
How often is the latest money tree watered?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The money tree is a perennial evergreen foliage plant of the genus Amorphophallus of the Araceae. It is a very popular indoor large bonsai, especially in the wider living room, study and living room. It is elegant, simple and with southern flavor. It needs to be special in the process of breeding.

The money tree is a perennial evergreen foliage plant of the Araceae family. It is a very popular indoor large bonsai, especially in the wider living room, study and living room, with elegant style, simple style and southern flavor. We need to pay special attention to the problem of watering in the process of breeding. Let's take a look at how often the tree is watered.

How often is the money tree watered?

When the plant is cultivated, the plant placed in the greenhouse should be sprayed with water once a day when the room temperature is more than 33 ℃. Because the plant has strong drought tolerance, it is better to keep the basin soil slightly wet and dry, but occasionally excessive watering and fertilizer will not cause root rot. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity can reach more than 50%. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, we should reduce watering, or spray water instead of watering, in order to help the newly drawn tender leaves pass the winter safely. In addition, in winter, we should pay special attention to the basin soil should not be too wet, it is better to be too dry, otherwise under the condition of low temperature, too wet basin soil is more likely to lead to plant root rot, or even death of the whole plant.

How often does the money tree fertilize?

The tree prefers fertilizer. In addition to adding an appropriate amount of retted cake fertilizer or multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer to the cultivation substrate, thin cake fertilizer can be irrigated once a month during the growing season, or 0.2% urea plus 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can be used. In the pot plant to the north of Huang-Huai area, an appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate can be added to the fertilizer solution to prevent physiological yellowing of the leaves. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to enable it to survive the winter safely, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be applied continuously for 2 to 3 times to promote the hardening and enrichment of its young leaf axis and newly drawn leaves. When the temperature drops below 15 ℃, all forms of topdressing should be stopped so as not to damage the roots under the condition of low temperature.

Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Golden Tree

1. Soil configuration: peat, coarse sand or washed cinder were mixed with a small amount of garden soil in the cultivation medium, and its PH value was adjusted to 6-6.5, showing a slightly acidic state.

2. Temperature requirement: the suitable temperature for the growth of money tree is 20-33 ℃.

3. Watering requirements: in order to maintain the potted money tree, flower friends must create a wet and dry environment for the money tree. In productive cultivation, plants placed in the greenhouse should be sprayed once a day and watered twice a week when the room temperature is more than 30 ℃.

4. Fertilization requirements: the tree is more fond of fertilizer. In addition to adding an appropriate amount of retted cake fertilizer or multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer to the cultivation substrate, 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can be applied 2-3 times a month during the growing season, or 20-10-20 balance fertilizer can be applied with a concentration of 200-250ppm combined with calcium nitrate.

5. Prevention and control of rotten roots: the most important point of cultivating money trees is to prevent the rotten roots of money trees. in general, the rotten roots of money trees are caused by watering, and the plants need to be poured out of the basin in time to shake off part of the persistent soil. put it in a cool semi-shady place for 1-2 days and then plant it with new sandy loam.