
The latest culture method of hyacinth in water culture

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hyacinth is mainly produced in the Netherlands, belongs to the Liliaceae, is also a bulbous plant. The inflorescence of hyacinth is very plump and has many colors. The roots are still white. The growing period of hyacinth is in winter and early spring, and the florescence is also at this time.

Hyacinth is mainly produced in the Netherlands, belongs to the Liliaceae, is also a bulbous plant. The inflorescence of hyacinth is very plump and has many colors. The roots are still white. The growth period of hyacinth is in winter and early spring, and the florescence is also at this time. Summer is the dormant period of hyacinth. So we generally regard hyacinth as an annual flower cultivation. The following editor will share the breeding methods of hyacinth for you. I hope you can learn it.

Culture method of hydroponic hyacinth

1. First of all, prepare a transparent glass bottle like a gourd. The bottle should be filled with water and the seed head of hyacinth should be placed at the mouth of the bottle. Can also add a little charcoal, play the role of a disinfection box anticorrosion. The amount of water is limited to not touching the bottom of the bulb.

2. It has been installed, and then it should be placed in a dark place and the bottle should be covered with a black cloth. Keep the indoor temperature at 5 mi 10 degrees Celsius. Because this is good for the roots of hyacinth. After 20 days, the roots sprout in total darkness, and it's time to take them out to bask in the sun.

3. After the root system is fully grown, move to the bright place where there is no direct light, the temperature is controlled above 10 ℃, and the water is changed once every 2-3 days to keep the water clean. If the water is immersed to the root, there is no need to water or fertilize.

4. After the hyacinth flower fades, the flower stem should be cut off, the bulb should be taken out and planted in the basin, so that the bulb can be enriched. When the leaves wither, dig out the bulbs and collect them, and they can be rejuvenated in the basin in autumn. If the bulb is well preserved, it can still bloom in the second year, but the flower will be short and the scape will atrophy, which is mainly due to the degeneration of the bulb.

How to raise hyacinth by water cultivation?

1. Watering is very important: if it is clear water culture, it should be changed once a week, if it is nutrient solution culture scientific research, it should be changed once in half a month. No matter how you raise it, you must keep the water quality clean.

2. Growth environment: after germination, it should be placed in a position with bright light, good ventilation and sunshine, so as to facilitate its growth. At first, it shines for one or two hours a day, and then gradually increases to seven or eight hours. Be sure to keep plenty of sunlight.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture of hyacinth

1. Buy a container whose mouth can hold the bulb, preferably a gourd-shaped container with a small top and a large bottom, with a better transparent glass texture.

2. The water temperature should not be high, and it is better to be below 15 ℃.

3. After putting the bulb on the bottleneck, the water level can be lowered to the point where the root can just touch the water, so that the root can fully absorb oxygen and promote the growth of the root.

4. Move the container to a sunny place in winter to make the flowers big and strong.

5. Several hyacinths can also be planted in the fish tank, and the matrix is made of sand, supplemented by shady ferns to form a small scene of wild interest, which is also very chic.

In fact, hyacinth will not blossom immediately after the first hydroponic culture, but will not blossom until the next year. So don't worry at this time when you didn't have a meeting when you were breeding. The above is about the water cultivation hyacinth pig method, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.