
How to raise the latest potted rose?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The seasonal flower is the main ornamental flower in spring. Because of its long flowering period, high ornamental value and low price, it is loved by local gardens. It can be used to arrange flower beds, flower borders, courtyard flowers, and to make rose bonsai. Today, the editor will introduce the potted rose to you.

The seasonal flower is the main ornamental flower in spring. Because of its long flowering period, high ornamental value and low price, it is loved by local gardens. It can be used to decorate flower beds, flower borders, courtyard flowers, and make rose bonsai. Today, the editor will introduce to you how to raise potted rose flowers.

The production method of potted rose

1. Pile picking: wild rose piles with peculiar type and natural tip are dug at the side of hillsides and ditches every spring. After the pile is harvested, the root trunk is cut in place as far as possible, planted with a little sawdust in plain sandy soil, and can be planted in pots. The whole pile is covered with plastic bags. After the new buds grow 3-5cm, the plastic bags are removed in cloudy and rainy days, and then the stems and leaves are sprayed with water every morning and evening to ensure survival. Fertilization can be started in August, once every half month, with cake fertilizer and water as the best. The branch transition is natural, the next spring to prune, strengthen management, and so on when the new branches grow to a certain thickness, you can start grafting. Individuals who need to be dried can continue to be stocked.

2. Grafting: it is better to adopt bud grafting in rose bonsai grafting, which is characterized by simple operation, long grafting time, bud grafting from May to September and high survival rate. Visible personal hobbies, choose grafted rose colors and varieties. Rose grafting is not difficult, but in order to achieve a higher survival rate, we must master three links.

① bud selection: the buds must be taken from strong branches, and it is best to wait until they are about to sprout. It is best to cut off the flowers and fertilize them, release them for a week, and take buds for grafting when the buds begin to sprout.

② sprouting: the common rose adopts the method of peeling and budding. The branches of miniature rose are thin, and it is not easy to take buds according to the traditional method. We should first cut the shoots close to 2cm length, cut obliquely from the middle part of the back of the bud to both ends, then peel off the cortex from the lower end of the bud, and peel off the xylem for a long time, so as to protect the vascular bundles in the bud. After the buds are removed, the two ends of the buds are cut flat according to the cut height of the rootstock, gently put into the incision of the rootstock, and close to the xylem of the rootstock, tightly wrapped with plastic strips to expose the bud eyes.

③ moisturizing: after the completion of grafting and bandaging, the grafted rose bonsai can be put into the plastic greenhouse for maintenance, or the method of single branch covered with plastic bags can be adopted, so it can be directly placed in the natural environment for maintenance, and plastic bags can be removed in 10 days, loosened and grafted according to survival.

Daily maintenance of potted rose

1. Lighting: if you want to keep the rose blooming, you need to give it a long time of light. Under the condition of all-day sunshine, the rose can grow healthily. Except for the appropriate shade when the summer temperature is high, the potted rose can receive all-day light at other times.

2. Watering: rose likes a humid and warm environment, but it can also withstand a certain degree of drought. Usually can be watered according to the principle of dry and thorough watering, the best watering time in summer can be chosen in the morning, and in winter when the temperature is high at noon. In addition, potted rose can not bear high temperature, when the ambient temperature is high, water spraying can be used to reduce the temperature, so as to avoid the phenomenon of leaf burns.

3, fertilization: rose likes fertilizer, in order to ensure that the flowers can be seen from time to time during the flowering period, fertilizer and water need to be applied constantly. When plants sprout new buds in spring, some mature cake fertilizer and bean dregs fertilizer can be applied, and then a thin fertilizer and water can be applied when the buds grow gradually in the flowering stage. After flowering, it is necessary to apply appropriate amount of fertilizer and water every month according to plant growth, so as to supplement the nutrients consumed during flowering.

4. Change the basin: the growth rate of the rose is faster, and the nutrition consumption is also fast. Every year, the soil should be changed in spring. When changing the soil, an appropriate amount of organic fertilizer should be added as the base fertilizer in the basin soil to provide the nutrition needed during the growing period.

How to trim potted rose?

How to trim potted rose? The key points we should pay attention to in pruning are: sprouting before blooming, pruning after flowering, and then the editor will introduce you how to prune potted roses.

1. Wipe buds before flowering: potted roses should not leave too many buds. At the beginning, 2-3 buds are left on each branch. When the new buds grow to 3-4 cm, the general branches choose to leave a flower bud, and the sturdy branches can also leave 1 or 2 more buds, so as to concentrate nutrients and make the flowers bloom big and colorful. The whole rose can only leave 4-6 flower buds, and they should be evenly distributed, and the rest of the new buds will be erased.

2. Pruning after anthesis: after each stubble of flowers, the flower branches should be cut short from the 3-5 leaves at the base, and the cutting part should be about 1 cm above the leaf buds that extend outward, and at the same time, diseased branches, withered branches, lateral branches and introverted branches should be cut off to concentrate nutrients and promote the development of robust new branches. In this way, the plant type of potted rose will be compact and the flowering will be concentrated.

How to spend the winter with potted rose?

Rose is a common variety of family-cultivated flowers, which has strong cold tolerance, so it can generally survive the winter outdoors in the south, but in the north, cold prevention measures should be taken to ensure that the plant can survive the winter safely, otherwise the branches will be damaged or even the whole plant will freeze to death. let's go on to see how the following potted rose should spend the winter.

1, rose winter, can be stored in the cold room in winter, so that it dormant, the spring development is strong. Before entering the house, prune the basin, clean up the basin, spray it with lime water, kill insects and prevent disease, and enter the house before the basin soil is frozen. Water should be watered during winter storage to prevent air drying. It is safest at room temperature about 0 ℃. Seal it with earth when it is too cold. When the early spring is getting warmer, the opening should be ventilated to prevent the occurrence of yellow buds and affect the normal development.

2. You can keep it in the greenhouse for winter. After pruning, let it be frozen outside for a period of time, enter the room at the end of November, thaw slowly at a low temperature, and then move to a place of about 10 ℃ to wait for it to germinate. Then put it in a sunny place where you need more than 4 hours of direct light every day and a temperature of about 20 ℃. A small amount of watering, loosening the soil, sunny noon can be put outside to shelter from the wind to the sun to grow. When the new buds develop into branches, appropriate watering and fertilization can blossom before and after the Spring Festival.

3. To make the rose have a good winter, applying appropriate amount of flower fertilizer is also one of the ways. The timing of pruning branches should be grasped. Generally speaking, it is best not to let plants have tender branches in winter, because tender branches are not resistant to cold in winter.

4. Put the fruit peel and vegetable leaves into small buckets, pots and other containers, seal the mouth tightly with mud, and turn it into humus soil, which can be applied as flower fertilizer. The miscellaneous meat, fish scales and eggshells on the dinner table at home are good potted flower base fertilizers. If they are soaked and fermented, they will become phosphorus-rich flower fertilizers.