
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Solanum lyratum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Radix Euphorbiae is a herbaceous vine of Solanaceae, whole grass or root can be used as medicine, oral heat clearing and detoxification, dampness and detumescence, anti-cancer effect, often used for cold and fever, breast carbuncle, bad sores, rheumatism arthralgia and other diseases. So how to grow Baiying? Let's get to know it. 1. Select the place

Bai Ying is a herbaceous vine of Solanaceae. The whole grass or root can be used as medicine. It has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, eliminating dampness and swelling, and resisting cancer. It is often used for cold fever, breast carbuncle, malignant sore, rheumatism and pain. So how should white English be planted? Let's get to know each other.

1. Land selection and preparation

Baiying likes warm and humid hard environment, and its requirements for soil are not strict, but it is suitable for sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and rich organic matter. Saline-alkali land, low-lying land and heavy clay land are not suitable for planting. After selecting the land, intensive cultivation is carried out, combined with soil preparation, base fertilizer is applied, 5000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied to each mu of soil, which are scattered on the ground, combined with ploughing, mixed well with soil, and then high ridge is made for planting.

2. Breeding methods

Solanum lyratum L. can select seed propagation, cuttage propagation and ramet propagation, among which seed propagation is divided into two steps: sowing and transplanting. Sowing can be spring sowing or autumn sowing, spring sowing before and after Qingming, autumn sowing before freezing, first open shallow grooves on the ridge surface, sow seeds evenly, cover soil watering, strengthen management of seedling emergence, and transplant after one year of cultivation. Cuttings to choose growth 1-2 years strong, no pests and diseases of the branches as cuttings, cut into about 20 cm, with rooting powder soaked in cuttings on the ground, exposed to one third of the ground can be. Plant propagation is generally in the autumn, the underground roots of the plant exposed topsoil, cut it cover the soil, the next spring will sprout new seedlings, then dig out transplant can be.

3. Field management

After the seedlings are complete, they should be cultivated and weeded in time to promote the root growth of seedlings. In case of drought, they should be watered to meet the needs of plants. After the rainy season, they should be drained in time to avoid rotten roots. When the seedlings grow to 30 cm, to build a support, let its stem climbing, so as to increase the ventilation of the field light transmission. After the first harvest, topdressing should be done in time, so as to promote its recovery as soon as possible. After each harvest, topdressing should be done in time.

4. Diseases and pests

Solanum lyratum L. has strong adaptability to environment and few diseases, which can be controlled by conventional methods. Pests are mainly red spiders and aphids, which will suck the tender parts of plants, making the plants grow slowly or stop growing, causing greater harm. In addition, underground pests will nibble on rhizomes, causing serious plant death. Red spiders can be controlled by acaricide; aphids can be controlled by spraying dimethoate; underground pests can be killed by poison bait made of cinsulfide scale.

The above is an introduction to the planting technology of white English. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.