
How to apply fertilizer to the latest Chinese angelica

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Angelica sinensis is also called dry angelica. At present, the best quality and most yield in the market is Angelica sinensis in Min County of China. The second is in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places are also planted. Its medicinal part is its root, which is widely used in Chinese medicine and is often used for tonic.

Angelica sinensis is also called Radix angelicae Sinensis. At present, the one with the best quality and the largest output in the market is Angelica sinensis in Minxian County, China. Secondly, it is also planted in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places. Its medicinal part is its root, which is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine in China, and is often used in tonifying blood, regulating menstruation, anti-cancer, anti-aging and so on. Now that the scale of Angelica planting has been further developed, do you know how to apply fertilizer in the process of planting Angelica? If you don't know, you need to read the following.

1. Base fertilizer

Base fertilizer is the most basic nutrient supply for the growth of Angelica sinensis, and we must apply it when applying base fertilizer, which can reduce a lot of work in the later stage. In the usual planting process, under the condition of more fertile soil, each mu is mainly based on rotten barnyard manure or compost, and used with oil withered or phosphate fertilizer and phosphorus-potassium-nitrogen compound fertilizer. The dosage is 2500 kg, 200 jin and 50 jin respectively. Finally, when conditions permit, it is best to use about 130 jin of compound microbial fertilizer, which can increase production and improve soil structure.

2. Seedling fertilizer

Angelica sinensis is a deep-rooted plant, which has a large demand for nutrients, so when the base fertilizer is insufficient, we need to topdressing in time. In the seedling stage, we are mainly to promote the growth of seedlings, then we are mainly potassium dihydrogen phosphate, diammonium phosphate and compound fertilizer for topdressing, and we also need to apply about 20 jin of nuclear gold per mu, which can promote the growth of seedlings.

3. Growth fertilizer

In the early growth stage of fried Angelica sinensis, in order to avoid early bolting and flowering caused by overgrowth, we still need to supplement nitrogen fertilizer, so we usually dilute the concentration of feces and urine with water and then irrigate it, and the dosage per mu is controlled at about 3000 jin. And also need to cooperate with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and ternary compound fertilizer topdressing, the amount per mu can be guaranteed at about 30 jin. Of course, we can also use barnyard manure or cake manure for topdressing, the dosage is controlled within two thousand jin.

4. Increase production and fertilizer

In order to promote the growth of the rhizome of Angelica sinensis, we need to carry out a topdressing in the middle and later stage of its growth, which has a great impact on the yield and quality of Angelica sinensis. Under normal circumstances, we will apply a high concentration of dung and urine water this time, and if there are conditions, we can also apply cake fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and barnyard manure, the ratio of which is controlled at 1: 0.5: 0.2, which is beneficial to the growth of Angelica root.

We all know that Angelica should be high-yielding, so the most important thing is to promote the growth of its roots, so as to achieve high yield and high quality. If we want to have high yield and high quality, then the supply of nutrients is the key, so we should apply fertilizer according to scientific fertilization technology, so as to ensure the yield of Angelica sinensis. That's all the editor has shared with you today. Thank you for your reading.