
How to plant the latest chebula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fructus chebulae is a kind of plant of the family Gentlemen, and it is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with a very long history in China. Its distribution is very wide, and it can be seen in almost every province. Chebula chebula has various functions such as relieving diarrhea and cough, reducing fire and lung, etc.

Terminalia chebula is a kind of plant belonging to the family Combretaceae. It is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with a long history in China. Terminalia chebula is widely distributed and can be seen in almost all provinces. Terminalia has antidiarrheal cough, lower fire astringent lung and other effects, generally used to treat hematochezia anal prolapse, chronic cough more than so. So how do you plant them? Today's small editor has brought you a simple process of Terminology planting method. Let's take a look at it together!

1. Land selection and preparation

Terminalia chebula is suitable to grow in sandy soil with sufficient light, good irrigation and sufficient water. After selecting the land, stones, roots, branches and weeds on the plot should be removed. Then do the soil preparation work, to deep turn fine harrow, do the ridge ready to plant, the specifications of the ridge should be determined according to the planting area and terrain. Dig planting holes according to planting density. The planting holes need to be determined according to the size and specification of seedlings. Usually, the length and width should be controlled at about 45cm*35cm. Then apply enough base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly decomposed farm manure and supplemented by compound fertilizer to improve soil fertility.

2. Seed selection and germination

Terminalia has a lot of varieties, we should plant according to the local climate, soil and other factors to choose suitable planting varieties. selecting Terminalia chebula with strong growth, robust plant, high yield and high quality as tree. Harvest ripe healthy fruits in winter and take out seeds, then clean the pulp on the seed coat, split the seed shell and take out the seeds. Spread the seeds evenly on the wet sand, cover with a layer of fine sand, then put a layer of seeds, so cycle about 6 times, the top layer covered with fine sand, watered thoroughly, covered with film. About a week or so will germinate, germination rate can reach about 75%, when about 80% of the seeds germinate can be sown.

3. Seedling transplanting

Terminalia seed sowing method is usually based on dibbling, digging furrows, controlling row spacing for sowing, covering fine soil after sowing, then laying a layer of straw, watering enough water. Improve soil moisture and fertilizer retention capacity, promote seed germination. In summer drought should pay attention to shade work, keep the seedbed moist, under normal management, sowing about 10 days after germination. The seedling time of Terminalia chebula is longer, about 2 years, when the seedling grows to about 1 meter, it can be transplanted and planted. Now most people use sowing reproduction, but the growth cycle of sowing reproduction is long and the yield is not high, so now the method of sowing reproduction has been gradually eliminated and grafting reproduction has been adopted instead.

4. Cultivation management

After the seedlings emerge, the straw should be uncovered in time, and the shade shed should be set up to control the shade degree of the field at about 32%. Then when the seedlings grow to about 10 cm, start topdressing, late about 2 months topdressing once, with the increase of age can gradually increase the amount of fertilizer. And in the seedling stage, we should start pruning, cutting off the branches of the stem, promoting the growth of the trunk, and early planting time. When young trees grow to about 150 cm, they should be pruned in time to prevent high growth, which is not conducive to late fruit picking.

The above is a simple introduction to the planting method of Terminalia chebula. The method of sowing and breeding now is not conducive to the production of old growers. If it is a new grower who starts large-scale planting, it can be appropriately adopted. The old grower should master grafting propagation skillfully, expand his planting area, and carry out production. Specific grafting propagation methods can be viewed in previous articles. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!