
The latest culture method of hydroponic orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chlorophyllum, also known as hanging potted grass, hanging orchid, airplane grass and so on, is a kind of evergreen herb originating from South Africa. Because of its strong adaptability, simple breeding and effective adsorption of harmful substances in the air, Cymbidium is the most common in indoor culture.

Chlorophyllum, also known as hanging potted grass, hanging orchid, airplane grass and so on, is a kind of evergreen herb originating from South Africa. Because of its strong adaptability, simple breeding and effective adsorption of harmful substances in the air, Cymbidium is one of the most common green plants in indoor culture. Cymbidium can also be cultured by hydroponic culture, which is simpler and more hygienic. Next, the pro-agricultural network will introduce to you the hydroponic culture methods of Cymbidium.

Culture method of hydroponic Cymbidium

1. Container selection: transparent glass container can be used.

2. Preparation of nutrient solution: experience shows that 1.8g calcium nitrate, 0.187g ammonium sulfate, 0.62g potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.54g magnesium sulfate, 0.62g potassium chloride and 0.0278g ferrous phosphate are added per liter. After dissolving, dilute it to 1L with water and mix evenly.

3. Deal with the orchid: dig up the orchid from the soil, wash the soil with water, cut off the old and rotten root, leave the beard root, clean up the diseased leaves and keep the healthy and tender leaves.

4. Fixed placement: insert the treated orchid into the bottle and fix it with materials such as glass balls or stones.

5. Management and maintenance: after loading into the container, put the hanging orchid indoors or in a cool place.

6. change the culture medium: add water and change the nutrient solution every 7 days or so.

The second culture method of hydroponic Cymbidium

1. Choose the container: generally, you should choose the vase according to the size of the hydroponic hanging orchid. It is best to choose the one with a neck at 1pm 3, which can be fixed or not.

2. Select water culture seedlings: you can choose new seedlings on the stems, preferably with aerial roots; you can also wash off the soil and carry out water culture, and be sure to carry out disinfection before water culture.

3. Hydroponic culture: select a good vase according to the size of the orchid, and do not add too much water when hydroponic culture, so that the root system is less than 1, 3, 3, 1 and 2.

4. Maintenance and management: if the water is changed from soil culture to water culture every 2-3 days, part of the root system will rot at the initial stage, which needs to be cut off and sterilized. When the new water root is 3 to 5 centimeters long, it is necessary to add nutrient solution to the water, the amount does not need to be large.

The maintenance environment had better have scattered light, not too shaded or exposed to the sun, and those with dry leaf tips should be pruned in time.

Culture methods of hydroponic Cymbidium

1. Containers: container bottles can be single-layer or double-layer. Single-layer bottles are made of plastic bottles without bottom holes or ceramic bottles without bottom holes. In the double-layer bottle, the plastic screen is taken as the upper layer, and the lower bottle is a bottomless bottle. The hanging orchid is planted in the upper plastic screen to let the root of the hanging orchid droop in the bottle.

2. Take seedlings: remove the potted or ground-planted orchids from the pot or dig up from the ground, remove the soil from the roots, wash the roots with clean water, cut off the old and rotten roots, leave the fibrous roots, cut off some leaves (old leaves, leaves of diseases and insect pests), and leave strong leaves, generally leaving 6 to 10 leaves.

3. Upper basin: the pot method of single-layer bottle is to insert the treated hanging orchid into the bottle, and the bottle mouth is fastened with a sponge and inserted with a plastic straw, which is used for transporting water. Let the orchid plant stand upright, fill the bottle with water and flower nutrient solution, and let the root of the orchid grow in water. In the double-layer bottle cultivation method, the plant of the orchid is planted on a plastic sieve, and the root passes through the small hole of the plastic sieve into the lower bottle, which is filled with pottery or stone rice (large grains) to make the orchid stand upright, and the lower bottle is filled with clear water and flower nutrition solution. After potting, put the orchid indoors or in a cool place for management.

4. Management

① water: water and flower nutrient solution are added every 4 days for single-layer container cultivation, and the water is input from the straw until the water is full. Change the water of the double-layer bottle once a week, pour out the water when changing the water, wash the bottle clean, fill it with water and flower nutrient solution, and then put the plastic sieve on the bottle.

② fertilizer: adding water and changing water in the root and adding flower nutrient solution at the same time, topdressing outside the root is spraying branches and leaves with diluted flower nutrient solution every 3 days.

③ control of diseases and insect pests: if you find any diseases and insect pests, you can use universal powder and water to spray leaves.

④ to promote flowers: half a year after the flowering, do not spray water on the flowers, to prevent early falling flowers, flowers withered should be cut off from the branches to promote re-flowering.

Common problems in hydroponic culture of Magnolia

Q: how to raise hydroponic orchids?

A: it's too easy! Put it in a larger vase or goldfish bowl and continue the water every now and then. The water had better be tap water after drying for 24 hours. Don't put it in the sun. It's best to put it in a shady room near the windowsill, and spray water on the leaves frequently. During the growth period, nutrient solution can be added appropriately, even if it is not added.

Q: what kind of nutrient solution should I add?

Answer: it is the general flower market to sell, flower fish co-culture hydroponic nutrient solution.

These are the several hydroponic culture methods introduced by the pro-agricultural network for you, do they all look very simple, so have you learned it? The orchid can absorb most of the harmful substances in the air, such as carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, nicotine and so on. It can be said to be a pot of "air purifier" for breeding in the home, which is very suitable for breeding in the new house. Friends who have just decorated the house at home might as well raise such a pot.