
The latest jasmine language and legends

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the flower language of jasmine? Jasmine is pure, full-bodied, Qingfen and ancient. Its flower language expresses loyalty, respect, purity, chastity, simplicity, exquisite and charming. Many countries regard it as the flower of love. Young men and women send jasmine to each other to express their firmness.

What is Jasmine's language? Jasmine is pure, rich, pure, long, its flower language expresses loyalty, respect, purity, purity, simplicity, exquisite, charming, many countries regard it as the flower of love, young men and women, send jasmine flowers to each other to express firm love, it also serves as the flower of friendship, pass among people, put jasmine flower ring on the guest neck to make it hang to the chest, express respect and friendship, become a kind of hospitality etiquette.

Jasmine flower language

Jasmine is pure, rich, pure, long, with loyalty, purity, purity, simplicity, exquisite, charming meaning.

1) Faithfulness and chastity. Jasmine represents pure and sincere love in love, without false ingredients, expressing firm love, many countries regard it as a flower of love, young people regard it as a gift for their girlfriends, expressing loyal love to each other.

2. Show respect and respect. When there is a VIP visit, the hospitable host will form a jasmine wreath and hang it on the guest's neck to show respect and friendship. It is a kind of hospitality etiquette. In solemn occasions such as weddings, it is also a very appropriate decorative flower, and is often used in bridal bouquets.

Jasmine legend

Legend has it that in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Suzhou Tiger Hill lived a farmer surnamed Zhao, two couples and three sons, living in poverty. Old man Zhao went out to make a living and settled in Guangdong village. He came back every two or three years to have a look. Wife and son farm at home. As the child grew older, he divided the land into three sections, each with a piece of tea. One year old Zhao came home and brought back a bundle of flower saplings. He only said that this was a fragrant flower that southerners liked. What name it was called was unclear. Old man Zhao, whether his son liked it or not, planted it on the edge of his eldest son's tea field. After a year, the tree blossomed with small white flowers, although fragrant, and did not arouse much interest in the villagers. One day, Zhao's son was surprised to find that tea branches with the aroma of small white flowers. Then he inspected the whole tea field and found that it was full of fragrance. He quietly picked a basket of tea leaves and went to Suzhou City to try to sell them. Unexpectedly, this fragrant tea was really popular and sold out in a while. This year the eldest son made a fortune selling incense tea, the news finally spread Ding. After the two younger brothers learned, they looked for their brother to settle accounts. They thought that his brother's fragrant tea leaves were caused by his father's fragrant flowers. The money for selling tea leaves should be divided equally among the three. The brothers had been quarrelling endlessly, and the two younger brothers wanted to destroy the fragrant flowers by force.

There was an old hermit in the village named Dai Kui, who was deeply revered by the masses. Zhao's three brothers all went to Dai's house and asked him to judge them. Dai Kui said: "You three are close brothers, should be intimate, in the future you will marry and have children, parents, not just for the immediate benefit, make a split." Brother found the fragrant tea, sold more money, this is a great thing, the whole family should be happy. God of Wealth entered your house, but you fought instead. How could there be such a stupid thing? You know where the god of wealth is, these fragrant flowers. Multiply and grow these fragrant flowers; plant fragrant flowers in every man's tea field, and let every brother sell fragrant tea, and everyone will be rich. Your fragrant flowers have a name, and bad people want to steal them. What should we do? Brothers take turns to watch, this needs to be united, if you are all selfish, do not put everyone's interests first, how can things be done? In order for you to remember my words, I will name your fragrant flower, called Moli Flower. It means that when dealing with people, you will put your personal interests at the end." The three brothers were very moved by what Old Master Dai had said. After returning home, they lived in harmony and united in production, and everyone's life became richer year by year.

Later, Suzhou Jasmine became a famous local product. After many years, Suzhou Jasmine Tea is famous. The ending flower was written as jasmine flower, which was changed by literati for the beauty of the font. However, the meaning of the ending flower was still retained in the hearts of the masses.

There was a famous prostitute named Zhen Niang in Suzhou in Tang Dynasty. Zhen Niang was born in Chang 'an, Kyoto. From childhood intelligent, delicate, good at singing and dancing, working in piano chess, good at painting and calligraphy. In order to escape from the Anshi rebellion, he fled south with his parents, separated from his family on the road, and was lured to Suzhou, where he was lured to the "Le Yun Lou" brothel on Shantang Street. Because the real mother both talent and appearance, soon famous for a while, but she only sell art, not body, keep pure. At that time, Su City has a rich son named Wang Yinxiang, character is correct, there are several talents. He fell in love with the real mother in the brothel and wanted to marry her. The real mother had been decided by her parents when she was young. She had to refuse politely when she had a marriage. Wang Yinxiang still does not give up, with a heavy bribe pimp, want to stay in the real mother. The mother felt that it was difficult to disobey, and in order to protect her chastity, she hanged herself. After Wang Yinxiang learned, he was depressed and extremely sad. He buried his mother in the scenic Tiger Hill and carved a monument to commemorate her. He planted flowers and trees on the tomb, known as "Flower Tomb", and vowed never to marry again. Literati every time the real mother tomb, the peerless beauty can not help but pity jade, have inscribed poems on the tomb.

It is said that jasmine flower has no fragrance before the death of the real mother. After death, its soul is attached to the flower. From then on, jasmine flower has fragrance, so it is called jasmine flower, also known as fragrant soul, jasmine tea, also known as fragrant soul tea.