
The latest matters needing attention in stevia planting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Stevia is a kind of high-quality sweetener raw material, which has been cultivated in China for more than 30 years, and now it is widely used in extraction as an additive. There are traces of it in many sweets or drugs. So what should we pay attention to when planting stevia?

Stevia is a kind of high-quality sweetener raw material, which has been cultivated in China for more than 30 years, and now it is widely used in extraction as an additive. There are traces of it in many sweets or drugs. So what should you pay attention to when planting stevia?

1. Growth environment

The growth environment will greatly restrict the growth of plants, so it is necessary to choose a suitable growth environment for stevia when planting stevia. Stevia is native to Paraguay. It is naturally fond of warm and humid environment and is not resistant to cold. At present, stevia is widely planted in the south of China. Although the requirements for the soil is not high, but still prefer the soil with high permeability, there are certain requirements for the degree of soil fertility, generally to the fertile fine soil type is better, the terrain needs to be relatively flat.

2. Temperature

For warm stevia, temperature has a very important effect on it. There is a certain difference between the temperature demand of the seedling period and the temperature demand of growth gas, so the growers choose the right time. The temperature of the seedling shed should be controlled above 20 ℃, and the best temperature is about 25 ℃-28 ℃. The temperature on the day of transplantation should be about 15 ℃, but it should be sunny for the next week or so, so that the seedlings can quickly adapt to the growth environment, and if there is a cloudy day, it may lead to abnormal development of seedlings.

3. Moisture

Stevia likes the moist environment because it is finer and shallower, which is basically distributed in the surface soil and cannot absorb water from the deeper soil layer, so water is especially important for stevia, which growers should pay attention to. General watering sprinkler watering, root watering will cause most of the water can not be absorbed by stevia, spray irrigation can make the soil more evenly enjoy water, and decline more slowly, more conducive to stevia fully absorb water.

4. Fertilizer

Fertilization is a place easy to make mistakes, because stevia grows fast, in order to meet its nutritional needs, the initial base fertilizer is generally compound fertilizer, and the compound fertilizer with high phosphorus and potassium content is the best. In the later stage, the fertilizer with high nitrogen content was released for better growth. And topdressing should be evenly sprinkled around the root system, can not be concentrated together, otherwise it is easy to burn seedlings.

These are some of the problems that should be paid attention to when planting stevia. At present, the culture technology of stevia in our country is relatively perfect, so its yield will be much higher than that in the initial stage. Interested friends can understand that stevia still has a good market at present.