
The latest potted techniques and methods of bergamot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bergamot is a variety of citron, belonging to citrus fruit flowers. It is quite common that bergamot does not blossom or only blossom but does not bear fruit. The following editor will introduce the techniques of potted bergamot. Potted techniques of bergamot 1. Promoting seedlings

Bergamot is a variety of citron, belonging to citrus fruit flowers. It is quite common that bergamot does not blossom or only blossom but does not bear fruit. The following editor will introduce the techniques of potted bergamot.

Potted technique of bergamot

The main results are as follows: 1. Promote the vegetative growth of seedlings and make them mature as soon as possible. In the second and third spring, when changing the basin, cake fertilizer, hoof slices and bone powder were applied as base fertilizer, and at the same time, a shaping and pruning was carried out to cut the trunk and leave 15cm, leaving 3 or 5 axillary buds below to promote the germination of strong branches and expand the crown. When the new plant grows slightly to 5~8cm, the apical bud and lateral bud are removed to form a certain tree shape and promote it to enter the fruiting stage ahead of time.

2. Bergamot likes acidic soil, and the PH value should be kept at 5.3; the ratio of basin soil is 60% of humus soil, 30% of river sand, 10% of peat soil or furnace ash. Thin fertilizer and water can be applied every ten days and a half month. The water is big and the root is easy to rot, so we should try the method of moisture watering. The surface of the basin soil is not dry and not watered at a time, so it is the case all year round.

3. The most suitable humidity for bergamot is 70%-90%. For this reason, you should spray water to the leaves once or twice a day in the dry season, or you can sprinkle water to the ground to increase air humidity. The suitable growing temperature of bergamot is 15-30 ℃. Move to a cool, ventilated and shady place in hot season, and keep out cold when the temperature is below 5 ℃.

4. Bergamot is not easy to set fruit, so we should use various ways to promote it. Organic fertilizer should be applied in bud, before and after flowering, and thin organic liquid fertilizer should be applied once a week. Then thinning buds, abnormal buds, sick weak buds must be broken, can not leave too many buds, can only stay near the top of the branch growing the best two or three buds, can not ask to set too much fruit.

5. Bergamot is prone to yellow leaf disease and leaf shedding, which can be irrigated with 1% ferrous sulfate solution. If the rotten root should be turned over immediately, the plant should be removed from the basin to wash the root, get rid of the rotten root, and be planted in sterilized plain sandy soil for maintenance so as to gradually restore its vitality.

How does bergamot treat diseases with leaves?

If potted flowers are not properly managed, their leaves will turn yellow, scorch and curl. The change of the blade can be used as the basis for analyzing the problems existing in the maintenance work, and corresponding measures can be taken accordingly.

1. The young leaves turn yellow, or the lower leaves curl and wither, and the continuous loss of leaves is generally caused by too much watering. Watering potted flowers should be "dry and wet". If there is stagnant water in the flowerpot, the time should not exceed half an hour, otherwise the health of the root system will be affected. Sometimes, the young leaves of potted flowers turn yellow because of the lack of certain nutrients. Although the leaves turn yellow, the veins are still green, which is caused by iron deficiency. At this time, you can apply some ferrous sulfate with 3 parts of silty soil and 1 part of rotten nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer sold in the market, and the effect is also acceptable.

2. The old leaves turn yellow and the new leaves grow very small. this is due to the lack of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the basin soil. You can apply some mature organic fertilizer or commercial flower fertilizer tablets to supplement nutrients. Young leaf tip scorch should be checked to see if the potted soil is too dry, or the light is too strong, and the temperature is too high to burn the plant.

3. The center atrophy of new shoots, yellowish young leaves and dark yellow old leaves are mostly caused by stagnant water and hypoxia of basin soil and root rot, so we should loosen the soil and stop fertilizer and control water immediately. If the color of the new leaves is normal, and the lower leaves gradually dry yellow and fall off or scorch upward, it is lack of water.

4. Scorch at the edge of leaves is often caused by too much fertilization and improper watering. The basin soil can be washed with clean water many times to make the fertilizer dissolved in the water flow out of the drain hole.

5. The edges of the leaves curl, wrinkle and turn brown, which is mostly caused by excessive dryness of indoor air, so the leaves should be sprayed with water similar to room temperature, or the flowerpot should be placed in another larger pot with wet grass ash or wet old cloth between the two pots, so that there is a humid microclimate around the potted flowers.