
The latest culture method of evergreen

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Evergreen, also known as red fruit evergreen, open throat sword, Jiujie lotus, winter not withered, iron pole, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Liliaceae, is a traditional ornamental flower in China and Japan, symbolizing health and longevity, happiness and auspiciousness, etc., since ancient times

Evergreen is also called red fruit evergreen, open throat sword, Jiujie lotus, winter not withered, iron pole and so on. It is a perennial herb of Liliaceae. It is a traditional ornamental flower in China and Japan. It symbolizes health and longevity, happiness and auspiciousness. It has been the preferred plant for courtyard and family planting since ancient times. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen.

The breeding method of evergreen

1. Ramet propagation: when changing the basin in spring, the plant is pulled out of the basin, the rhizome at the base of the stem is cut off, coated with plant ash to prevent decay, or put for half a day, and then pot after the incision is dry, watering should not be too much after planting, bulbs are dug up from August to September and planted according to size, and bulbs are divided for several years after planting.

2. Cuttage propagation: it is suitable for spring and summer to select 12-15 cm long and sturdy young stems as cuttings, retain the top two leaves, insert them into the sand bed, maintain high air humidity, room temperature 25-30 ℃, and take root 20-28 days after cutting. Can also be inserted with water, scion can be slightly longer, 15-20 cm is better, directly inserted in the glass bottle filled with clear water, change water every 2 days, about 15-20 days can grow new roots, root length 3-4 cm when potted.

3. Sowing and propagation: the sowing is usually carried out from March to April, sowed in the flowerpot containing the culture soil, temporarily placed in the shade place after watering, and kept moist. Under the condition of 25-30 ℃, it can germinate in about 25 days.

The culture method of evergreen

1. Soil selection: the cultivated soil of evergreen can be combined with humus soil, rotten leaf soil, sand, furnace ballast and fertilizer. All five kinds of soil materials should be prepared in advance, and after being exposed to strong sunlight, they can be sifted and ready for use.

2. Rational fertilization: the leaves of evergreen are thick and green, which must be applied every 15 days. After normal cultivation outside in spring, topdressing should be done every 7 days or so. Before flowering, a large amount of fertilizer should be given. After three wipes and five topdressing fertilizers, the fruit will grow fuller.

3, watering management: evergreen likes to be moist and afraid of stagnant water, so watering can not be much, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots, watering every 2-3 days, the flowerpot had better put a water plate underneath, so that the water can permeate the soil from the small hole, so that the potted soil can often be moist.

4. Temperature management: Wannianqing has strong vitality and can survive in all parts of the north and south. The temperature of 20-30 ℃ is good. It must be about 7 ℃ in winter to ensure its safety.

5, light control: evergreen likes to grow up in moist soil and weak light. In summer, it should be placed in a sunny place. As an ornamental flower, the family can be placed under the balcony to avoid strong sunlight. Summer to outdoor cultivation, need to build a shed to protect the sun, the sun exposure, the leaves are easy to turn green and white, the edges of the leaves are also easy to zoom.

6. Pruning in time: pruning should be carried out in time for ten thousand years. Before and after pruning, the aged, insect-injured and missing leaves should be cut off, and the useless old leaves should be cut off in spring, so that the nutrients can be concentrated. It is an important work to make the plant sprout new buds, flower buds differentiate and pruning, otherwise it is difficult to blossom.

Matters needing attention in evergreen culture

1. Watering should not be too much: when turning the soil, we should pay attention to the early transplanting, the water should not be watered too much, otherwise the root will die because of too much water, and the potted soil had better be cultivated with corrosive soil, which is suitable for cultivation. Be sure to remember that you can change the potted soil every 2 years.

2, the light should not be too strong: evergreen is a semi-shade plant, the demand for light is not high, but can not be without light, especially in summer can not have too much light, in winter should pay attention to often get the sun in the sun, but the temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees Celsius, otherwise the flowers are prone to frostbite.

3. Pay attention to the yellowing of the leaves: evergreen, if the leaves turn yellow or the edges of the leaves are curled, it may be caused by lack of water or no light.

4. Timely prevention and control of diseases

① leaf spot: when leaf spot occurs, the diseased and residual leaves should be removed in time, and 0.5% of Bordeaux solution (or 50% carbendazim 1000 times) can be sprayed in the early or later stages of the disease.

② anthrax: the main cause of anthrax is poor ventilation, which is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when there are shell insects. Conservation should be strengthened and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be increased. At the initial stage of the disease, 0.3% Mel 0.5% Bordeaux solution (or 60% Dysen zinc 800,900 times, or 70% topiramate 1500 times) can be sprayed.

③ brown soft scale: if the number of damaged plants is few, or the number of insects is small, the insect body can be scraped off with bamboo slices and other things. During the nymph incubation period, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC (or 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC), and can also be sprayed with 1000 times of imidathion EC.