
What problems should be paid attention to in the latest culture of Dryopteris?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What kind of living environment is suitable for Dryopteris? Dryopteris prefers warm and humid environment, is not cold-resistant, drought-resistant, and suitable for acid soil. Potted plants can often be laid flat indoors with scattered light, and they will grow well. The cultivation of a mixture of mountain forest soil and fertile garden soil.

What kind of living environment is suitable for Dryopteris?

Dryopteris prefers warm and humid environment, is not cold-resistant, drought-resistant, and suitable for acid soil. Potted plants can often be laid flat indoors with scattered light, and they will grow well. The basin soil should be a mixture of mountain forest soil and fertile garden soil. The growing season should be well watered and thin fertilizer should be applied every 2 weeks or so to promote its luxuriant growth. It is appropriate to keep it under the outdoor shade in summer. When the foliage is too dense, the old leaves can be trimmed properly, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow and unsightly. After entering the winter, move it indoors and put it in the place of scattered light, and keep it at room temperature for about 10 ℃ to pass the winter safely.

What if the leaves of Dryopteris przewalskii turn black?

Due to improper maintenance, the leaves of Dryopteris tend to blacken. The causes and prevention measures are as follows:

① has a low temperature in winter and suffers frost damage from late or early frost. Dryopteris prefers warm and humid climate and is not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ~ 24 ℃. If the room temperature is above 10 ℃ in winter, the leaves can stay green, and turn black and yellow when the temperature is less than 5 ℃.

② is too shady to see the sun for a long time. The iron fern is afraid of summer heat and cannot be exposed to the sun, but it cannot be completely shaded. It is best to put it in an outdoor shade shed and under big trees in summer, or move outside at night and back indoors during the day. You should see the light fully in winter.

The summer climate of ③ is muggy and poorly ventilated. The air humidity should be increased and ventilation should be strengthened.

④ fertilizer and water problems. Dryopteris prefers sandy loam rich in humus and needs plenty of fertility. Charcoal powder and brick shavings can be added to the culture soil to improve the aeration and permeability of the basin soil.

Can you keep Dryopteris at home?

If you want to raise Dryopteris well in your family, you should do the following:

① likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment and avoids direct sunlight. It is best to put the plant in a place where the indoor sun is out of reach. Too much light will cause scorch on the edge of the leaf. The growth is good at the temperature of 10-20 ℃, the high temperature in summer will inhibit the growth, and no less than 5 ℃ in winter can be green all the year round.

② ferns grow in humid environments, and Dryopteris is no exception. In cultivation, in addition to pay attention to keep the soil moist, but also often spray water on the leaves to improve air humidity, plant yellowing, often caused by insufficient humidity. It could also be frostbite.

③ changes the pot once a year in spring, pruning to remove dried leaves and old roots. To replace the basin soil with fresh, fertile and loose rotten leaf soil, it is best to add a small amount of brick shavings.

What about the scorched edge of Dryopteris leaves?

The leaves of Dryopteris przewalskii are most prone to brown scorched edges, which is a common problem in cultivation. Dryopteris is originally born in wet wall cracks or stone surfaces, and likes to be wet most. Due to the strong light in summer, Dryopteris can not grow normally if it is not placed in a shady environment. Direct sunlight will make the water of the leaves dry quickly, and before the root absorbs the water, some of the cells of the leaves have dried and dehydrated, and the green will gradually fade, so the focal edge will appear. Rescue measures:

① must be cultured in semi-shade immediately.

② cuts off the charred leaves and sprays water on the leaves and the surrounding ground in time.

③ should be carefully maintained to avoid being stimulated by strong light as far as possible.

How to make the fern evergreen all the year round?

During the growth of ①, it is necessary to fully water and maintain high air humidity. It is necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves 2 or 3 times a day during the peak growing season to keep the leaves dark green. If the water supply is insufficient or the air is dry, the leaves will turn yellow or scorch the hem.

② Dryopteris does not need much fertilizer, generally applying thin pancake fertilizer and water every 2 to 3 weeks. The effect is better if a small amount of calcareous fertilizer can be added. However, it should be noted that the leaves should not be stained when watering and fertilizing, otherwise the leaves will be withered and yellow and the ornamental effect will be affected.

Although ③ is a shady plant, it still needs some light in the growing season. In the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, it is best to keep the flowerpot on the east or north windowsill of the room. If you put it outside to cultivate, you must avoid direct sunlight, if you are exposed to strong light, it is very easy to cause the leaf edge to scorch and the leaves to turn yellow.

When withered leaves are found in the process of ④ maintenance, the withered leaves should be cut off in time to keep the plants fresh and beautiful and conducive to the germination of new leaves. When the leaves are too dense, the old leaves can be pruned properly every autumn, otherwise the branches and leaves are too cluttered and crowded, it will lead to weak growth and yellow leaves.

In winter, ⑤ should keep the flowerpot near the south windowsill and keep the air moist and keep the room temperature above 12 ℃, so that the leaves will grow bright green and lovely.

⑥ Dryopteris grows fast and needs to be changed every spring. Pay attention to the need to add new culture soil when changing the basin.

How to breed Dryopteris scientifically?

Dryopteris is usually propagated mainly by ramets, which can maintain the parental traits. It is generally carried out when changing the basin in April of the following year, depending on the size of the mother plant, the base of the plant can be divided into one or three for cultivation. In addition, once the mature spores are scattered in the moist soil, they will also develop into seedlings, and when they grow up a little, they will dig up the pot and become new plants.