
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ping an tree is the elegant name of Orchid Island cinnamon. It can emit the fragrance of correcting peculiar smell and purifying the air. People in the flower growing industry and business have given it an auspicious name Ping an Tree. The peace tree means auspiciousness, symbolizes peace and happiness, and has a happy life.

Ping an tree is the elegant name of Orchid Island cinnamon. It can emit the fragrance of correcting peculiar smell and purifying the air. People in the flower growing industry and business have given it an auspicious name "Ping an Tree". The safe tree means auspiciousness, symbolizes peace and happiness, and has a happy life. The following editor will introduce in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the safe tree.

The Culture method of Ping an Tree

1. Temperature. The suitable temperature for the growth of Ping an tree is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. Young trees are not tolerant to low temperature. If frost lasts for more than 5 days, the plants maintained or cultivated in the open field can easily lead to bark cracking, branches and leaves withering, and even the whole plant being frozen to death. Whether it is a small number of plants in family pot or large-scale production and management cultivation, the greenhouse temperature should be maintained at no less than 5 ℃ in winter in order to keep the leaves green and beautiful all the time. Larger plants can endure a low temperature of about 0 ℃ for a short time when there is no cold wind in the greenhouse. Potted plants in the Yangtze River basin should be moved into the shed before Frosts Descent's arrival and leave the room after the Qingming Festival the following year. Pay attention to prevent the cold damage caused by late frost or late spring cold. At the height of summer, when the temperature is more than 32 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to shade and spray water on the leaf surface in order to humidify and cool down, so that it can maintain exuberant growth.

2. Light. Ping an tree needs better light, but it is more shady. Its light demand varies with age, young trees are shade-tolerant, 3-5-year-old plants, under shade conditions, plant height grows fast, 6-10-year-old plants require sufficient light. After entering the summer, the potted plant can be transferred in the shade or under the sunshade of 40% to 50%, then the growth is ideal. If the light is too strong, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow and lose their mind, and reduce their due ornamental value, especially the potted plants that have been displayed indoors for a long time, and when they are moved outdoors for restorative maintenance in summer, care must be taken. It should be maintained in an environment of 40% to 50% shade first, which must not be too urgent, otherwise it is very easy to cause leaf burns. In addition, when you encounter the sunny weather after a long rain in late spring and early summer, you should also do a good job of shading in time, otherwise it will also cause leaf burns, and it will be difficult to restore the verdant spirit of its leaves in a short time.

3. Moisture. A safe tree requires a humid environment. For this reason, potted plants should always keep the potted soil moist, but there should be no stagnant water, and the environmental relative humidity should be kept above 80%. In the period of high temperature in summer or relatively dry air in autumn, including when it is kept indoors in winter, we should often spray water on the leaf surface and the surrounding environment to create a relatively humid local space environment to promote its robust growth. Watering should be controlled after entering autumn, and more spraying and less watering should be done in winter. If there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it is easy to lead to plant yellowing, lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and in serious cases, the rotten roots of the plant will die, which should be paid special attention to in the rainy season.

4. Soil. Pot or bag culture of safe trees, it is appropriate to use loose and breathable, unobstructed drainage, rich in organic matter fertile acid culture soil or rotten leaf soil. The hardening of basin soil or pH value higher than 7.5 will also cause yellowing of plant leaves, serious poor growth and decrease of sprouting ability, and affect bud regeneration, and even shorten its cultivation life. For this reason, small plants should change pots once a year, large plants can change soil once every two years, and loosen the soil once a month during the growing season, especially after heavy rain, flowerpots should be checked in time, water should be poured out as soon as possible, and loose soil should be replaced as soon as possible. Potted plants, the annual time to turn the pot to change soil, it is best to arrange after the spring to sprout before it is more appropriate.

5. Fertilizer. Ping an tree has plump plants, large leaves and prosperous growth, so it needs a large amount of fertilizer. Potted safe trees not only require fertile soil, but also apply thin cake fertilizer or alum once a month from mid-spring to early autumn. After entering autumn, phosphate and potassium fertilizer should be applied twice continuously, such as 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, so as to increase the cold resistance of the plant, promote the young shoots to Lignification as early as possible, so that they can survive the winter safely. All forms of topdressing should be stopped in winter to prevent fertilizer from injuring the roots and causing the leaves to yellowing or scorching off, otherwise it is difficult to restore the original appearance of the plant.

6. Disease control

① anthracnose: mainly harms seedling stage and adult leaves. Leaf infection, mostly occurs in the leaf surface, leaf tip, leaf edge, brown, irregular shape, in the later stage often expand or merge into gray-brown spots, the edge of brown, wavy, there are many small black spots on the spot, that is, its conidial disk. Conidia are transmitted by wind and rain, and spore germination invades leaves or seedlings when humidity is high, which is easy to occur in continuous rain, lack of sunlight, soil viscosity or moisture retention in the shed, and is the most popular from February to April. Prevention and control methods: find a small number of diseased leaves, remove and destroy them in time; increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the growing season to improve plant resistance; at the initial stage of the disease, use 25% carbolin wettable powder 500 times liquid, or 60% carbolin wettable powder 700 times liquid, or 75% methyl topiramate wettable powder 600 times liquid, spray alternately, every 10 to 15 days, 3 to 4 times in a row.

② brown spot occurred on the new leaves of the plant from April to May, the oval yellow-brown spot began to appear on the leaf surface, and then expanded continuously, and there were more small black spots on the front of the leaf, and the back of the spot was purple, so that the whole leaf yellowed and withered, resulting in a large number of deciduous leaves. Prevention and treatment methods: 1% Bordeaux solution can be used for prevention; a small number of diseased leaves should be removed and burned in time; at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% fungicidal aqua regia 1000 times, alternately sprayed every 10 days, 3 to 4 times in a row.

③ brown root disease: the leaves of diseased trees gradually turn yellow and droop, turn brown and dry in severe cases, the stems lose water and dry up, the roots turn brown and rot, and the diseased plants die in a short time. Diseased roots, diseased soil and residual plants left behind are the initial infection sources of the disease, which are transmitted by wind, rain or contact, usually occurring in a single plant. Control methods: seriously diseased plants and plants withered due to disease should be uprooted and burned, and disinfected with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim methyl should be sprayed. Sulfur suspension 800 times liquid, or 50% Gen Fuling wettable powder 800 times liquid, carry on the prevention and control.

7. Pest control

① leaf curl: it often occurs in summer and autumn. It curls several new leaves into nests, in which the larvae lurk to feed on the leaves. They can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon crystal 800x solution or 40% dimethoate EC 100x solution.

② aphids: the young leaves and new buds of Ping an tree are prone to aphid piercing harm, resulting in greasy leaves, and then induced coal fouling disease, affecting plant growth and display. Control method: after spreading plant ash on the plant, rinse it with clean water; spray neem leaf juice, which can effectively kill insects; spray imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times.