
The latest field management methods of Polygonatum odoratum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Polygonatum odoratum is a recorded traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is widely used in many places and industries. As the annual sales of Polygonatum odoratum increase, the wild number of Polygonatum odoratum is decreasing. So now the area of artificial planting is gradually expanding, planting Polygonatum odoratum.

Polygonatum odoratum is a kind of Chinese medicinal materials recorded in our country. It is widely used in many places and industries. As sales of polygonatum odoratum increase each year, the wild population of polygonatum odoratum is decreasing. Therefore, the area of artificial cultivation is gradually expanding. When planting Polygonatum odoratum, if you want to increase your yield, you must do a good job of management. So Xiaobian today brought you the field management method of Polygonatum odoratum. Let's take a look at it together!

1. Emergence management

We are in this period of time from the end of planting the seed stem to the emergence of seedlings. Always check the field conditions, if there is a lack of mulch, be sure to make up in time, and pay attention to keeping the soil moist to promote germination and emergence. When the seed stems emerge, the mulch on the ridge surface should be removed in time to avoid blocking the top soil of the seedlings, affecting the emergence rate and causing injuries to the seedlings. If the mulch is pine needles, a thinner layer may be retained. It can not only improve the soil moisture preservation ability, but also inhibit the growth of weeds and reduce the cost of artificial cultivation.

2. Proper thinning

Seedlings should be strengthened after they are unearthed. In the process of seedling growth, we should do a good job of thinning seedlings according to the emergence rate and seedling growth. When the seedlings grow to about 9 cm high, if they grow too dense, then they should be thinned in time. Thinning follows the principle of keeping strong and eliminating weak, providing sufficient growth space for healthy seedlings. Then we have to do a good job of weeding, especially in the seedling stage. Too many weeds will lead to malnutrition of seedling growth, so we must see the grass to pull out the grass. Avoid hoes as much as possible to prevent damage to the roots of seedlings. When the soil is dry, pull by hand. After rain or when the soil is wet, pull grass should be stopped.

3. Water and fertilizer management

The topdressing work of Polygonatum odoratum is very important. When planting, we should adjust the fertilization method reasonably according to the years of seedling. If the seedling time is one year, then under the premise of applying sufficient base fertilizer, basically no fertilizer can be applied. If it is two years of seedling, then generally after the plants wither on the ground, appropriate organic fertilizer is applied at the beginning of winter, and the dosage is controlled at 2000kg/mu. Pay attention to watering in seedling stage, and water in time when the soil is dry. However, it should not be excessive, and drainage should be done well in rainy season.

4. Shading and cold protection

Although polygonatum odoratum needs a certain amount of light to grow, it is very sensitive to light intensity. Therefore, we should pay attention to shade when planting polygonatum odoratum. We can plant some corn and other high stalk crops beside the bed to provide shade for Polygonatum odoratum, or we can set up shade after Polygonatum odoratum seedlings emerge. Then, after the annual seedlings have withered, cover the soil with leaves, straw, etc. before it freezes. Improve the soil heat preservation ability, promote Polygonatum odoratum seedlings overwintering.

The above is a brief introduction to the field management method of Polygonatum odoratum. The management of Polygonatum odoratum is very important and has a direct impact on production, so everyone must pay more attention. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!