
The latest cultivation methods of tulips

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Tulip belongs to long sunshine flowers, which is sunny and sheltered from the wind, warm and humid in winter and cool and dry in summer. It can grow normally when it is more than 8 ℃, and it can generally withstand the low temperature of-14 ℃. The cold tolerance is very strong, and if there is thick snow cover in the cold area, the bulb can survive the winter in the open field.

Tulip belongs to long sunshine flowers, which is sunny and sheltered from the wind, warm and humid in winter and cool and dry in summer. It can grow normally when it is more than 8 ℃, and it can generally withstand the low temperature of-14 ℃. Cold tolerance is very strong, in cold areas, if there is thick snow cover, the bulb can overwinter in the open field, but afraid of hot heat, if the summer comes early, the midsummer is very hot, the bulb is difficult to spend summer after dormancy. The slightly acidic sandy loam with rich humus, loose and fertile soil and good drainage is required. Avoid alkaline soil and continuous cropping.

The Propagation method of Tulip

The bulb was mainly separated from the bulb, and the bulb was planted from September to October in autumn. the mother ball was annual, that is, it was renewed every year, and developed into 1-3 new bulbs and 2-6 bulbs at the base of the bulb after anthesis, and the mother ball dried up. A new ball and several daughter balls are produced in the scale leaves of the mother ball, and the number of new balls varies with different varieties and is also related to the cultivation conditions. the expansion of new balls and heads is often completed within one month after flowering.

The dormant bulbs can be dug up in the first ten days of June, deslimed and stored under dry, ventilated and 20: 22 ℃ temperature, which is beneficial to bulb flower bud differentiation. The bulbs isolated from the bulbs were stored in a ventilated place of 5: 10 ℃ and planted from September to October in autumn. Sufficient rotten leaf soil and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied as base fertilizer. Cover the soil with 5cm and 7cm after planting the ball.

Sow seeds in the open field in autumn, with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. The number of seed balls in the scale leaves of the mother ball varies with different varieties and is also related to the cultivation conditions. It can sprout in the next spring and blossom in four to five years. The expansion of new balls and bulbs is often completed within one month after flowering.

The Culture method of Tulip

Tulips can be planted in the ground or potted. Cultivation time, both planting methods can be carried out in late October. The row spacing of the plant planted on the ground is 1416 cm, the bottom fertilizer is applied, the depth of covering soil is about 4 cm, and the depth of trench is 15-20 cm. Before and after sprouting and flowering, apply thin fertilizer for 2 to 4 times. Potted plants to choose full and fat bulbs, 30 cm flowerpot can plant 3-5 balls. The top of the ball is flush with the soil. After planting in autumn, the pot will be buried in the soil, dug out in spring, placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place, watered and fertilized normally, and will blossom on time.

Land planting requires sandy soil with good drainage, pH6.6~7, deep ploughing and soil preparation, with rotten cow dung and rotten leaf soil as basic fertilizer, and a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer for border planting, with a depth of 10 cm to 12 cm. Topdressing is generally carried out after seedling emergence, bud formation and after flowering. The bulb takes root in winter and topdressing twice before flowering in spring. It blossomed from the end of March to the beginning of April, and the aboveground leaves were yellow and dormant at the beginning of June. In the process of growth, it is generally not necessary to water, just keep the soil moist, and water properly in case of drought. The key points of cultivation and management are basically the same as those of hyacinth, except that the varieties of tulips are easy to be hybridized and should be planted in isolation. Tulip bulbs contain much starch and are easy to be eaten by rats during storage, so attention should be paid to collection.

Tulips belong to bulbs, which need to go through a certain stage of low temperature and fully grow their stems before they can blossom normally. Conventional cultivation is a general cultivation method, in which the tulip bulb is not supercooled.

Tulip bulbs should be planted in deep, fertile sandy soil, its root growth is the most avoid stagnant water, the selected terrain must be well drained. Planting border, the width of the border is generally 30 cm deep, and the trench should be deeper where the terrain is flat. If the soil planted in the first year is sticky, two cubic peat and 5 kg compound fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer for soil improvement every 100 square meters. It is not suitable for continuous cropping of tulips, and it is best not to plant tulips on land that has been planted in the previous year or two. One month before planting tulips, the land should be deeply exposed to the sun to eliminate germ spores and weeds. Then choose sunny weather, irrigate the soil with 40% formalin 100 times solution (depth of more than 10 cm) and cover the soil with thin film for about a week. After uncovering the film, fine the soil and prepare it for planting.

When planted in sandy soil with sunny drainage, planting can be considered when the soil temperature is stable below 12 ℃. After deep ploughing, it is appropriate to apply rotten cow manure and other phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (7 ~ 10 grams of phosphorus pentoxide per square meter and 1.3 grams of potassium oxide per square meter) into the soil at a depth of about 2 times the height of the bulb and 2 / 3 times the transverse diameter of the bulb. after covering the soil, it is no longer watering, but should be covered with millet grass to improve soil moisture and prevent soil consolidation. Just before the bud unearthed, apply a thin nitrogen fertilizer; after budding, increase the fertilizer concentration (10% fertilizer 90% water). Generally do not water during the growth period, as long as keep the soil moist, if the weather is dry, it can be watered for 1 to 2 times (the wetting depth is about 15 cm). As a cut flower, it should be cut when the bud changes color completely, and the viewing period of the vase is about 10 days.

The bulbs should be disinfected before planting, soaked in potassium permanganate solution or formalin solution for 30 minutes, dried and planted. The density of productive planting can be controlled at 12 × 12 cm or 13 × 12 cm, which varies slightly according to different varieties. Generally speaking, the leaves are erect, and the varieties with short plants can be closely planted properly.

If it is an exhibition planting, it can be put to 20-25 cm, and the planting depth is 4-5 cm from the top of the seed bulb. Water once after cultivation to prevent drying and dehydration. Tulips are mostly ornamental in pots, used as ground cover plants and for medicinal purposes.

Pest control of tulips

The main results are as follows: 1. Common diseases: the pathogens of tulip diseases and insect pests can be carried by the seed ball or by the soil, which mostly occur in the environment of high temperature and high humidity. the main diseases are stem rot, soft rot, broken color disease, quenching disease, blind bud and so on. most of the pests are aphids.

2. Prevention and control methods: adequate soil disinfection should be carried out before planting, virus-free bulbs should be selected as far as possible, diseased plants should be dug up and destroyed in time, and fungicides should be poured once or twice in the growth process of the greenhouse, the effect is better; good ventilation should be maintained to prevent high temperature and humidity; when aphids occur, 3% natural pyrethrum can be sprayed 800 times.