
Is the latest clematis poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dryopteris is a perennial herb of the genus Dryopteris of the family Pteridaceae, which has high ornamental and medicinal value, strong adaptability, easy cultivation and suitable for indoor perennial potted plants. it is one of the most popular potted foliage plants in the home. Let's do it together.

Dryopteris is a perennial herb of the genus Dryopteris of the family Pteridaceae, which has high ornamental and medicinal value, strong adaptability, easy cultivation and suitable for indoor perennial potted plants. it is one of the most popular potted foliage plants in the house. let's take a look at whether the fern is poisonous.

Is Dryopteris fern poisonous?

Dryopteris is not poisonous. Clematis, also known as clematis, girl's hair, clematis, water pig hair soil, etc., taste light, bitter, cool, non-toxic, with the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, dampness and detumescence, diuresis and catharsis, often used for dysentery, dysentery, lung heat cough, hepatitis, gonorrhea syndrome, snake bite, fall injury and other diseases.

Species of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Dryopteris: Dryopteris plants 20-45 cm tall, rhizomes short and erect, densely covered with brown, glossy subulate-lanceolate scales, leaves clustered, leaves bifurcated, leaves nearly leathery after stem, green or often brown, both sides glabrous, sporangium 2-5 per pinna, transversely on the upper and outer margin of lobes, separated by notch, the cyst cover is semicircular or oblong, the upper margin is straight, leathery. Brown-black, entire, persistent, spores with inconspicuous granular ornamentation.

2. Dryopteris flagellata: Dryopteris Dryopteris, also known as Dryopteris Dryopteris, leaves linear-lanceolate, about 10-25 cm long, the tip is often extended into a whip-shaped, landing root, leaf sword oblong, one-pinnate or two-tearing, the upper and outer margin is often deeply divided into narrow lobes, the lower margin is straight and entire, the sporangium group is born under the capsule cover which is metamorphosed and reflexed from the top of the lobes, the cyst cover kidney-shaped to round-shaped, slightly hairy.

3. Dryopteris: Dryopteris, also known as Dryopteris przewalskii, Dryopteris, etc., is 5-20 cm high, the rhizome is short and erect, the leaf is elliptic kidney-shaped, 2-6 cm wide, the top is dark green, smooth and has 1-3 identical rings, the lower part is sparsely brown villous, the leaf margin is circular-serrated, and the leaf edge of the long spore is rolled back into a pseudocyst cover. The sporangium group is oblong or short linear, born on the leaf margin.

How to raise Dryopteris

1. Soil: Dryopteris likes loose, permeable and fertile calcareous sandy loam. when potted, the cultivated soil can be mixed with loam, rotten leaf soil and river sand.

2. Temperature: Dryopteris likes to be warm, and the suitable temperature for environmental growth is 13-22 ℃. It is excellent to plant in spring in the south, and it is also possible in the north, but because Dryopteris is not resistant to high temperature, the maintenance methods are also different.

3. Lighting: the fern likes the semi-shady environment. Do not let the fern shine directly in the sun. It is suitable to grow in the semi-shade.

4. Watering: clematis like to be moist and should be watered more during the growing period. when the weather is hot, the leaves should be sprayed or watered to maintain high air humidity and clear leaf patterns and emerald green leaves.

5. Fertilization: apply thin liquid fertilizer 2-3 times a month, do not stain the leaf surface when applying fertilizer, so as not to cause rotten leaves. Because of the calcium-loving habit of Dryopteris, basin soil should add appropriate amount of lime and broken eggshell, and the effect of often applying calcareous fertilizer will be better. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and stop fertilizing.

6. Insect pests: potted Dryopteris, often with leaf blight, can be controlled with Bordeaux liquid at the initial stage, 1000-1500 times solution of methyl topiramate can be used to control severe cases, and 1000 times solution of omethoate can be used to control plants damaged by scale insects.

7. Pruning: after autumn, as the temperature drops, Dryopteris will grow slowly, and the old leaves will gradually turn yellow, so cut them off.