
The latest control methods of diseases and insect pests of gynostemma pentaphyllum

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Gynostemma pentaphyllum is its whole body is a treasure, roots, stems, leaves, seeds, in addition to making tea, but also can be used as medicine, with anti-inflammatory and detoxification, antitussive and expectorant effect, is often used to nourish strong drugs. But during cultivation, the harm of diseases and insect pests will affect its yield and quality.

Gynostemma pentaphyllum is its whole body is a treasure, roots, stems, leaves, seeds, in addition to making tea, but also can be used as medicine, with anti-inflammatory and detoxification, antitussive and expectorant effect, is often used to nourish strong drugs. However, the harm of diseases and insect pests during cultivation will affect its yield and quality, so let's take a look at the prevention and control methods of gynostemma pentaphyllum diseases and insect pests.

1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is the main fungal disease of gynostemma pentaphyllum. When it occurs, white mildew spots will appear in the leaves. With the development of the disease, mildew spots gradually spread around and form large mildew spots. When the humidity is high, it will spread rapidly, causing the whole leaf surface to be covered with white powder, and when the disease is serious, the leaf will yellowing and curling.

Control methods: when diseased plants are found, they should be pulled out and taken out of the field in time to avoid spreading to other plants, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and increase plant disease resistance. In the early stage of the disease, methyl topiramate can be sprayed for prevention and treatment, and the effect is good.

2. Leaf spot

Leaf spot is also one of the fungal diseases of gynostemma pentaphyllum, which mainly harms the leaves. Water-stained spots appear at the leaf tip or leaf edge, and gradually spread to the center. Later, the disease spot turned into a yellow withered spot, and when the disease was serious, the leaves of the whole plant would rot and fall off, causing the plant to die.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase disease resistance, clear the garden thoroughly in winter, reduce pathogenic fungi, and spray carbendazim and Bordeaux solution to prevent and cure the disease.

3. White Jersey disease

It is also a fungal disease, which mainly harms stems, leaves and roots. When the disease occurs, it starts from the stem close to the ground and gradually spreads to the leaves. The damaged stem shows dark brown and grows white silk-like hyphae. Finally, the plant will rot, wither and die.

Prevention and treatment methods: find diseased plants, remove the conditions and burn them in time, disinfect and sterilize the disease points, and remove the residual plants in winter to reduce the source of overwintering disease. When you get sick, you can spray chlorothalonil for prevention and treatment.

4. Ground tiger

The ground tiger is the main underground pest of gynostemma pentaphyllum, which is harmful to adults and larvae, in which the larvae are unearthed at night, constantly gnawing on the young parts of leaves, destroying the growth nodes, causing poor plant growth, and biting off the stems and leaves of seedlings, resulting in lack of seedlings.

Control methods: clear the garden thoroughly in winter, remove dead branches of weeds, eliminate overwintering larvae and insect pupae, light trapping adults can be used to reduce the number of eggs, and poison bait can be used to kill larvae at seedling stage.

The above is the introduction of gynostemma pentaphyllum diseases and insect pests control methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.