
The latest propagation method of Hemerocallis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hemerocallis is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine and flowers in China. Hemerocallis has various effects such as clearing heat and diuresis, treating edema and so on. Mainly used for the treatment of adverse urination, blood in urine, blood in stool and so on, its medicinal value is relatively high. And before that, it was still a commonly used dye.

Hemerocallis is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine and flowers in China. Hemerocallis has various effects such as clearing heat and diuresis, treating edema and so on. Mainly used for the treatment of adverse urination, blood in urine, blood in stool and so on, its medicinal value is relatively high. And it was a commonly used dye before, and its ornamental value is not low. Now more and more people grow day lilies, so how to reproduce when planting day lilies? The following editor has brought you the breeding method of Hemerocallis. Let's have a look!

1. Sowing and reproduction

Sowing and reproduction is the most common method of reproduction in the cultivation of day lilies, and seeds are usually collected around September every year. Then sow seeds in the spring of the following year. Before sowing, we should first prepare the seedbed, carry out the work of soil preparation and deep turning, and control the area of the seedbed. Dig the drainage ditch, then control the sowing density and dig the sowing ditch, and then put the seeds evenly into the sowing ditch. Cover fine soil after sowing, water enough, properly water before emergence, do a good job of weeding, ensure that the soil is moist, and can be transplanted around the autumn of that year.

2. Ramet propagation

Ramet propagation is usually carried out every spring, first uprooting the old hemerocallis, and then dividing the old withered root and fibrous root. When dividing, we should pay attention to the bud of each plant, control the spacing between rows and plant about 5 trees in each planting hole. When planting, we should pay attention to the depth of planting, not too deep, pour enough water to fix roots after planting, do a good job of shading, and keep the soil moist. Then according to the growth of appropriate topdressing, do a good job in the work of weeding, and every year autumn and winter season should pay attention to soil cultivation, combined with weeding. Then re-split every 4 years or so to ensure the exuberant growth of Hemerocallis.

3. Cuttage propagation

The time of cuttage propagation of Hemerocallis is generally carried out in spring and autumn every year, and the adventitious buds on the plant of Hemerocallis are cut off as cuttings. Then disinfect and sprout the cuttings, prepare the cutting substrate, and cut the cuttings vertically in the substrate. Properly watering, keep the soil moist, improve the soil moisturizing capacity, and apply slow-release fertilizer properly when cuttings are rooting. Then the light time and intensity will be increased, and transplanting will be carried out when the root head of the cuttings is full. After cuttings withering and blooming every year, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied properly to promote root growth and improve the flowering rate in the coming year.

4. Budding propagation

Bud propagation is mainly to cut off the small plants on the stem of day lilies, and if the plants are too large, then the second cutting should be carried out between the planting buds. Then, like cuttings, prepare the substrate, disinfect the buds and transplant them properly. Under normal management, it can take root after transplantation for about 7 days. After rooting, the management should be strengthened according to the method of seedling management to improve the survival rate. The method of bud propagation can increase the planting yield and expand the planting benefit.

The above is a brief introduction to the propagation methods of Hemerocallis, in fact, there are also methods of tissue culture, mainly using young leaves, bolts and other organs of Hemerocallis into plants. However, it is troublesome to operate, so few people use this method when breeding. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.