
The latest bonsai culture method of Taxus chinensis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taxus is suitable for planting in the north and south of China, with the characteristics of shade, drought and cold resistance. The soil PH value is required to be 5.5-7.0. Taxus is an ancient tree species with a history of one hundred years. It has a long history of cultivation in China and is deeply loved by people.

Taxus chinensis is suitable for planting in all parts of north and south China. It has the characteristics of shade-loving, drought-resistant and cold-resistant. It requires soil PH value of 5.5~7.0. Taxus chinensis is an ancient tree species with a history of one hundred years. It has a long history of cultivation in China and is deeply loved by people. Today, Xiaobian will share with you the cultivation methods and maintenance precautions of Taxus chinensis bonsai.

Cultivation method of Taxus chinensis potted landscape

For yew bonsai how to raise this problem, should from light, moisture, fertilization, pest control and other management details, can be carefully maintained.

1, lighting requirements

Taxus is a shade-loving and drought-tolerant plant, which should be placed indoors. In summer, it should be properly shaded. It should not be placed in a room with western illumination. It should not be placed at the air outlet of the air conditioner or next to the heater. That will cause the evaporation of water from the leaves of Taxus, resulting in dehydration of the branches and leaves. Finally, the leaves will curl and dry. In July and August of each year, under strong light irradiation, the chlorophyll of leaves is damaged, which needs to be avoided. Summer light as short as possible, autumn and spring can be longer. But the lack of light will also affect the growth of yew.

2. Flower pot selection

Appropriate slightly larger flowerpots, pots under a few more holes to enhance the permeability and permeability of flowerpots.

3. Soil selection

Appropriate to use loose, rich in humus, fertile, water, fertilizer, breathable soil, soil is slightly acidic (PH value is 5-6.5), loam is the best. Clay is not breathable, sand fertilizer retention, poor water retention, not suitable for use. In addition, peat soil, pearlite and loam can also be used to form a mixed cultivation matrix.

4. Moisture requirements

A little yellow and white appeared on the surface of the basin soil, and the leaves were slightly rolled. No watering was needed, just spraying the page. When the soil turns white, it should be watered. Watering should be done once and for all, so that the basin soil can absorb enough water. Outdoor watering once every 15-20 days, indoor watering once every 20-25 days. The soil moisture content is maintained at about 40%.

Note that watering too much and too often can cause yew roots to rot. When the rain is heavy in summer, if it is placed outdoors, excess rainwater should be drained in time to prevent the yew from being soaked in water for a long time. Of course, long-term drought and water shortage are not conducive to the growth of Taxus chinensis.

5. Soil fertility

Organic fertilizer 0.2 jin and compound fertilizer 0.02 jin per plant, farm manure, cake fertilizer (such as cottonseed cake, peanut cake, hemp cake) can also be added, fertilizer should be applied along the pot wall as far as possible, not close to the roots of Taxus chinensis. Generally, there is nutrient soil in the newly bought yew bonsai, which does not need fertilization within 3 months, and then it is applied once every 2-3 months.

6. Transplantation and basin replacement

About a year later, yew seedlings gradually grow up, root system developed, at this time need to be transplanted for pot. Break the old pot, do not damage the original soil ball at the same time, move it into the new pot, and water the roots to ensure that the roots and soil are closely combined to ensure survival. If there are conditions, yew seedlings can be transplanted to the field, the growth rate will be faster.

7. Bonsai trimming

Bonsai lower branches grow too dense, will appear dry yellow leaves fall off, can be too dense lower branches pruned off part. During the trimming process, it can be shaped arbitrarily, such as umbrella type, tower type, circle type, etc.

When the newly purchased Taxus chinensis bonsai No. 3 or above is transplanted from the planting base to the flowerpot, part of the root system will be damaged, so that the nutrient supply between the root and the branches and leaves is unbalanced. Under the condition that the pot soil is kept moist, the leaves still curl and dry; the nutrient consumption of the branches and leaves can be reduced by pruning, and the root system growth can be restored. In order to maintain the beautiful crown width of Taxus chinensis, the terminal buds and some lateral buds can be appropriately removed.

8. Pest control

Taxus stem rot is one of the most harmful diseases in the growth period of Taxus chinensis cuttings. Two months after cutting, stem rot disease occurred at the base of stem (the junction between underground and aboveground parts of cuttings) of Taxus chinensis cuttings, which started from individual plants and then expanded into whole clusters, resulting in green loss, death and shedding of leaves. Because the disease mainly occurred in summer and autumn high temperature season, cutting seedlings damaged by high soil temperature and provided conditions for the invasion of bacteria, the occurrence and epidemic of the disease mainly depends on the temperature in July to August, if the disease occurs earlier, the seedling heat resistance is weak, the disease is serious.

① Reduce the surface temperature of seedbed soil in summer and autumn to prevent burning the base of seedling stem, so as not to cause wound and lead to invasion of germs.

(2) Fertilization was added to promote the growth of cuttings and enhance their disease resistance.

(3) The best control effect was 89% when the mixture of quintozene powder and dexone powder was irrigated at the concentration of 5g/kg, or 83% when the mixture of carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl WP was irrigated at the concentration of 4g/kg.

4. The occurrence of stem rot of cuttings could be basically controlled by alternating application of the two methods mentioned above.

Yew bonsai maintenance precautions

1, yew like loose, good drainage cultivation environment, so purple sand basin is the best yew "partner".

2. The young trees of Taxus chinensis are shade-loving, not suitable for strong light, suitable for growth and development under indoor scattered light conditions. Such as summer in direct sunlight, will cause tender branches and tender leaves partial burns, branches and leaves withered, growth stagnation, serious when the whole plant death. But also can not be placed in too dark, no light place, it is best to have the right amount of light every day, indoor near the window is more appropriate.

3. It should be placed in a place with good ventilation conditions. Indoor canopy and poor ventilation will cause yew leaves to roll and fall. Also can not put it in the tuyere, otherwise it will increase due to water evaporation and make the plant leaves curly, dry phenomenon.

4, the yew watering should follow the principle of "not dry, not watered, watered thoroughly". Too much watering tends to cause root rot. Whether watering is needed can be judged according to the degree of wetness of the pot soil. The most direct way to judge is to insert a stick into the soil 2 to 3 cm. When the soil is dry and hard, water is needed. Can also be used to knock the basin, from the sound can judge the basin soil dry and wet conditions. When the basin makes an empty sound, the soil is dry, and when it makes a muffled sound, the soil is still wet. Water until it flows out through the bottom drain hole. Attention should be paid when watering. Taxus chinensis likes slightly acidic medium environment. For areas with alkaline water quality, ferrous sulfate can be added to the water for regulation. Also note that the difference between water temperature and soil temperature is not too large. Summer high temperature, should be watered in the morning and evening, can not be carried out in the noon sun; winter cold, watering can not be neglected, watering should be in the clear noon.

5. The leaves spray water to moisturize. The humidity of yew trees in northern areas is often "not up to standard", so it is necessary to spray water on the leaves to increase humidity. When spraying water, pay attention to, because yew leaf surface has a layer of waxy matter, so should be sprayed from the back of the leaf from below up.

6, can be sprayed once every month or so foliar fertilizer (potassium dihydrogen phosphate).