
How to plant the latest incense leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Incense leaf is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of detoxification and disinfection, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. At present, it is mainly distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Hunan and Guizhou. So how much do you know about incense leaves? Do you know the method of planting incense leaves? Lower

Incense leaf is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of detoxification and disinfection, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. At present, it is mainly distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Hunan and Guizhou. So how much do you know about incense leaves? Do you know the method of planting incense leaves? Let's study with the editor.

1. Planting site preparation

Incense leaves have the characteristics of tolerance to shade, warmth, drought and barren, but they are better planted in fertile acid sandy soil. Secondly, we also need to choose a good seedling land and arrange the seedling bed, which is generally raised in the sand bed, where the fine sand is about 12 centimeters deep. On the other hand, the planting land of incense leaves should be turned up about half a month before planting, and we should apply enough basic fertilizer and open ditches to facilitate drainage and irrigation.

2. Seed treatment

After harvest, the seeds of incense leaves should be rubbed in a bag, then rinsed with clean water, then put into the medicine for disinfection, removed after three or four minutes, and rinsed again with clean water. Wait until the seeds of incense leaves are dried, then sprinkle evenly on the prepared seedbed, and finally cover the seeds with wet river sand. The covered sand should not be too thick, preferably three centimeters thick, otherwise it will affect the germination of seeds.

3. Seedling raising and transplanting

We should keep the seedbed moist after sowing, so we should water it and keep it well ventilated. When the seeds sprout, we should appropriately increase the watering times to promote the emergence of seeds. When the fragrant leaf seedlings grow to about five centimeters, we can transplant them. In the process of transplanting incense leaves, we should pay attention to what is planted and when to pull out the seedlings, otherwise it will affect the survival rate of planting. When planting, put the seedlings straight, do not hurt the roots and epidermis of the seedlings, and then let the roots of the seedlings fully stretch, backfill with soil, compact the soil, and water it again.

4. Field management

After planting incense leaves, we should do a good job in field management. Generally speaking, it is mainly weeding, loosening the soil, topdressing, watering and so on. We only need to master one principle of weeding, that is, the principle of removing early, eliminating small and excluding. The second is to pay attention to the depth of the loose soil, not too deep, but also to remove it in place. After planting, we also need to observe its survival, replenish seedlings in time, and fertilize in the first rainfall to promote the growth of seedlings. In the early stage of seedling growth, in order to promote its growth, it is mainly nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and after a period of seedling growth, we can use a small amount of compound fertilizer. It is best to irrigate water every time to avoid fertilizer damage.

5. Disease and pest control

The most common diseases in incense leaf planting are root rot and blight, which can be sprayed with dimethazone. The most harmful to incense leaves are roll leaf moth, ground tiger, elephant beetle and mole cricket. When such pests occur, we need to use permethrin, carbofuran, trichlorfon and black light to control them.

The most important thing in planting incense leaves is to be careful, and there are many areas that need to be paid attention to when planting, such as seedling emergence, prevention of frost injury, water and fertilizer management, etc. If you want an in-depth understanding, then you can contact the editor.