
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Solanum nigrum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Solanum nigrum is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae and one of the famous traditional Chinese medicines in China. Its whole herb can be used as medicine and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving pain and relieving knots, relieving cough and clearing lung. Solanum nigrum has always been in short supply. It is a traditional export medicine with a very high classics.

Qingtian sunflower is a perennial root herb of orchids. It is one of the famous Chinese medicinal materials in China. Its whole grass can be used as medicine. It has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, dispersing Li and eliminating nodes, and relieving cough and clearing lung. Qingtian sunflower has always been in short supply. It is a traditional export medicinal material with extremely high economic benefits. Due to less and less wild resources, artificial introduction and cultivation have been carried out in some areas of our country. Let's take a look at the planting technology of Qingtian sunflower together with Xiaobian.

1. Land selection and preparation

Qingtian sunflower is fond of damp environment, so it is most suitable to choose undergrowth cultivation, soil should choose red loam rich in humus, clay should not be planted. Due to the shallow root distribution of Qingtian sunflower, it is not advisable to plough too deep during soil preparation, so as not to affect the root growth, preferably 15-20 cm. Its growth cycle is relatively short, so in tillage to apply base fertilizer, each mu of decomposed farm manure 2000-3000 kg, rake fine leveling after high ridge.

2. Breeding methods

The seed germination of Qingtian sunflower is weak, and it is rarely propagated by seeds in production. It is generally propagated by bulbs. The seeds mentioned in planting generally refer to its bulbs. Before the bulbs germinate around Qingming, dig them out, grade them according to their size and air them in ventilated places for 1-2 days. Sowing is carried out on a sunny day by adopting a hole sowing method, holes are opened on the ridge surface according to the row spacing of plants of 12 * 18 cm or 15 * 20 cm, one plant is planted in each hole, and the sowing quantity per mu is 8000-10000 plants. After planting, cover the soil, and then cover a layer of straw or fallen leaves on the ridge surface to keep warm and moist, so as to facilitate seedling emergence.

3. Field management

The root system of Qingtian sunflower is shallow, so there is generally no need to cultivate after emergence, only weeding can be carried out, weeding is recommended to pull grass manually. In May to June is the growth season of Qingtian sunflower, at this time to strengthen fertilizer and water management, this time to apply clean manure water 1-2 times, each time about 150-200 kg per mu, but also can supplement 5 kg compound fertilizer, promote rapid growth of plants. Qingtian sunflower likes wet environment, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist frequently. In rainy season, it is necessary to drain water in time to avoid rotten roots. After bolting and flowering, in order to concentrate nutrients, corms and leaves and improve yield, the flower bolting should be removed in time.

4. Pest control

The main disease of Qingtian sunflower is spot disease, which mainly damages leaves and has great influence on yield. When the disease occurs, carbendazim solution can be sprayed once every 7-10 days for 2-3 consecutive times. Slugs are the main pests, the same harm to leaves, can be sprayed with Mida or kill drought snail control, the effect is better.

The above is an introduction to the planting technology of Qingtian, I hope to help you, if you want to know more about the relevant knowledge, please pay attention to us.