
The latest key points of perilla field management

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Perilla is an annual herb of Labiatae, which has a very peculiar fragrance and is welcomed by many people for cooking. And perilla also has the effects of sweating, relieving cold, relieving depression and stopping vomiting. Can effectively prevent colds, now the planting area of perilla

Perilla is an annual herb of Labiatae, which has a very peculiar fragrance and is welcomed by many people for cooking. And perilla also has the effects of sweating, relieving cold, relieving depression and stopping vomiting. Can effectively prevent cold, now perilla planting area is very extensive. So how do we manage it when we plant perilla? The following editor brings you the key points of perilla field management, let's have a look!

1. Weeding between seedlings

The growth ability of perilla is relatively weak in the early growth stage, so we should also pay attention to do a good job of loosening soil and weeding. Especially in the live broadcast area, we also need to do a good job of seedling work. When the seedlings grow to about 16 cm, control the row spacing and set the seedlings at the right time. Excess seedlings can be used for transplanting because the density of direct seeding is relatively high. If there is no time seedling, it will seriously lead to lack of space for perilla growth. The lower leaves of perilla decreased and the permeability decreased, which led to the decrease of yield. Therefore, we must do a good job of seedlings, and finally weed twice before closing the ridges of the seedlings.

2. topdressing at the right time

The growth cycle of perilla is relatively short and can be harvested about two months after transplanting. The whole herb of perilla can be used as medicine, so we mainly use nitrogen fertilizer when applying fertilizer. When the seedlings grow to about 30 centimeters or so, they can start to fertilize. For the first time, farm manure is given priority to, combined with an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, the fertilizer is buried in the soil to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. Then the second topdressing work was carried out before the ridge was closed. Pay attention to the amount of fertilizer when topdressing, to prevent prosperous growth, produce fertilizer damage, and do not touch the leaves and roots to avoid perilla growth hindrance.

3. Temperature control

Perilla generally likes to grow in a warm environment. When the soil temperature rises to about 5 degrees, the seeds can germinate. However, 20-22 degrees is the best temperature for seed germination. Although the seedlings have a strong ability to tolerate low temperature, the growth rate will be inhibited. Therefore, the growth ability of perilla is relatively strong in summer. When perilla enters the flowering stage, the temperature should be controlled at about 25 degrees and the humidity should be kept at about 78%. If it is too dry, it can easily lead to thickening of perilla stems and leaves, increase fiber content and reduce quality.

4. Rational watering

Water is an indispensable substance in the growth process of perilla. It is necessary to keep the soil dry and wet in perilla planting, and in the seedling stage, if you encounter the phenomenon of drought and water shortage for a long time, it should be timely, otherwise it will lead to the decline of perilla growth ability, and in serious cases, it will lead to dry and death. But water should not be too much, if too much water, it is easy to cause perilla root rot, cause a variety of diseases and insect pests, also affect the growth of perilla. Therefore, timely drainage should be encountered in the rainy season to avoid stagnant water in the field.

The above is a brief introduction to the key points of perilla field management. When planting, we must do a good job in field management in order to ensure the growth of perilla and improve the efficiency of planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.