to aging, which is why sometimes we are easy to burn art when we grow and raise high-art varieties. Of course, this kind of situation generally does not happen in the hands of experts. You can know about this, but if you go to the orchid market to select flowers, if you encounter Yilan with such characteristics, it is not recommended to start, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Similarly, if there is an orchid that you want to have, but with uncertain white spots, it is not recommended to start. The following is one of my own orchids. I saw white spots under the leaves of the new seedlings at the beginning of the introduction, but did not care about it, as shown in the picture:

Later, Xinmiao really had a wiredrawing, the lesson of blood! As shown in the figure:

There is also a kind of suspicion that is the so-called element deficiency, which is generally recognized in the forum because orchid buds grow too fast and lack certain elements needed by orchids, which are similar to the disease spots of orchids when they are drawn. When they are not sure about the disease spots, there will be orchid friends and sellers who say, in fact, it will not be clear when the orchid leaves grow again, hehe.

But at least there should be a difference between the deficiency spot and the drawing spot, that is, the real so-called deficiency spot should not be described by the spot, compared with the part of the normal green leaf, there is a certain clear demarcation line between the spot and the normal green leaf. First of all, the color of the deficiency part is only light relative to the green leaf part, and there is no obvious boundary between the light spot and the green leaf part, but with a kind of fog shape and the natural transition and fusion of the green leaf part.

Although I do not agree with the fact that there is a lack of elements all the time, perhaps as mentioned above, only such a situation can be regarded as different from the so-called real lack of elements.

The latent nature of wire drawing:

Orchids with wiredrawing virus often have a certain incubation period, as mentioned earlier, very few buyers will put orchids with obvious wiredrawing symptoms on the shelves (very few, but not none, I have a collection of items that have been photographed but with obvious silk spots, and then removed from the shelves, but don't ask me! ), so the symptoms of wiredrawing usually only appear on the new seedlings, or later, after a generation. I do not know how to start "the new seedlings raised by buyers are not refundable and non-refundable" has become a classic sentence that must be noted in the after-sales service of countless sellers, and this has also caused some unscrupulous sellers to respond with a rogue face after they have sold wiredrawing. What is more, I also met a four-diamond seller who sold me orchids with new buds. On the other hand, the wiredrawing of the new buds is just a sentence, "there is no problem with the leaves that can be seen when they are sold, so they can't be returned or exchanged." it's brazen! It is clear that it is to fool the father.

For many orchid friends, first of all, it is the problem of economic loss.

It's just, ah, it's just-for those who really love orchids, when your beloved orchids are drawn, I'm really willing to spend more money, as long as my orchids are good, ah, what kind of mood that is!

Such as such a pot of orchids, the plant material is new, the pots are sterilized by boiling water, the distance between the orchid pots and the pots is appropriate, and it has never been trimmed, but its new buds are still drawn.

The spread of wiredrawing virus:

This is the way we often say that wiredrawing is transmitted from diseased plants to healthy orchids. First of all, we have to understand that wiredrawing is a virus, and the virus is actually transmitted by body fluids. I still remember that an orchid friend in the forum talked about using scissors to trim several orchids at a time without disinfection in the middle. in fact, this is a direct way of infection, so is the blade. I have also seen more than several orchid friends or sellers. When I was taking me to watch his Ailan, I saw the orchid leaves yellowing and turning leaves. Hold it half with the index finger and middle finger, hold it half with the ring finger and tail finger, pull it a little hard, and press everything down where the tip of the thumb is depressed between the index finger and the middle finger. With a bang, the orchid leaves are not constant. Then a pot of inspection and continue to "prune" with fingers, do not dare to learn, because I think this is also a way of wire drawing infection. However, my own orchid at that time would cause transmission to each other, but it was because the shell bug did not spread wiredrawing. At that time, I liked to use a toothpick to pick from the leaf tip down the leaf groove to the end, picking one tree to the end, and there was only one reason, that is, I didn't understand, so I didn't say that. At the same time, I also infected the wiredrawing virus from one tree to another. Of course, this was more than a decade ago. (note: the disinfection of knives is not simple alcohol disinfection, but should at least be baptized by fire.)

Some orchid friends will also ask: will too close between orchid seedlings lead to infection? Is the used basin contagious? Is the used plant material contagious?

After all, too close orchid seedlings is not a good thing, affecting ventilation, poor ventilation will not be sick. There is also the premise that you have to know how to draw wire, can distinguish, at least obvious and suspected features, you want to achieve euthanasia or isolation, as for the friction between the orchid leaves in front of you, I think it is needless to say.

If you can't boil the pots and plants that have been planted with Lasik orchid, you'd better throw them away.

Although the above three ways of transmission are not absolutely impossible, in fact, even if the preventive measures I mentioned above are not done well, the probability of causing wiredrawing virus to spread in your orchids is absolutely very low. It's almost negligible. It's just that for me, after the terrible wire-drawing robbery, it is still so stupid that every time I change the basin, the pots and recyclable granular plants will be boiled.

The growth and flowering of orchids:

Some Xu Lanyou have mentioned that the drawn orchid grows slowly, the orchid seedlings will grow smaller and smaller from generation to generation, and eventually die, which is actually a misunderstanding. many of the reasons are that when we find that a certain orchid is drawn or suspected, under the premise of not directly destroying it, most of the orchids will adopt isolation cultivation, and most of the areas we isolate are actually not suitable for orchid cultivation. And often neglect to manage it in a certain mood of disgust, or even leave it to fend for itself, this is the main reason, and it is strange not to die if it is both wiredrawing and hormone grass at the same time.

As a matter of fact, la Yilan can also grow, sprout and blossom normally. For example, the picture below shows one of my plum trees. A total of about ten plum trees have been photographed so far last year, but this plant is not large, and the longest leaf is only 28 centimeters. Although the new buds brought after the purchase were brushed, they bloomed first.