
What is the latest flower language of preserved plum?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chimonanthus mume is a traditional and valuable ornamental flower and tree in China, which has a long cultivation history and rich Chimonanthus culture. Because the wax plum blossom blossoms at the beginning of winter, and bear fruit at the end of winter, it is also known as Dongmei. Before the flowers bloom in spring, they are the first of a hundred flowers. For a long time, the plum blossom has always been

Chimonanthus mume is a traditional and valuable ornamental flower and tree in China, which has a long cultivation history and rich Chimonanthus culture. Because the wax plum blossom blossoms at the beginning of winter, and bear fruit at the end of winter, it is also known as Dongmei. Before the flowers bloom in spring, they are the first of a hundred flowers. For a long time, plum blossoms have always been regarded as a symbol of strength and arrogance. What is the language of plum blossoms? Next, let's take a look at the flower words of Lamei.

The Flower language of Lamei

Sad and sorrowful love, noble heart, faithfulness, independence, perseverance, loyalty, strength, firmness, loyalty, loyalty, nobility, dignity, arrogance, clear heart, arrogant and upright, independent innovation.

Ancient poets often compare plum with snow in winter, which shows that in ancient times, plum was thought to be unafraid of the cold. All along, plum blossoms have always been regarded as a symbol of strength and arrogance. Li Shangyin, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, called Chimonanthus a cold plum, and there was a sentence of "knowing to visit the cold plum across the wild pond". One of Wang Anshi's Mei is even more well-known.

The effect of Lamei Blossom

Wax plum blossoms in the cold month and early spring, yellow flowers, fragrance overflowing, for winter ornamental goods, is a unique precious ornamental flowers and trees in our country. In addition, preserved plum also has a good dietotherapy effect. Usually eat with dried buds. The dried buds are round, rectangular or Obovate, 1-1.5 cm long and 0.4-0.8 cm wide, and the perianth is stacked cooperative flower bud-like, brownish yellow, the lower part is surrounded by many membranous scales, the scales are yellow-brown, slightly triangular and puberulent. Fragrance, taste slightly sweet, after bitter, slightly greasy.

Li Shizhen said in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "the plum blossom tastes sweet, slightly bitter, picked and fried, soaked in water, and mixed with oil and salt." it is not only a food with good taste, but also can "relieve heat and promote fluid". Its fruit is called potato in ancient times, which is poisonous and can be used as a laxative and can not be eaten by mistake.

Modern pharmacological analysis shows that plum blossom contains borneol, cineole, linalool and other ingredients. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the plum blossom is slightly sweet, pungent and cool, which has the effect of relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, appetizer and depression, detoxification and muscle formation, and antitussive effect. It is mainly for the treatment of summer heat, dizziness, vomiting, fever, irritation and thirst, qi depression, stomach tightness, cough and other diseases. Chinese plum blossom is commonly used to fry water for babies to drink, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.