
The latest poem praising peony

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peony is known as flower immortal and flower appearance, and is listed as one of the six famous flowers, also known as Mayflower God. Because it has been regarded as the flower of love since ancient times, it has been respected as the representative flower of Qixi Festival. Ancient poets praise Paeonia lactiflora, if the master is not in the flower, it is better.

Peony is known as "flower immortal" and "flower phase", and is listed as one of the "six famous flowers", also known as "Mayflower God". Because it has been regarded as the flower of love since ancient times, it has been regarded as the representative flower of Qixi Festival. Ancient poets praise peony, such as "the master is not in the flower, it is better than the green pine to keep the cold." Wait, let's take a look at it together.

"Ganshaoyao flowers are sent to a person."

Tang Bai Juyi

Today, in front of the red peony, several flowers want to be old and several new.

When you open, you don't understand the hue, but when you fall behind, you know it's like an illusion.

How many places do you go to the empty door? I want to ask someone about the residual flowers.

"therefore, the peony blossoms in front of Wang Weiyou Chengtang feel sad."

Tang Qianqi

Peony flowers bloom out of the old column, spring shirt to cover tears and then look.

If the master does not grow in the flower, it is better than the green pine to keep the cold.

Song of Shaoyao

Tang Hanyu

If there are good flowers in the father-in-law's court, there is no ordinary wood to compete for Chunhua.

Cui stem Hongrui Tianli and, this grace does not belong to Huang Zhong family.

Warm, ripe, delicious and fragrant, smiling like a gentleman without words.

The frost knife makes you work hard, why bow your head and learn from peaches and plums.

Jiao Xie handmaid has no spirit, so he comes here with a spring shirt.

If you want to blush your cheeks and grind the green window all over the bronze mirror.

If a spring wine is sweet, no one knows the joy of my husband.

Before the flower drunk singer who, Chu crazy boy Han Tuizhi.

"Peony in front of the title"

Tang Liu Zongyuan

Fan Hui and Shi Xie, Yan Hua Liz in the morning.

She is drunk and full of dew, while her slim figure stays in Yu Chun.

Enjoy the dusk alone, the wind shakes frequently.

The night window is kind and fragrant, lying on a blind date.

I would like to send you a gift, a leisurely southerner.

"Cao ci meets the beginning of Paeonia lactiflora"

Tang Bai Juyi

The purple clay imperial edict of the grass began to sing the poem of red medicine.

After the prefix is sealed, when the flower mouth is opened.

Sit against the curtain for a long time, but it is too late to walk.

Two or three clumps are rotten and twelve leaves are staggered.

The sun room is slightly astringent, when the steps are twirling.

The hairpin scape is abstract, and the powder is fluffy with yellow silk.

The turbulence is boundless, the low oblique force is not strong.

It is more difficult than an oracle to look back on the week.

In the red sand, flaming flags.

The roots are left in the clouds, and the crimson is not tasseled.

There is a sunny demeanor in the condition, but he still sleeps at the same time.

Suspect aromatherapy painting, like tears with rouge.

Deliberately stay with me, speechless complain about who.

You should worry about the sunset tomorrow, such as hate every other year.

The roses twisted around the calyx and the mud.

There is no winner in the same amount, but the eye and heart know it.

Paeonia lactiflora

Tang Zhangpin

Fragrant powder grumbles at the end of spring, and butterfly-winged bees love core dust.

Leisurely in the evening wind gives birth to wistful hope, stay late to learn to follow.

Xiu regards Ficus pumila as green and trivial, so that it can be close neighbors with roses.

If you teach in the twilight rain, you should worry about killing others.

Qing Pingle Zhang Xiushi Shaoyao ci

Yuan Liu Minzhong

Peonies fall. The east wind is evil in the dream.

It is said that Jun's red peony. Forget all the sorrows of spring.

A hundred steps of incense through the wall. The clusters are all open for me.

Fight into the colorful clouds and lie with moss when you are drunk.

The poem of Xu Zi Da Li, Prime Minister Zhu Mudan and Paeonia lactiflora

Song Hongyan

The beauty of Shandan is in its prime, and there are all kinds of flowers in Yu Rong Hall.

Looking at the three springs is like turning a shadow, turning a smile is a career.

Yiluo is not jealous of the beauty of the city, and it is difficult for bees and butterflies to see the photographer.

The State of Beijing has been sick for ten years, and it is pitiful that the wind and rain fall into the morning.

Red Paeonia lactiflora

Tang Yuanzhen

Peony blossoms red, Bali weaves green trivial.

The silk wrinkles the golden core, and the high flame acts as the furnace fire.

Engrave the clouds and open the Cabernet Sauvignon.

Smoke light glass leaves, wind sub-coral flowers.

Affected by the gloomy appearance, he is graceful to others.

She wept when she was drunk, and the little girl made up to sit.

Gorgeous brocade is not as good as a dead peach.

The sunny clouds are afraid to go away, and the worries in the evening will fall.

Who is the root of the plant? the appreciation period is in me.

If you think about it, you will give it to you.

The five Poems of Spring

Song Qin Guan

The light thunder falls ten thousand wires overnight, and the light floats and tiles vary.

Affectionate peony contains spring tears, powerless roses lie on the dawn branch.