
What about the yellow leaves of the latest money tree?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb, is extremely rare with underground tubers of foliage plants, originated in tropical Africa, warm and hot slightly dry, semi-shady and annual temperature changes in the environment, relatively resistant to drought, but afraid of cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of sticky soil

Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb, is a very rare foliage plant with underground tubers, native to tropical Africa, sexual preference for warm, slightly dry, semi-shady and annual temperature changes in the environment, more resistant to drought, but afraid of cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of soil viscosity and water in the basin soil, if poor permeability in the basin soil can easily lead to its tuber rot, let's take a look at the yellow leaves of the money tree.

Irrational watering

Money tree sex like warm heat slightly dry, more drought-resistant, should not be watered too much, otherwise it is easy to appear leaf yellowing problem. Home balcony maintenance, if it is above the third floor, you can put the potted plants on the wet sand table, usually pay attention to spray some water to the leaves, in order to wash the fine dust attached to the leaves, and should pay attention to shading. In indoor maintenance, when the room temperature is more than 33 ℃, the plant should be sprayed with water once a day to keep the basin soil slightly moist. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity can reach more than 50%. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, we should reduce watering, or spray instead of watering, in order to facilitate the safe winter of newly drawn tender leaves. In addition, in winter, we should pay special attention to the basin soil should not be too wet, it is better to be too dry, otherwise under the condition of low temperature, too wet basin soil is more likely to lead to plant root rot, or even death of the whole plant.

The light is not suitable

The money tree grows in a place where there is plenty of light but can not be illuminated by strong light. Therefore, to avoid direct glare, and to ensure that the environment is ventilated and cool, otherwise, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Fertilization is not appropriate

The money tree is more fond of fertilizer, but it must be well mastered in the process of fertilization. During the growing season, the tree can be treated with 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture 2 times a month, or a balanced fertilizer of 20-10-20 (20-20-20) with a concentration of 200~250ppm combined with calcium nitrate. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to enable it to survive the winter safely, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be applied continuously for 2 to 3 times to promote the hardening and enrichment of its young leaf axis and newly drawn leaves. When the temperature drops below 15 ℃, all forms of topdressing should be stopped so as not to damage the roots under the condition of low temperature.

The causes of insect pests

Insect pests are also one of the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the tree. In the environment of poor ventilation and poor light, the leaves of the money tree are vulnerable to the piercing and sucking of shell insects. The method of prevention and control is a small amount of planting and breeding in the family, which can be removed with transparent tape or wiped with a wet cloth. Productive cultivation, can be in its nymph incubation period, spray 20% of prolactin wettable powder 1000 times solution, insecticidal effect is good.

The soil is not suitable

The lack of acidity in the soil can also yellowed the leaves of the tree. Because of the special climatic conditions of the original place of origin, it has formed a strong drought resistance, so the basic requirement for the cultivation substrate is good permeability. The cultivation medium is mainly mixed with peat, coarse sand or washed cinder and a small amount of garden soil, and the pH value is adjusted to between 6 and 6.5, showing a slightly acidic state. Because of its large tuber, developed root system and long pinnate compound leaves, it is appropriate to choose a deeper blue-and-white porcelain pot or purple sand pot to plant, but the lower part should be covered with more stones, bricks or bark, and the height is about 1 inch 4 of the depth of the flowerpot. in order to create a good root environment for air permeability and water filtration. During the growing season, the plants were loosened once a month to keep the culture medium permeable all the time. Plum rain season should be checked frequently, found that there is stagnant water in the basin, it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil in time.