
How to plant the latest wild strawberries

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wild strawberry, also known as ladyfruit, lantern, etc., is a kind of perennial herb of Rosaceae. It has a wide range of distribution in China. Unlike ordinary strawberries, wild strawberries are much smaller than ordinary strawberries. And wild strawberries also spoiler tension relief and treatment.

Wild strawberry, also known as ladyfruit, lantern, etc., is a kind of perennial herb of Rosaceae. It has a wide range of distribution in China. Unlike ordinary strawberries, wild strawberries are much smaller than ordinary strawberries. And wild strawberry also spoilers to ease tension, the treatment of diarrhea and a series of efficacy. Contains vitamins, calcium, iron and other trace elements. So how to grow wild strawberries? The following editor brings you the planting technology of wild strawberries, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Wild strawberries are suitable for growing in soils with sufficient light, flat terrain, soft soil, normal drainage and irrigation and sufficient fertility. And the previous crops before and after the soil should not be Rosaceae crops, but legumes and other vegetable crops. After selecting a good site, we should do a good job in land preparation and weeding, turn it about 30 centimeters deep, and then spray phoxim EC and other chemicals to do a good job in pest control. Then wait for the effect to disperse after about 5-7, and apply sufficient base fertilizer. Make it fine and fine rake, control the width, height and depth and prepare the border for planting.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Before sowing, we should pay attention to control the sowing time according to the market demand. Generally, the market time of wild strawberries is about January to February every year. Therefore, according to the growth cycle of wild strawberries, the sowing time is generally from September to October. First of all, make a good seedling bed, select healthy, wound-free and high-yield seeds, disinfect and germinate and sow them into the seedling bed. Then do a good job in water and fertilizer management to promote seed germination, wild strawberry seed germination is relatively strong. When most of the seedlings emerge, do a good job of transplanting, pay attention to control the planting density, and plant along with it. And when planting, we should pay attention to control the inflorescences of the same row in one direction, and then irrigate enough planting water, so that the outer roots should not be exposed to the soil.

3. Field management

After planting, it is necessary to do a good job in field management, control water and fertilizer management, and regularly plough and weed. Intertillage weeding is essential when planting wild strawberries. if weeds are not weeded in time, weeds will rob the growth nutrition of wild strawberries, hinder the growth of wild strawberries and affect the normal growth of wild strawberries. Then we should pay attention to observe the weather changes and do a good job of ventilation, drainage and irrigation according to the weather changes. Avoid stagnant water in the garden, which will cause wild strawberry root rot, cause a variety of diseases and insect pests, and seriously affect the growth of wild strawberry.

4. Pest control

The common diseases and insect pests of wild strawberries are similar to those of strawberries, but the main diseases are Verticillium wilt, gray mold and so on. It mainly harms the leaves, flowers and fruits of wild strawberries, resulting in a serious decline in the yield of wild strawberries, and its quality will also be greatly affected. Therefore, in the process of planting, we should focus on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, strengthen field management, often observe the growth of wild strawberries, and make corresponding measures in time when abnormal conditions are found. Prevent the spread of the disease and expand the affected area. In the use of medicine should pay attention to the right medicine, blind use of medicine not only can not be effective treatment, but also may lead to more serious problems.

The above is a brief introduction to how wild strawberries should be planted, and the cultivation of wild strawberries is actually relatively simple. Although the growth ability is strong, it also needs everyone to do a good job of management in order to ensure the output and improve the quality. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.